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Pakistan to dig trench for securing Afghan border

You people are reactionary to indians. An indian @ranjeet suggests mining the border, tum logo ney insaniat ki baat shoro kardi. If a pakistani suggests mining border (which most often is the case) and indian member brings the question of humanity and geneva convention, you people will show opposite reaction, will justify mining the border and talk about teaching lessons to afghanis, they deserve it, they are rats blah blah.

relax man , no one is mining the border ... and lots of peoples in pakistan still love Afghanis ..
The circumstances are extreme and this has to be done.

Mine the hotspots where militants are known to cross over.

We need to set up a no mans land in Afghanistan side of the border. If we can take air superiority with drones/gunships and sniper/machine gun coverage with mines it will kill terrorist supply route. We will win this war.
The circumstances are extreme and this has to be done.

Mine the hotspots where militants are known to cross over.

We need to set up a no mans land in Afghanistan side of the border. If we can take air superiority with drones/gunships and sniper/machine gun coverage with mines it will kill terrorist supply route. We will win this war.
What about secret caves,hilly covered mountain regions???
PA just have to train FC to secure this area!!
Drones and surveillance is imp but I'm against mining!
We still consider Afghans as our brothers..Good or bad is another topic!
What about secret caves,hilly covered mountain regions???
PA just have to train FC to secure this area!!
Drones and surveillance is imp but I'm against mining!
We still consider Afghans as our brothers..Good or bad is another topic!

Its not a question of Afghanistan being good or bad. Its just that at this moment in time they are incapable of securing their territory. There is zero law and order and terrorists roam freely. Most of them make money in Pakistan by extorting, assassinations, drugs and invading tribal areas.

Its a transit point for terrorists and thats why it was invaded. Right now only Kabul is relatively secured. Rest is wild west.

I hope Afghanistan do become a nation state and stop being a transit hub to the world terrorists. Then we can start easing border security to something more decent like crossings. But right now we have no choice to take these steps.
Short-term solution is heavy military defense; temporary military bases and outposts.
Long-term solution is barbed-wire fence with outposts.
barbed wires can be cut and sold in scrap.. Pakistan needs a permanent solution
This is not a good idea. I doubt it will ever be implemented. Despite all the accusations thrown at the Afghans, we have plenty of homegrown fanatics and terrorists of our own. Its just more convenient to blame someone else.
Atleast we can corner them.
Ofcourse you are not dependent on Afghanistan.
Its Afghanistan that is dependent on you.

I am however saying that your tribesmen will not let you take a step like shutting down the border because
1. They and their relatives(in Afg) cross over the border daily.
2. They would not want their relatives (in Afg) to suffer.
Yes it will be a problem but its not a big problem.
You dig it
They will jump
You dig little much
They will bring ladder
If u dig a bigg hole
They will come with mountaineering course
dude we are talking about pak-afghan border, not indo-bangla border :lol:
fencing & mining the pak-afghan border is long over-due
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