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Pakistan to buy two nuclear power plants from China?


Mar 15, 2009
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Energy requirement: Pakistan to buy two nuclear power plants from China – The Express Tribune

Energy requirement: Pakistan to buy two nuclear power plants from China
Joint study will be conduc*ted to finali*se modifi*cation*s in plant design.

By Zafar Bhutta
Published: November 11, 2011

Pakistan has planned to purchase two nuclear power plants with a combined capacity of 2,000 megawatts from China, which will be utilised for setting up Karachi Nuclear Power Plant-2 (Kanupp-2) and Kanupp-3 and help mitigate the energy crisis.

According to documents available with The Express Tribune, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) are likely to enter into an agreement to conduct a joint study to finalise design modifications, which would enable Pakistan to acquire two nuclear power plants, each having power generation capacity of 1,000 megawatts.

After completion of this project, a contract for establishing Kanupp-2 and Kanupp-3 will be negotiated.

The Planning Commission has said CNNC may be asked to grant intellectual property rights for the existing 1,000-megawatt plant and suggest steps which could help Pakistan avoid violation of property rights.

China has three state-owned corporations, which can own and operate nuclear power plants, including China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Company (CGNPC) and China Power Investment Corporation (CPIC).

CGNPC currently operates four nuclear power plants of 3,758 megawatts in China and also involved in 16 other projects having capacity of 25,000 megawatts, which are under construction. The company’s focus has been on three-loop 1,000-megawatt plants.

The Planning Commission also questioned whether PAEC had approached the three nuclear power plant developers in order to ensure fair competition in offering the plants. “Moreover comparison of intellectual property rights of other nuclear power plant vendors may also be brought out,” the commission said.

In an attempt to increase power generation capacity, the government focuses on developing nuclear energy on a relatively bigger scale. Accordingly, the Energy Security Action Plan has envisaged increasing the share of nuclear power by installing 8,800-megawatt nuclear power plants by 2030.

The import of nuclear power plants will lead to electricity generation at cheaper rates compared to the thermal source, contributing to tackling the power crisis. About a month ago, power shortages reached their peak at around 8,000 to 8,500 megawatts, forcing long hours of outages across the country.

The load-shedding has disrupted industrial activity, denting overall economic growth of the country, which stood at 2.4 per cent last fiscal year.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 11th, 2011.
World is retiring nuclear energy and we are just starting to buy them now. Dont forget, the nuclear plants pose a severe danger to national security as black mailing chips in the future. Instead of dropping nukes, the adversary may only need to send few cruise missles to your nuke plants. And I am sure in event of Pakistani conflict with USA, they will not refrain from practicing such and call it a mistake as well!
All indications say this is going to be a Gen-4 reacter developed by China in co-operation with Westing house!
With the stabilty of power, I'm sure Pakistan will begin to thrive. Future power sources can be developed.
Load sheding equal growth in population .. fix the energy crisis and it will fix population rabbit multiplying factor
World is retiring nuclear energy and we are just starting to buy them now.

Who is retiring them could you name and list those nations and what are their alternate to nuclear energy.

US, Russia, Canada, Australia, UK, China, japan, india and some other countries are into nuclear energy on a larger scale how is it world is getting rid of it.

The only disappointment is Capacity. A single one should be 2000 MW even Russians offered Bangladesh with a single nuclear power plant for energy needs of a capacity of 2000MW.
Who is retiring them could you name and list those nations and what are their alternate to nuclear energy.

US, Russia, Canada, Australia, UK, China, japan, india and some other countries are into nuclear energy on a larger scale how is it world is getting rid of it.

The only disappointment is Capacity. A single one should be 2000 MW even Russians offered Bangladesh with a single nuclear power plant for energy needs of a capacity of 2000MW.

I think the long term trend is to finish with them in some countries; I can't think of which countries.

Too dangerous, Pakistan should focus on coal, if they can clean the technology.
Load sheding equal growth in population .. fix the energy crisis and it will fix population rabbit multiplying factor

You are a genious..but many people prefer to do it with lights on :azn:

Who is retiring them could you name and list those nations and what are their alternate to nuclear energy.

US, Russia, Canada, Australia, UK, China, japan, india and some other countries are into nuclear energy on a larger scale how is it world is getting rid of it.

The only disappointment is Capacity. A single one should be 2000 MW even Russians offered Bangladesh with a single nuclear power plant for energy needs of a capacity of 2000MW.

No its two reactors each of 1000MW!

BTW why not we ask Russia for help in this regards as well??
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