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Pakistan to host US-Taliban talks on Feb 18

Pakistan should be cautious as US and their dogs in our east and west can try to kill Af Taliban on Pakistan soil just like previously they did, to blame it on Pakistan, kill Taliban leaders to get so called victory and harm Pakistan relations with future Afghan govt aka Talibans.

But, i think Talibans have also become more smarter when dealing with countries like US who can back stab you on any given chance.
Now this what I call a tight slap on the Mayor of Kabul's(Ghani) face.
I hope he learns his lesson and thinks real hard before tweeting against Pakistan next time.

KABUL / ISLAMABAD: Taliban negotiators will meet their US counterparts on February 18 in Islamabad as part of accelerating efforts to end more than 17 years of war in Afghanistan, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said on Wednesday.

The talks come a week ahead of previously scheduled negotiations between the two sides in Qatar on February 25.

Mujahid said in a statement that the Qatar talks would still take place.

The Taliban delegation would also meet Prime Minister Imran Khan, a first such meeting between the insurgent group and a top Pakistani leader since 2001.


Why exactly would this be a slap on Ghanis face?
They're meeting with their master, in the same place where they're nurtured. Plus, Ghani is the one who forced their masters into the peace talks by diplomacy and American pressure. Otherwise, why talk peace if you are winning? After the talks with the US, they'll have to start integrating to the system as a party and get votes in the upcoming elections.

Nothing will come of this talks anyways.
Why exactly would this be a slap on Ghanis face?
They're meeting with their master, in the same place where they're nurtured. Plus, Ghani is the one who forced their masters into the peace talks by diplomacy and American pressure. Otherwise, why talk peace if you are winning? After the talks with the US, they'll have to start integrating to the system as a party and get votes in the upcoming elections.

Nothing will come of this talks anyways.
This is true... The. Delegates shid b given diplomatic protection during talks till the time they are safe
unfortunately both the Americans and Afghan puppet regime in Kabul have shown to be untrustworthy in this regard.

Afghan regime wants the violence to continue so that it has American protection forever and it can persecute the Afghans specially the Pashton population. so it either leaks the secret information (death of Mullah Omar),assassinates Afghan taliban delegates as they enter Pakistan on their way to Murree (assassinations of Haqqani family members in Islamabad as an example and other unnamed Afghan taliban on roadside as they entered Pakistan)

Americans think by killing the leadership and keeping pressure will force Taliban to accept the American conditions so they drone strike Mullah Mansoor (waiting until he enters into Pakistan) and other many Afghan taliban delegates over the years. Or they also dont have any interest in peace and would rather stay in Afghanistan (find an excuse to stay) to stop China and Russian influence in the region.

by killing Afghan Taliban leadership inside Pakistan , both Afghan regime and Americans achieve 2 objectives

they can point finger at Pakistan saying Pakistan is housing and protecting the taliban (and make so much noise) and Pakistan cant point out the fact that in order to host the negotiation it has to let the Afghan Taliban leadership safe passage to the meeting point and establish a communication to convey the message.

the reason to stay in Afghanistan continues by ensuring that violence in Afghanistan continues even after the elimination of Al Qaeda and killing of Osama Bin Laden.

you see, the talks in Pakistan never reached beyond second stage, either Americans or Afghan intelligence assassinated the participating Taliban and when the Taliban retaliated through massive attacks then both Americans and Afghan regime cunningly put the blame on Pakistan and this death spiral continues

Pakistan cant win this argument, if it offers official protection to the Afghan taliban delegates to reach the meeting place then both Americans and Afghan regime goons will start bitching at Pakistan saying it is providing support to taliban and protecting them. yes it sounds demented retarded and immature crap talk but thats what is happening for over a decade.
this should be hosted outside Pakistan

because the participating Afghan Taliban delegation will be targeted for assassination inside Pakistan and the Afghanistan will be back to civil war

it has happened repeatedly where either Americans themselves or Afghan intelligence and their allies (hostile to Pakistan) have conducted assassinations of Afghan Taliban delegation.

Then why has Pakistan agreed to host the talks inside Pakistan?

Pakistan cant win this argument, if it offers official protection to the Afghan taliban delegates to reach the meeting place then both Americans and Afghan regime goons will start bitching at Pakistan saying it is providing support to taliban and protecting them. yes it sounds demented retarded and immature crap talk but thats what is happening for over a decade.

Please see the above.
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