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Pakistan to take India to The Hague after two-day meet yields no breakthrough

Bomb the dam.

Last plane which accidently entered indian airspace was Fatal

Bombing will give india excuse to really hurt the infrastructure

Don't waken the giant
All the experts here who are pointing out about South China Sea, it has nothing to do with Pakistan's objection to dam building here, so please stop ganging up right voices just because of the sheer number of people you have that pounce on every decision our government takes. You have plenty of issues in your own country and try to use you energies to better the lives of those people. We'll do whatever we can to defend our right. Instead of just supporting your government's baseless claims without even going through what Pakistan has been saying makes you what .... You guys know that and I don't have to tell you that.

The issue at hand is the way India is building dam, it will reduce the flow of water to Pakistani areas. Last time, the one man neutral expert said India had the right to build run of the river dam. It also asked India to reduce the height of the dam. It didn't say anywhere that India can store and redirect waters that would reduce the flow to Pakistani areas and that is the main issue here.

Last time, there was only one expert who gave the ruling and this time, there is going to be a whole panel.

we need to build more dam on our side, GOI should scrap IWT & divert whole satluj & beas to indian punjab & haryana & then to rajasthan...this way we can stop desertification & bring greenery to thar
You guys live in a fool's paradise.
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