I would not put much faith in SUPARCO. in 10 years since Musharraf's tenure(or rather Zia's "rape" of the military by stuffing it with Bureucrats and Nutjobs; stale leadership whose sole purpose is landing relatives government contracts.. they have managed to crash one sat.. rent a derelict one.. design a rocket engine that blew up in their faces.. and bought expensive cars for their bosses.
Why? Arent there intelligent people in Pakistan? Well, not if you keep putting retired Gen at the helm of every other organization on the supposition that they are the only god gift to Pakistan when it comes to Patriotic thought. Stale, Bureaucratic mindsets give you nothing. By contrast, India's ISRO is a world class show.. why? are Indians more intelligent than us or something? Or perhaps they realized that fresh ideas and innovation comes from places other than just the military.
Why? Arent there intelligent people in Pakistan? Well, not if you keep putting retired Gen at the helm of every other organization on the supposition that they are the only god gift to Pakistan when it comes to Patriotic thought. Stale, Bureaucratic mindsets give you nothing. By contrast, India's ISRO is a world class show.. why? are Indians more intelligent than us or something? Or perhaps they realized that fresh ideas and innovation comes from places other than just the military.