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Pakistan signs peace pact with militants in Swat

Negotiating in Swat was simpler in a sense, since the stated goal of Mullah FM was to impose Shariah, and now that the GoP has agreed, and has a "Shariah bill" in waiting, Mullah FM and his militants will not be able to win the sympathy of the people by perpetuating armed conflict.

FATA is harder, since the TTP is playing multiple cards - Pashtun Nationalism, imposition of Shariah, fighting the occupation of Afghanistan (which ties in the above two), maintaining Tribal autonomy and Tribal customs (this is a lie, since the imposition of the Taliban "Islamic System" would destroy most of the traditional Tribal systems and customs).

Sir, I would like to ask you one question. Is there few parts in Pakistan (NWFP or whatever) where few groups are so strong that they don’t follow the laws of Pakistan and are capable of enforcing their own laws??? Government is so weak that it has no choice other than to accept their demands? They don’t want to follow the democratically elected government of Pakistan and find themselves to be able to force the government by gun point????

No part of the world is perfect. Everywhere something is going on but there wont be two rules in one country. There would be only one and one rule for one nation. The groups who have been challenging the government must accept that they have to follow the orders of the central government and follow the laws of Pakistan which are made on the light of the constituency of Pakistan. Even if there are some good things in any law, it would be imposed by the government throughout the country, not by these groups.

I doubt, if these groups will keep getting energy by forcing the government for this type of deals, one day they will impose serious challenge for the central government.

There is a need of making continuous effort to make these group weaker and weaker. More and more job opportunities would be created to employ them in different areas and this way making these groups powerless. A continuous and proper effort would be made to make them feel that they are Pakistani national first and after that they represent any type of group or region and their full belief is for the central Pakistani government.
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