I take it u are trolling or u r bieng naturally unconstructive and unlogical in ur replies to his factual arguments, either way be serious. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of the deep state, i suggest you do some research.
Usa, Russia, Pakistan and Israel are prominent deep state countries where the only discretion a politician has is access to development funds, apart from that they dont control squat and are disposed off when they try to infringe on the power of the deep state, Kenedy and bhutto are evident examples.
Fear the day politicians gain control of state policy in Pakistan because it would be our last. The best model of a state is one in which, even when honest and pro state politicians gain power they should focus on development, education, economy etc and leave foriegn, state and security policy to the deep state( qualified professionals) because an elected official doesnt have the intellectual depth, maturity, professionalism, insight and balance of mind( the art of making cold, emotionless decisons) to deal with the security and policy narratives of a state, no matter how honest he may be or how good his intentions are.