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Pakistan to hang 3 Terrorists.

Under the previous government led by the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), no one except a soldier convicted by court martial was put to death since 2008. The Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz (PML-N), which came to power in the May 11 general elections, ended the moratorium imposed by President Asif Ali Zardari in 2008.

Only if we could hang Zardari in place of all the death sentences of terrorists that were avoided in PPP's tenure. That would be suitable.
What amnesty international don't understand is that they have killed 60,000 thousand of us.

And these people on death row are convicted ghadars. There is no mercy for Ghadars.

And we have given too much mercy over the last 8 years and lost too many.
It would be good if they feel remorse or are felt remorse by convincing them, and release a speech on that they were completely wrong and tell the TTP to stop terrorism and come in right path, not extremism.

Can you convince them before their death/ That will be the real success, changing the mind of terrorists.
I think rejoice is not the right word.. it seems we lost some of humanity within us. :disagree:
I think rejoice is not the right word.. it seems we lost some of humanity within us. :disagree:

When you will get battered by bombings for 7 continuous years, and lose some loved ones or those who you knew (God forbid), then you would understand our feelings...these people are not humans...they need to be dealt with the same way they deal with us.

These animals need to be given a message.
When you will get battered by bombings for 7 continuous years, and lose some loved ones or those who you knew (God forbid), then you would understand our feelings...these people are not humans...they need to be dealt with the same way they deal with us.

These animals need to be given a message.
You have every right to be angry if that is so, but it has definitely has made you less sensitive. (and yes I will be exactly like you, if it happens to me or people I am fond of)
it has definitely has made you less sensitive

That is true to quite an extent.

Years back, I couldn't see a dead body on a screen even. Now it is like nothing happened, even in real life. And that is saying something even though I am in no way involved in law enforcement or anything, just a couple of occasions.

Just think about the mental trauma for those guys who see this carnage on a daily basis...I was seeing a documentary about a edhi worker months back, the guy said that at firat, he got depressed that how lives are lost and thought about the family of the dead, but now he gets used to it and just treats it like a lump of meat. He has to think like that otherwise he will get severe depression.

You getting my point? We have seen a lot of carnage, but we still soldier on. Hum log dheet baray hain!
Oh great.

This just in. The terrorist to be hanged on 21 Aug has got a stay order after his mercy plea...so he won't be hanged.

Government buckling up to the pressure of Taliban. Ayen hain jang larnay.

Let's do it once and for all.
Instead of hanging, there should be public beheading for murderers and rapists......it would considerably reduce crime rates in the country.

It might hardly affect the morale of Taliban, but it would give a message that state is taken to be serious and is not a joke. It would reduces extrajudicial killings by army as faujis would be assured that the taliban they are arresting would ultimately get death penalty.
Asma Jahangir & HRCP would disagree with you on that ! :whistle:

If it were for them, it would be soldiers who apprehended these terrorists hanging in their place. Acts of state are being challenged with impunity in Pakistan, to re-establish the writ of the state, it is necessary for the GoP to take some strong measures and assert some authority. It's always good to be accommodating but when the state starts to be taken lightly, it's time to bring down the hammer and bring it down hard!
If it were for them, it would be soldiers who apprehended these terrorists hanging in their place.

Isn't that already being done?

A person runs over a Police checkpost, shots fired, and the Rangers personnel are the ones who are put in jail.

What sort of a message is this sending? You can do whatever you want against the state, the Police or Rangers won't do anything.

Now LEA's think twice before shooting or taking action.

This recent case of Sikander in Islamabad, he also ran over a Police checkpost from reports on TV and then was stopped twice but didn't do so. Had they fired, the CJP would have taken suo moto!
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