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Pakistan to follow Saudi de-radicalisation policy: Malik


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Pakistan to follow Saudi de-radicalisation policy: Malik

Updated at: 1802 PST, Thursday, September 01, 2011
Pakistan to follow Saudi de-radicalisation policy: Malik KARACHI: Federal Interior Minister A Rehman Malik on Thursday said that the government would follow the policy of de-radicalisation being pursued by the Government of Saudi Arabia.

"We want to remove concepts of extremism from the society and it is our aim to eliminate the groups of terrorists with their nefarious designs and affiliation with political groups or extortionists in one way or the other," he said while talking to media persons on Thursday at the State Guest House here.

He said the government was fully determined to expose all elements involved in acts of terrorism across the country. "It is our objective and plan to work with the youth to introduce community policing with the co-operation of area police and Rangers," he added.

Malik further stated that after Eid holidays, media would be given the recordings and DVDs of alleged terrorists, who, according to him, had confessed their crimes and their modus operandi.

He said 40 persons were detained but only eight were arrested after proper investigation and screening and added that nobody would be allowed to hijack the community on gunpoint.

Referring to the recent incident of killing of an industrialist on I.I. Chundrigar Road, the minister said that he had the courage to offfer resistance and sacrificed his life against lawlessness.

"We need such spirit from all to fight anti-social elements and the government will leave no stone unturned in this regard to restore peace not only in Karachi but also elsewhere in the country," he added.
There you have it, the solution to the problem of Islam and arabization , is to be more Islam and more arabization - from the frying pan in to the fire
There you have it, the solution to the problem of Islam and arabization , is to be more Islam and more arabization - from the frying pan in to the fire
here comes the arab's assassin
There you have it, the solution to the problem of Islam and arabization , is to be more Islam and more arabization - from the frying pan in to the fire

Well good for arabization because the Quran and Hadith both are in Arabic and if ppl understood the language well they would fall less prey to shoddy clerics..The rise of Persian and Urdu is associated with take over of self appointed clerics..
We already have enough saudi ideology, we dont need more. Look who is talking who cant recite sorah e ikhlas. Ask him to explain specifically what does we want, his bubble will burst instantly.
And if we could recite the surah e Ikhlass, would it become more palatable for Pakistan to employ Saudi De-radicalization know how?

Is there any proposition that Pakistanis do not see through the lens of religion??
does anyone know what Exactly was the Strategy adopted by the Saudis to de-radicalize ??

it would be interesting to know how far the bench mark can correct things in Pakistani environment...
De Radicalisation is the option for Pakistan no doubt.

but of what kind? And what do you call a Radical?

The Radicals of Pakistan are being Funded by RAW, CIA and Mossad on the North Western Pak Afghan Border, South Western, Balochistan and the political ones like ANP and MQM within the provinces, and the Media ones all over the TV channels, like SAFMA.

And Kashmir has direct indian army involvement. Of course there is instability. And it needs to be curtailed. But first and foremost, you need to apprehend who is responsible for allowing such oppertunities within Pakistan for enemy organisations to work.

The Govt is directly responsible for showing such disloyalty to the state and allowing these elements to run free.
Pakistan Army needs to man up and take the actions, encourage the Supreme court to stand by its side. And literally take matters into its own hands now.

Nato Supplies to the TTP. Trial of Altaf Hussain, Asfand Yar, Rehman Malik, Asif Zardari for treason with the country. Ban of media bodies which portray a wrong ideological concept of Pakistan, for example, that it shall be a secular state, that Jinnah was a secular man, that Iqbal had no role, that East Pakistan was our army's fault, etc etc and what not! Its remarkable that nobody feels a fly on their nose at these heinous ideological corruptions!

There is just so much to De Radicalize...

The Only Similarity with Saudi Style De Radicalization, this time, would be

that Saudi Rule was established by the Saudi Army rebelling against the Khilafat of Ottomons to carve out its state...

This time, the Pakistani Army shall rebel against the slave Govt of IMF, Israel, Material Wealth, and carve out a state based on a Khilafat like Political Model.

The Time is not too far, The Army just needs to understand that it is blessed! whatever action it takes, shall be given Barkat By Allah! And No one shall be able to oppose.
The voice of religious radicalism itself - HT where have you gone?
There you have it, the solution to the problem of Islam and arabization , is to be more Islam and more arabization - from the frying pan in to the fire

Peacock & Crow story ? - you know the moral if you have heard ! - btw why are you so obsessed with Arabs , i wonder if you could go to bed every night without reciting some "F" & "C" words towards arabs :D
What are the salient features of the Saudi style of de-redicalization?And how that model is relevant for a non-Arab country?
why are you so obsessed with Arabs , i wonder if you could go to bed every night without reciting some "F" & "C" words towards arabs

Just focus on the content of the thread - I simply think it's time for Pakistan to come up with it's own solutions to it's own problems.

The only things coming from Arabia are religious extremism and $$ -- neither of these are solutions to insurgents - the only thing that works against insurgents is rendering them dead.

Just focus on the content of the thread - I simply think it's time for Pakistan to come up with it's own solutions to it's own problems.

The only things coming from Arabia are religious extremism and $$ -- neither of these are solutions to insurgents - the only thing that works against insurgents is rendering them dead.

Look , having a "sense able debate" with you is rather difficult because you have a great deal of hatred for Arabs in general. Unless this notion is eradicated a debate with you on this topic or any topic related to Arabs would be non productive.

Second thing is that you blame arabs for the problems but at the same time you put your head into the sand when someone talks about our own problems in this country.

I have a rather different way of looking at this whole situation , as we were not the ones who invited Indians to kill hundreds and thousands of Muslims during Migration , we were not the ones who invited India to invade Kashmir , We were not the ones to invite India to invade East Pakistan , we were not the ones to Invite Soviets to invade Afghanistan , we were not the ones to Invite Saddam Hussain to Invade Iran , we were not the ones to Invite saddam hussain to invade kwait , we were not the ones to invite Yankees to invade Iraq twice , we were not the ones to invite osama bin laden to attack the US , and we certainly not the ones to invite the US to invade Afghanistan !

All above conflicts happened in just 60 years , don't you think we live in a violent region ? - Human nature develops instincts and measures of survival , we did what we could to defend ourselves - be it creating proxies and what not. It was right at that time as we didn't have another option available. It turned out to be toxic later - too bad ! but we survived the war and carnage by countries like USSR , India and US.

We don't need DE-radicallization but we need Detoxication , a nation wide detoxication of fear and panic created by the direct and indirect effects of all above conflicts and wars.

Arabs did what we did - they had to secure their oil production and so did they create proxies to fight USSR as they were not able to do it themselves - very much like the US and Pakistan . So the issue is not religion at all , its economic and this is what should be addressed.

Other than that , term radical Islam is the creation of Murdoch empire which fake liberalists echo here and there - there is no radical islam or muslims , the debate is long and has been done before , everyone is free to believe whatever the heck they want to believe. Islam offers prosecution not for persona but actions and terrorism falls into it , time and again it has been said by leading scholars that we should fight radicals but i guess the problem has not fully been identified. The problem is not religion but economics.

This isn't about 64 years ago - radicalization has occurred primarily because in Pakistan, we equate Islam with arab, and after the Afghan experiecne Jihad has become social currency in Pakistan -- and now our solution is to go the same people from whom we imported this vile understanding and seek their "solution" -- If you have even a days experience in arms, you will know that the enemy is best dead, not rehabilitated so that he or she can be a problem down the line.

See, Aeronaut, this stuff, it's not just DATA, it's religious conviction -- Let God sort them out, our job should be to dispatch them to whatever god they accept.

fake "liberalists"? Secular fascists, -- call us any name you want, but just realize that people are not stupid, they know what they are experiencing.
come on muse, dont take it on here as well.

What kind of radicalization in Arab? Arabization means Islam and radicalism. Well, except Saudi Arab, you will see women with jeans, tight shirts, sleeveless shirts, and alot of things which are on the opposite pole to radicalization.

For you , IMO, arabization just means reading the Quran in Arabic, and memorizing it in Arabic.

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------

This is the exact problem, we dont want to frame our education system catering to our needs, we blindly folloq the GCSE and Cambridge system. We dont want to get our own strategy, we want to adopt a foreign strategy for our internal problems.

We should be looking to adopt strategy for own problems and system ourselves!
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