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Pakistan to sell beer to india


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Pakistan overturns ban on booze . . . for export

From: NewsCore
October 20, 2011 10:58AM

IT IS an Islamic republic where alcohol is forbidden to 97 per cent of the population and drinkers can face 80 lashes of the whip under holy law - but in a move set to anger religious conservatives, Pakistan is poised to become an exporter of beer. An official in the Ministry of Commerce in Islamabad told The Times that a ruling this month by its Economic Committee on Trade would allow Pakistan to export beer and spirits from next year.

"India would be the largest market for our alcoholic products. It would be exported through non-Muslim enterprises to non-Muslim countries," the official said.

The change in law, which requires final approval by the Prime Minister, was welcomed today by Sabih-ur-Rehman, a retired army major who runs Murree, the Pakistan brewery, in Rawalpindi. It is licensed to produce beer and spirits for consumption by foreigners and Pakistani minorities, including Christians and Hindus.

"The sky is the limit. If we get the permission we plan to distribute everywhere," he said.

Alcohol exports were banned by Pakistan in 1977 by the then Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the father of Benazir Bhutto, in a move to favor Islamist groups.

"Pakistan is known for a lot of bad things but it is time for us to be known for some good things too, like our beer," Isphanyar Bhandara, whose family owns the brewery, said.

Under Pakistani law, drinking alcohol is illegal for Muslims - who make up 97 per cent of the country's 173 million people - although no one has been lashed for drinking since the 1980s.

Read more: Pakistan overturns ban on booze . . . for export | News.com.au
Pakistan overturns ban on booze . . . for export

From: NewsCore
October 20, 2011 10:58AM

IT IS an Islamic republic where alcohol is forbidden to 97 per cent of the population and drinkers can face 80 lashes of the whip under holy law - but in a move set to anger religious conservatives, Pakistan is poised to become an exporter of beer. An official in the Ministry of Commerce in Islamabad told The Times that a ruling this month by its Economic Committee on Trade would allow Pakistan to export beer and spirits from next year.

"India would be the largest market for our alcoholic products. It would be exported through non-Muslim enterprises to non-Muslim countries," the official said.

The change in law, which requires final approval by the Prime Minister, was welcomed today by Sabih-ur-Rehman, a retired army major who runs Murree, the Pakistan brewery, in Rawalpindi. It is licensed to produce beer and spirits for consumption by foreigners and Pakistani minorities, including Christians and Hindus.

"The sky is the limit. If we get the permission we plan to distribute everywhere," he said.

Alcohol exports were banned by Pakistan in 1977 by the then Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the father of Benazir Bhutto, in a move to favor Islamist groups.

"Pakistan is known for a lot of bad things but it is time for us to be known for some good things too, like our beer," Isphanyar Bhandara, whose family owns the brewery, said.

Under Pakistani law, drinking alcohol is illegal for Muslims - who make up 97 per cent of the country's 173 million people - although no one has been lashed for drinking since the 1980s.

Read more: Pakistan overturns ban on booze . . . for export | News.com.au

Now this is cool news... Would like to try it if it happens ...never knew pakistan made beer
Pakistan overturns ban on booze . . . for export

From: NewsCore
October 20, 2011 10:58AM

IT IS an Islamic republic where alcohol is forbidden to 97 per cent of the population and drinkers can face 80 lashes of the whip under holy law - but in a move set to anger religious conservatives, Pakistan is poised to become an exporter of beer. An official in the Ministry of Commerce in Islamabad told The Times that a ruling this month by its Economic Committee on Trade would allow Pakistan to export beer and spirits from next year.

"India would be the largest market for our alcoholic products. It would be exported through non-Muslim enterprises to non-Muslim countries," the official said.

The change in law, which requires final approval by the Prime Minister, was welcomed today by Sabih-ur-Rehman, a retired army major who runs Murree, the Pakistan brewery, in Rawalpindi. It is licensed to produce beer and spirits for consumption by foreigners and Pakistani minorities, including Christians and Hindus.

"The sky is the limit. If we get the permission we plan to distribute everywhere," he said.

Alcohol exports were banned by Pakistan in 1977 by the then Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the father of Benazir Bhutto, in a move to favor Islamist groups.

"Pakistan is known for a lot of bad things but it is time for us to be known for some good things too, like our beer," Isphanyar Bhandara, whose family owns the brewery, said.

Under Pakistani law, drinking alcohol is illegal for Muslims - who make up 97 per cent of the country's 173 million people - although no one has been lashed for drinking since the 1980s.

Read more: Pakistan overturns ban on booze . . . for export | News.com.au

One will be keen to try Pak beer. Wonder what is the alcohol content ?

The competion from local brands will be fierce.

On the highlighted part above,isnt it farcial - this non muslim bit ? The sale is by non muslim enterprises to "non muslim countries " yet the money goes back to a ' muslim' economy ?
Mr. truth, Alcohol always has funny resonating maneuver to display itself where it should have not!!!!! Let me give a perfect example of this. Gujarat, one of the state of India, is banned to have any Alcohol relationship (meaning non Alcohol state) because of Mahatma Gandhi birth place is in Gujarat, but the highest amount of alcohol is drank there. The reason, because the politicians and police makes tonnes of money everyday of off alcohol. And the reason I know this, because I am an Gujarati and I go to India quite often........

Under Pakistani law, drinking alcohol is illegal for Muslims - who make up 97 per cent of the country's 173 million people - although no one has been lashed for drinking since the 1980s.

Alcohol always has funny resonating maneuver to display itself where it should have not!!!!! :):):)
Whats wrong with it ? Is it just Australian media trying to show how stupid they are - again- ? , I have had murree made beer before , they make some good "Non-Alcoholic" brands [for concerned citizens].

I cant believe people cant appreciate that a "M00oozzzzlumm" state does not enforce its laws on Non Muslim citizens and allows them to make , sale and drink alcohol even eat pig if they wish to.
Whats wrong with it ? Is it just Australian media trying to show how stupid they are - again- ? , I have had murree made beer before , they make some good "Non-Alcoholic" brands [for concerned citizens].

I cant believe people cant appreciate that a "M00oozzzzlumm" state does not enforce its laws on Non Muslim citizens and allows them to make , sale and drink alcohol even eat pig if they wish to.

I appreciate it .. great policies .. good going paksitan!!! :enjoy:
The non-muslim population in Pakistan are free to drink alcohol and eat pork in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Christians even sell alcohol in Pakistan. Many Pakistanis get their alcohol from Christian owned shops in Pakistan. Its allowed, even the police can not stop them. Alcohol is only banned for Muslims in Pakistan not for non-muslims, but even some Muslims drink alcohol in Pakistan. Its a taboo subject.

By the way, I dont trust the news source. The author seems to be an Islamophobe.
How can a Muslim country export beer ? :angry:

Oh mere bhai - Muree Beer company is owned by Non Muslims , and THEY will export NOT the State of Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 PM ----------

Check out the range Indian friends , soon to hit a market next to you. :enjoy:

Murree Brewery

"Non Alcoholic" Beers made by Murree Brewery. [For Muslims]
a shameful act...

instead of banning alcohol completely , they are trying to expand the industry.

Please note that not only drinking alcohol is forbidden for muslims, even manufacturing of it is forbidden and anyone who has anything to do with the production of alcohol is committing a sin.

So when pakistan allows production of alcohol ( for beer etc ), we are all committing a sin, entire 18 crore population by allowing this..

---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ----------


"Non Alcoholic" Beers made by Murree Brewery. [For Muslims]

There is alcohol in them as well...

I dont know the fatwa on this, but these drinks contain small amount of alcohol which does have a small effect. Considering that, one should avoid these drinks, and besides they probably taste like **** anyways...
Once tried drinking some Arab brand non-alcoholic beer, taste more like fruit juice than beer.

But oh well, hope they export some over here too :devil:
a shameful act...

instead of banning alcohol completely , they are trying to expand the industry.

Please note that not only drinking alcohol is forbidden for muslims, even manufacturing of it is forbidden and anyone who has anything to do with the production of alcohol is committing a sin.

So when pakistan allows production of alcohol ( for beer etc ), we are all committing a sin, entire 18 crore population by allowing this..

---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ----------

There is alcohol in them as well...

I dont know the fatwa on this, but these drinks contain small amount of alcohol which does have a small effect. Considering that, one should avoid these drinks, and besides they probably taste like **** anyways...

Molvi Saheb , do you know Muree Brewery is owned by NON MUSLIMS ??

They have a special license to cater for NON MUSLIM community , we cant impose our believes on others , if they wish to export its fine as its a privately owned company doing business with India not state of Pakistan selling alcohol to another country - makes sense?

Beer Diplomacy I kinda like the sound of that. :lol:
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