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Pakistan: The Country for Rapists

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......as expected, the news is not from a Pakistani source.......their govt., media, people, who are otherwise fighting amongst each-other everyday are surprisingly united against rape victims and their family.........no wonder Pakistan has become a rapists heaven....

You seem in full flow today..... on the contrary just another day another week in snow white kingdom.
Rajasthan teacher 'gang-raped' in school premises, four detained - Hindustan Times

Delhi: Seven-year-old girl raped by shopkeeper - IBNLive
The objective of thread have been achieved.....
In a way, such threads are useful. They keep the habitual trolls occupied, and they spend less time on the important threads, so those can remain unpolluted.
In a way, such threads are useful. They keep the habitual trolls occupied, and they spend less time on the important threads, so those can remain unpolluted.

Thats a good way of looking at it.... Infact it not only keep trolls occupied but mods also.....
I dont understand why do indians care too much about Pakistan internal affairs. @jarves
one can clearly see who is spending more time thus contributing more posts on this thread....oh the drama queens.
In a way, such threads are useful. They keep the habitual trolls occupied, and they spend less time on the important threads, so those can remain unpolluted.

Trolls like me:rolleyes:
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