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Pakistan to shelve IP gas pipeline project: Pak petroleum minister

"The U.S. State Department extended six-month Iran sanctions waivers on Friday to China, India, South Korea and other countries in exchange for their reducing purchases of Iranian crude oil earlier this year

... Under a law governing sanctions imposed on Iran's disputed nuclear program by the United States, the State Department is required to determine whether the Islamic Republic's oil consumers have reduced their purchases

U.S. extends Iran oil sanctions waivers to China, India, South Korea| Reuters

I don't think such exemptions are applicable to establishing a fresh pipeline.
"The U.S. State Department extended six-month Iran sanctions waivers on Friday to China, India, South Korea and other countries in exchange for their reducing purchases of Iranian crude oil earlier this year

... Under a law governing sanctions imposed on Iran's disputed nuclear program by the United States, the State Department is required to determine whether the Islamic Republic's oil consumers have reduced their purchases

U.S. extends Iran oil sanctions waivers to China, India, South Korea| Reuters

I don't think such exemptions are applicable to establishing a fresh pipeline.

The requirements for seeking such exemptions are clearly defined in the sanctions themselves.
Under the current regime, Pakistan is nothing more than a far flung Saudi province, at least in the matters of foreign policy towards Iran. This pipe can revive our economy, everyone knows that. Our own people are committing treason to our land. We have no one but ourselves to blame and it burns my ***.
And despite that Iran supported TuQ to directly intervene in Pakistani Political anarchy. There is one other major reason for Iran to make her first direct intervention in Pakistan, but that it is a very restricted gossip.
And despite that Iran supported TuQ to directly intervene in Pakistani Political anarchy. There is one other major reason for Iran to make her first direct intervention in Pakistan, but that it is a very restricted gossip.

So after US, Israel, Canada, now Iran is supporting TUQ. Lollll.
More like the slavery of House of Saud ;)
Tbh IP was not even much of an idea anyway - the unit pricewas a bit on the higher side and hence not very feasible -
But this is betrayal l, now that he had committed to the project, and Iran has already build its side, backing down now is ultimate betrayal --- this is going to cost us relations with Iran, and India will exploit it.....screw tgis idiot, what is Dar going to say about this????

there was nothing to shelve...it was a non-starter from day-1...
It is about Commitment sir, they held their end of the deal and we didnt

I agree with you, and i am of same view, but it is too late to say this now, if this was not a feasiable decision then Mr.PM and his Cabinet shoukd have made a decision against it long ago, why did we delay it for so long?
I have been saying it that IP is a dead horse, TAPI is the only feasible alternative because
1-After India dropping out, the costs of IP has increased to such an extent that TAPI despite all its risks, is more economical than less risky IP.
2-The financial arrangements with Iran are frozen because of financial sanctions on Iran. Pakistan can't trade with Iran other than barter settlement. Plus no bank (even Pakistani) is willing to fund the government over the infrastructure due to fears of being blacklisted by US and UN.
3-The quantum of settlement expected from operational IP pipeline is not possible via barter.
4-Iran being in financial crunch is also not able to help Pakistan developing infrastructure on her side partly also because Pakistan cannot officially make monetary transaction with Iran .
So only thing keeping IP alive these days is political chatter. This project is not possible until US and UN remove their financial sanctions on Iran.

Grow a bloody backbone for once and do what is right for our country you corrupt buffoons!
This is the sad reality of our situation. Only hard work and growth will take us out of this weakness, but that is easier said than done. I find comments from PTI supporters very irritating. PTI's street power politics has a direct bearing upon our current situation and they have the gall to object to the result.

IP will be built, mark my words. It will definitely be built. All the news from Pakistani side can be understood in relation to the pricing of the gas. We have no inclination to import gas at this price, since alternatives are more attractive, given everything.

It will take Pakistan at least 3 years to get its back bone straight, the sanctions might last a couple of years as well. So, today we can not complete this project - but that does not mean that it is dead. It is a matter of negotiations. Iranians spent money that should not have been spent, given their situation and Pakistan's inability to counter international pressure.
This is the sad reality of our situation. Only hard work and growth will take us out of this weakness, but that is easier said than done. I find comments from PTI supporters very irritating. PTI's street power politics has a direct bearing upon our current situation and they have the gall to object to the result.

IP will be built, mark my words. It will definitely be built. All the news from Pakistani side can be understood in relation to the pricing of the gas. We have no inclination to import gas at this price, since alternatives are more attractive, given everything.

It will take Pakistan at least 3 years to get its back bone straight, the sanctions might last a couple of years as well. So, today we can not complete this project - but that does not mean that it is dead. It is a matter of negotiations. Iranians spent money that should not have been spent, given their situation and Pakistan's inability to counter international pressure.

The IP project is as alive as the Kalabagh Dam project. Is that a fair assessment?
Pakistan will eventually get most of its energy from Iran. Thats its future. For now these fake governments will do nothing meaningful. Pakistan will keep beating around the bush until it gets proper governance.
The IP project is as alive as the Kalabagh Dam project. Is that a fair assessment?

Sorry for delayed response.

IP is more alive than KBD - but in suspended animation nonetheless. KBD may be built 2-3 decades from now. IP will happen a lot sooner. These are only my estimates but I am pretty confident.
Sorry for delayed response.

IP is more alive than KBD - but in suspended animation nonetheless. KBD may be built 2-3 decades from now. IP will happen a lot sooner. These are only my estimates but I am pretty confident.

Right now Pakistan cannot even pay Iran for the electricity already supplied ($100 million), so talk of buying large quantities of gas at high prices via the IP pipeline is even less likely. But, it may still happen, at some point "in the future", just like Kalabagh Dam.
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