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Pakistan To Develop Indigenous Equivalent of “Preadator” UAV



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Feb 12, 2009
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Pakistan has made huge strides in the development of its UAVs–Mukhbir, Uqqab, Jasoos, Ubaabeel and others. Pakistani made UAVs: Uqaab & Jasoos. Up to now the technology was used purely for reconissance purposes, however since 2001, there is an empetus to emulate Predator and Reaper type of drones which has fire missiles and elimiante the targets without the effort of flyingfighter jets. Pakistan is very close on building its own “Predator” which will have the ability to carry and use missiles.

The Pakistani UAV Burraq is a Predator equivalent. Pakistani UAV firms are working closely with Italian, Chinese and Turkish firms–all of which work with Isreali technology, borrowed heavily from American products. The recent Turkish-israeli deal will help Turkey develop the next generation of Turkish drones. Pakistan’s indigenous UAVs: Uqaab, Jasoos, Mukhbar & Burraq ANKARA — Turkey and Israel appear to be on track to finalise a long delayed multi-million-dollar deal for the delivery of 10 drone aircraft for the Turkish air force, a Turkish official said Friday.

The project, launched in 2005, was under threat of cancellation amid delays and rising tensions between the two countries over Israel’s devastating offensive in the Gaza Strip last year.“Turkish experts are currently in Israel to test the drones,” the defence ministry official told AFP on condition of anonymity.Should the systems pass the tests, six aircraft will be brought to Turkey’s southeastern province of Batman, on the border with Iraq, for further tests, the official added.“If there are no problems, we will take the drones. We expect the delivery to take place in the first six months of this year,” he said.

The announcement came ahead of a visit by Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak to Turkey on Sunday for talks on mending battered ties following the latest diplomatic row.On Wednesday Israel was forced to apologise after Ankara hreataned to withdraw its ambassador over Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon’s public dressing down of the envoy.

The drone project had been expected to be completed in the second half of 2009, but it was delayed by technical problems, forcing Turkey to give the two contractors — Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit — a deadline until early 2010 and threaten to cancel the tender.Last week, Defence Minister Vecdi Gönül said that negotations were under way on the compensation the Israeli companies would pay for the delay, but refused to give a figure.

Media reports have suggested that the compensation could be somewhere around 12 million dollars (8.2 million euros).The drone contract was part of an 185-million-dollar project that involved the manufacture of 10 aircraft, surveillance equipment and ground control stations, with Turkish firms providing sub-systems and services.

Under a 1996 military cooperation deal, Turkish-Israeli ties have flourished greatly until last year when the two countries fell out about Ankara’s almost daily criticism of the Jewish state over the Gaza war. Turkey, Israel on track to close drone deal: official (AFP).

When the war on terror began, Pakistan requested predator drones for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) so that the Pakistanis could monitor the 2500 kilometer long Durand Line. The request was refused. Pakistan also requested helicopters, and asked the USA to launch a satellite for Pakistan. The requests fell on deaf ears. Pakistan also requested 80,000 M-16s or Klashnikovs for the Frontier Corps who are still using WW2 vintage rifles. The guns have still not arrived. However Pakistan was asked to “Do More.”

Pakistan as a Major Non-Nato Ally (MNNA) and a founding member of SEATO and CENTO has not been given a single Predator or Reaper. Pakistan has an indigenous UAV capacity, but its drones cannot fire armaments. At present the laser guided technology helps it to identify targets and then relay that information to a helicopter gunship or a plane. Islamabad is in desperate need of UAV which can fire at the target. Need predicates development, and necessity is the mother of invention. It is like being under sanction. Pakistan was under sanctions when it designed and built the JF-17 Thunder with the Chinese. Now the latest UAVis being built with Turkish and Chinese help. Pakistan’s latest UAV is called the Burraq named after a mythical flying hors:yahoo:
There is already a thread about UAV. Mod please merge
We just needed a crashed sample :cheers: here is one to recovered technology
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^^ I think "mysterious talibans" should shoot down a Drone next time it comes in North Waziristan :D

And this time we should have our army on standby to go and recover it before the yanks comes in. Hopefully we will be able to get vital information :D
welll it is good news but how many years it will take to pakistan to build predator like uav it is very very sophisticated tech sir as fas as i know china already have prototype of predator
F22 sample would be more appreciated :coffee::rofl:

Predetor I think is just silly glider - its slow , limited in amunition its k for chasing sheep hearders or ppl on stolen cars etc ...

It will not last in air fight -
very difficult but if we have dollars we can have a look at F 35 which is equally stealth as F22
We do need a armed uav inded asap

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