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Pakistan slips to 113 on the Human Capital Index


Aug 15, 2009
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Index is led by high-income economies that have placed importance on high educational attainment. PHOTO: AFP

Even though recent reports suggest and economic upturn, nagging troubles in reigning health issues, boosting education mean that Pakistan slipped on spot on the Human Capital Report 2014-15, to 113, and stay just out of the 10 worst countries in the 124 country survey.

The report, published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), says Pakistan has a Human Capital Index (HCI) score of 52.63 with a GDP per capita (constant ‘11 US$, PPP) of $4,746.

In comparison, Pakistan was ranked 112 out of the 122 countries in the 2013-14 edition of the report, where it had an overall index score of negative 0.837 (z-value) with a GDP per capita (constant 2005, international $) of $2,451.

The report looks at three key indicators including: learning and employment; demographics; distance to the ideal state.

According to the report, Pakistan has an age dependency ratio of 7.2 per cent, child dependency ratio at 58.8 per cent, labour force participation rate at 54.4 per cent, employment to population ratio at 51.6 per cent, and most importantly unemployment rate at 5.1 per cent.


Regionally, Pakistan ranks bottom among 22 Asia and Pacific countries. Pakistan has a score of 52.63, far below the region average of 67.83.

Last year, economic participation gender gap and labour force participation indicators had contributed to driving down Pakistan’s aggregate score. Poor performance was observed on educational outcomes at all ages.

However, there was relatively greater learning among the 25-54 age group which individually ranked 103 with a score of 51.37 per cent. Thoug, all age groups scored lower than the average income of the group in Pakistan.


The index noted the dismal situation of education in the country with 1,915,419 students enrolled in different fields of study in the country, but with only 2.14 per cent of GDP being spent on public sector education.

In terms of public investment, internet access in schools is ranked at 3.80 judged on a scale of 1 to 7.

Pakistan lags behind India, Bangladesh

Pakistan fell behind the likes of India and Bangladesh in the index.

India (ranked 100) and Bangladesh, have the same overall HCI score of 57.62 per cent.

However, Bangladesh ranks a position higher from India standing at the 99th position and India 100 out of the 124 countries on the index.

Indian economy is said to be generating a GDP per capita of $5,777.

Among the better performers from the region include Japan (5), New Zealand (9), and Australia (13). Nepal (106), Myanmar (112), and Pakistan (113) ranked the lowest. China (64) and Indonesia (69) scored in the middle range of the Index.

The scores are held in comparison to the leader of the table where Finland ranks number one with an overall score of 85.78, followed by Norway, Switzerland, Canada and Japan.

Pakistan slips to 113 on the Human Capital Index - The Express Tribune
I thought we were doing all dandy! How did we slip?
PTI walay always thinked Negative.

What about upgradation of our Pakistan's ratings to Positive from Stable.
what about the Highest Forign Exchange reserves in the history of Pakistan.
What about lowest Interest rated in last 45 years.
what about lowest Inflation rates in History of Pakistan.
What about 10 Goods train started running on daily basis, and reached to maximum of 282 in March 2015 in one Month.

many negative things also present in KPK, which PTI never want to discuss,

like previous year in 2015 development budget laps to the extend of 69% of total Budget
Performance in the Field of transparency is lowest then Punjab and Baluchistan.

so brother always be optimistic towards the future!
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