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Pakistan to release all Afghan Taliban detainees: FO



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Jan 17, 2013
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Via Dawn News

ABU DHABI: Pakistan plans to release all Afghan Taliban prisoners still in its detention, including the group’s former second-in-command, an official said on Friday, the clearest signal yet that it backs reconciliation efforts in neighbouring Afghanistan.

“The remaining detainees, we are coordinating, and they will be released subsequently,” Jalil Jilani, Pakistan’s foreign secretary, said at a news conference in Abu Dhabi.

Asked if the former Taliban number-2 Mullah Baradar would be among those to be released, he said: “The aim is to release all,” without elaborating further.
thats silly and daft...
why Pakistan is releasing terrorists?
they will come back and kill Pakistanis
In the meanwhile:

U.S. envoy: Taliban peace process stuck

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The United States wants serious peace negotiations with the Taliban to begin, but it has not been possible to get the process under way, the American ambassador to Afghanistan said Thursday.

James Cunningham said it was important for the Afghan government to get the talks started and to get the best results possible, yet he acknowledged that the peace process has not “even really begun.”

The Afghan peace process, which has made little headway since it began several years ago, is hobbled by distrust among the major players, including the United States. While talks with the Taliban remained stalled, there are signs of increasing efforts to get them back on track. U.S.-backed talks broke down in March in a dispute over the release of five Taliban detainees held in U.S. custody at a military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

With Afghan presidential elections and the withdrawal of most foreign combat troops looming in 2014, Afghanistan and its international allies are trying to push a peace process with the Taliban to bring an end to the conflict.

“Our goal, or rather what we would like to see and I think the Afghans would like to see, is the beginning if not conclusion of a negotiation — at least the beginning of a serious process on peace and reconciliation — as soon as possible,” Mr. Cunningham told reporters. “But so far it hasn’t proven possible to bring those pieces together to get that going.”

Mr. Cunningham made the remarks following President Hamid Karzai’s meeting in Washington last week with President Obama. Peace talks were part of that discussion.

“We think it’s important if we can do it, to help the Afghans get this process under way, and then we will try to help them steer it to the best result possible,” he said.

There are hopes that Pakistan’s decision to release more than two dozen members of the Taliban will help get the peace process going, but it remains unclear if those Taliban figures will help the peace process or rejoin the insurgency.

The last release came on Dec. 31, when Pakistan freed eight men, including the Taliban‘s justice minister when the hard-line regime ruled Afghanistan before being ousted in 2001, and a one-time guard of Taliban leader Mullah Omar.

Mr. Cunningham said that although the release of the Taliban members was a positive step, there was no indication of where the former detainees had gone “or where they are going.”

He said the Afghan government was trying to ensure they did not return to the insurgency.

“We obviously don’t want dangerous individuals released to become a threat again to Afghan civilians, Afghan forces or our forces,” Mr. Cunningham said. “So we have been working with the Afghans to make sure that doesn’t happen — through a variety of reintegration and other mechanisms.”

He added that the Pakistanis so far have taken a “hands-off kind of approach to the people that they have released.”
haan beta jao gher jao muft ka khana khila khila ker hum thak gaay hain.
@Safriz they are afghan taliban not anti pakistan we keep them for some businesses
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thats silly and daft...
why Pakistan is releasing terrorists?
they will come back and kill Pakistanis

I think they are releasing only the "good" ones, it'll help Pakistan because they wont attack Pakistan after the US runs away

Taliban tou Taliban hota hai..Asli ho ya Naqli
I don't think it is because of the interest of Pakistan or our benefit, but rather the benefit of US.

Taliban might have imposed a condition that their prisoners be released, and the US wants a peace deal, and so the US might have pressurized Pakistan to release those prisoners.

The only benefit I can see for Pakistan is that then the Afghan Taliban will not come to haunt us after the ISAF withdrawal.
One needs to remember that in past Pakistan was accused of arresting the Taliban leaders that showed any inclination of negotiating with USA backed Afghan govt. So these must be those Taliban leaders only I guess. Because the ones favoring Pakistan would hardly be cooling their heels in Pakistani prisons
Maybe its related to the release of 4 Americans kidnapped by the Taliban! News item below


Kidnapped US citizens: US seeks Pakistan’s help to secure citizens’ release

US authorities have formally sought the Pakistan government’s aid in negotiating the release of four Americans abducted by elements associated with al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Haqqani Network, The Express Tribune has learnt. The request has been sent in light of the American policy which bars Washington from negotiating with terrorists.

According to sources familiar with the development, the office of the legal attaché at the US embassy in Islamabad has dispatched a memorandum on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to the government of Pakistan, via the Ministry of Interior.

The memorandum requests Islamabad to act as mediator between Washington and the militants responsible for abducting the US nationals in order to secure their freedom, they added.

The sources further informed The Express Tribune that the memorandum reveals those involved in the abductions have been involved in the killings of other US citizens. As such, US authorities are barred from negotiating with the abductors directly.

After receiving the memorandum, the interior ministry has issued a circular among all provincial home departments, police chiefs and law enforcement departments directing them to take all possible steps to recover the US citizens, the sources added.

When contacted, US embassy spokesperson Rian Harris did not deny the development, but declined to offer any comment.

“I am afraid I cannot comment on the ongoing investigations,” she maintained.

The four US citizens – namely Bowe Bergdahl, Dr Warren Weinstein, Caitlan Coleman and Naeem Khan – were kidnapped between 2009 and 2012 in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Bergdahl, a soldier in the US army, went missing on June 30, 2009 near the town of Yahya Khel in Afghanistan’s Paktika province, right next to the border with Pakistan. In July the same year, the Afghan Taliban released a video showing they had captured Bergdahl. Since then, four more videos have been released. The Taliban have demanded $1 billion and the release of 21 Afghan prisoners and Aafia Siddiqui in exchange for his release.

Dr Weinstein was kidnapped in Lahore on August 13, 2011, just 48 hours before ending a four-year foreign assignment and returning home to Washington DC. In videos released subsequently, al Qaeda confirmed they held Weinstein.

The group’s current leader Ayman al Zawahiri has demanded an end to US airstrikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, and the release of all al Qaeda and Taliban suspects worldwide in exchange for Weinstein’s freedom.

Coleman was kidnapped near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border along with her husband, a Canadian citizen. US authorities suspect al Qaeda to be behind their abduction as well. The couple last contacted their family on October 8, 2012.

Coleman was five-months pregnant at the time of abduction and requires urgent medical attention due to liver ailment, further increasing the need for her release as soon as possible. She was due to give birth sometime in January this year. Her family made a fresh appeal for her safe return on December 31, 2012.

The fourth US national, Naeem Khan, was abducted in Pakistan’s tribal areas on November 3, 2012.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 18th, 2013.
why are they doing that.
is it the good and bad taliban thing?
taliban to taliban hai yaar.
pakistani members,do you really believe in the concept of good and bad taliban?
why are they doing that.
is it the good and bad taliban thing?
taliban to taliban hai yaar.
pakistani members,do you really believe in the concept of good and bad taliban?
mery bhai US want them free for talks not pakistan .
@Safriz What's your take on it ? You once said that after Afghan Taliban were released there was spike in attacks against Pakistan.

Do you stand by this ?
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@Safriz What's your take on it ? You once said that after Afghan Taliban were released there was spike in attacks against Pakistan.

Do you stand by this ?

and we will see another spike in these attacks...
once they are out of Pakistan,Pakistan has no control on whatever they do...
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oops.:P post no.3.

by the way sir,your take on good and bad taliban?

its not good or bad taliban but one thing i would like to tell you they are like vairus and AIDs stay away from them is better option .those whom didn't fight us we should not touch them because we have to live here . samjha karo . as example today taliban of mali fighting to french and mali troops we should stay away from them or not?
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