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Pakistan to move UN, OIC for anti-blasphemy laws

Isn't blasphemy law doing wonders in Pakistan that Pakistani PM want to bring whole world under such idiotic law.

Every law in Pakistan is used for wrong doers for their wrongs. Laws are only as good as the ones enforcing it.
Every law in Pakistan is used for wrong doers for their wrongs. Laws are only as good as the ones enforcing it.
Enforcing through what-----vigilante justice?Even if person accused is acquitted by court he/she sure will meet his hen by someone ala salman taseer style.being accused of blasphemy is like passing death sentence to the accused even if he/ she is innocent.
The only blasphemy law that Pakistan needs to pass is on the terrorist and sympathizers alike in their country. For we hear countless times how Muslims tells us in these countries that such sympathizers and the perpetrators are not indicative of Islam ( yes! we agree). Now go throw in jail or what have you those who denigrate Islam by supporting such anti Islam acts and elements.

It was the slaughter of goats that was asked as a sacrifice by your prophet and not of humans. I don't get it- the biggest example of Islam I hear from the Muslim world was of tolerance of their prophet against a Jewish woman throwing garbage at him...He did not call her blasphemous. Here you have people calling for beheading and laws against mere words or a silly movie that 99.99999999% that are protesting have not even seen it - to get riled up about it.
GOP is getting more shameful day by day.

The country which has a blasphemy law which is as cruel as anyone can get.. do not have any moral standing on any issue.

Pakistan has become a laughing stock in the world in their appeasement of Mullahs.
What is your problem if Pakistan is taking something up?

feeling low, do not worry...
I have no problem if Pakistan wants to lead the opposition considering its current image in rest of the world. I think it would be better if it is left to other countries for a change, they have equal responsibility and Pakistan should be at back seat.

Why do you want to go against west especially in this situation ? Give the support to the cause if you want but focus more on what is actual defamation of Islam, killing of innocents by the extremists by suicide bombers, TTP beheading soldiers and other pressing issues which are prohibited in Islam.

Better to shoot the enemy putting gun on other's shoulder. Jut like KSA use to do.
A law that is biased for one community, so you cannot insult my god, but I can do it daily.

Muslim insults Christian or Hindu does not have to worry about law. He can burn Bible without having to worry about. The other person even if gets angry will be booked for Blasphemy.

Minorities needs protection from law because they are not powerful not otherwise. Majority is anyways more than capable with or without law.

Add to it majority is highly intolerant, violent will easily kill people. Do they really need a law, no.
^ Actual defamation doesn't mean the mockery by these movies and cartoons is not defamation. Just avoid the word "actual"
Pakistan has completely lost it! :angry:

Har doosray dinn, eik naya topi drama!

Election Ke Din Nazdeek Arahay Hay Bhai... that's why you saw this topi drama from that Joker Minister Ghulam Bilour too (declaring bounty to kill that movie maker).

Keep your forward button pressed... more such news are coming.
I have no problem if Pakistan wants to lead the opposition considering its current image in rest of the world. I think it would be better if it is left to other countries for a change, they have equal responsibility and Pakistan should be at back seat.

Why do you want to go against west especially in this situation ? Give the support to the cause if you want but focus more on what is actual defamation of Islam, killing of innocents by the extremists by suicide bombers, TTP beheading soldiers and other pressing issues which are prohibited in Islam.

Better to shoot the enemy putting gun on other's shoulder. Jut like KSA use to do.

lol, who cares what west think of Pakistan, we stand with the right thing, TTP is RAW and CIA funded thing.
They should move all Islamic holy places and relics to Pakistan. Since the defender of the faith seems to be Pakistan. Some idiot does something on other side of the globe, you kill your own countrymen. Some idiot makes a movie you destroy your own businesses. Some idiot burns a book, you destroy public property. I mean, the chaps on the other side must be laughing their guts out.

On a serious note, this shows the other side of democracy. Playing to the gallery. Only way to beat this is education.

Election Ke Din Nazdeek Arahay Hay Bhai... that's why you saw this topi drama from that Joker Minister Ghulam Bilour too (declaring bounty to kill that movie maker).

Keep your forward button pressed... more such news are coming.

Is this not the same minister who is asking for Indian engines?
PM says government will fight on all diplomatic fronts to stop evil forces in world from all kinds of anti-Islam actions

KARACHI: Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on Saturday announced that the government would fight on all diplomatic fronts to stop the evil forces in the world from all kinds of anti-Islam actions like the recent blasphemous film.

Raja was addressing a ceremony at the Chief Minister’s House for distributing cheques among the heirs of the deceased and the injured of the factory fire incident in Baldia Town.

The prime minister reiterated his demand from United Nations and other international organisations to come up with an effective legislation against all kinds of anti-Islam acts which harm the co-existence and harmony among the followers of different religions.

Pakistan to move UN, OIC for anti-blasphemy laws
Muslims also need to go for the law and also need to start covert operations and finish those who do these kind of acts in their own country
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