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Pakistan Should Bomb Illegal Indian Dams

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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We must be ready to fight Hindus, says Nizami | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Published: November 25, 2009

LAHORE - Editor-in-Chief The Nation and Chairman Nazria Pakistan Trust Majid Nizami has said that we should remain well-prepared for war against Hindus as they were casting bad eye on Pakistan and our independence, which is a blessing of Allah.

He was speaking at Aiwan-e-Karkunan Tehrik-e-Pakistan on the 53rd death anniversary of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan on Tuesday.
Majid Nizami said Maulana Zafar Ali Khan was a versatile personality as he was a journalist, poet, politician and orator. He stood with the Quaid in Pakistan Movement.

He started a movement in the name of Masjid Shaheed Ganj and wanted to take over the mosque but it is a dilemma that after freedom, the Muslims could not secure this mosque due to tolerant attitude and it is still closed. It is neither Gurdawara nor mosque.

He said Zafar Ali Khan published his poems on Page One of the newspaper Zamindar and it fetched great circulation. He said Maulana Zafar Ali Khan Trust should secure Zamindar office and make it a memoir. Majid Nizami mentioned J Thunder aircraft handed over to PAF, which can fly high than Indian jets and India admitted that Pakistan has taken supremacy in air defence. There would be a war against India on waters because it is building dams on our rivers and the solution lies is smashing the dams by missiles.

As such we should be prepared for war. He said though war is not good thing but it is better to die by warring instead of dying with thirst and hunger. He said Maulana Zafar Ali Khan was great lover of the holy Prophet (PBUH).

Vice Chairman Nazria Pakistan Trust, Prof Dr Rafique Ahmad said that NPT is reminding the forgotten lesion of Pakistan Movement and its heroes. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan was one of them. He fought for the Muslims particularly of the subcontinent. He remained successful whichever field he chose. He instantaneously translated Pakistan Resolution on the call of Quaid-e-Azam and formed Majlis-e-Ittehad-e-Millat.
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Another brainwashed fellow. And he is editor-in-chief of a newspaper as well. :tsk:
This intelligent man fails to see that India has other religions as well. You name it, India has it. We have sikhs, muslims, christians etc. etc. at every level so this guy doesn't know what he is talking about. :lol:

Twisting any statement withour referring the context and picking up selective lines is what this man is expert at.

As for building dams etc., this matter is discussed in this forum and he is just vomitting it coz he can't digest the truth.:blah:

So it is ok for Kapoora to talk about a limited war with another country but when some one retaliates thats bad. HMMMMMMM
No wonder you guys have people like Kapooray running their mouth, as it is universally accepted all around his nation.
So it is ok for Kapoora to talk about a limited war with another country but when some one retaliates thats bad. HMMMMMMM
No wonder you guys have people like Kapooray running their mouth, as it is universally accepted all around his nation.

Gen. Kapoor did not twist any facts. Its unfortunate to have a chief editor who cannot differentiate between "ahead in technology" and "ahead in exports".

Nizami's statements are based on childish assumptions and his claims are unrealistic. Sad to have such people as chief editor. :disagree: This only shows how mush the common people of Pakistan are brainwashed. I wonder if any Pakistani Hindu has a courage to raise a voice against such retarded 'society leaders'.
If he ha said Indians, we would not have a problem. The fact that he equates all Indians as Hindus shows his mindset. He's the editor of The Nation, is he? That isn't a surprise then. The contents of my dustbin is better and more worthwhile than that rag.
So it is ok for Kapoora to talk about a limited war with another country but when some one retaliates thats bad. HMMMMMMM.
No wonder you guys have people like Kapooray running their mouth, as it is universally accepted all around his nation.

What Indian general said is different from what this man is suggesting.

(1) General never said we should fight with muslims. (Sorry for any offences made).

(2) He suggested there is a possibility for short-term skirmish (that's what I can conclude with the word "limited"). This may or may not be true but keeping the relation between these countries in mind, we should be careful, ofcourse in defensive viewpoint.
On the other hand, he is talking on religious lines which is contradictory to what I said.
Words spoken from the indian side will offcourse cause a flame wat do you people expect flowers and a invite to come to war in our land oh yes plzz come we welcome u ! plzz wake the hell up .... i hope there is no war as i have also stated so many will die there is not such thing as limited war is war in anycase there needs to be peace between the two and frienship enough blood shed as already gown down several times there should be no more ever again we are human beings for GOD 's sake wats wrong with you people there is no diff between us . I seem to upset to see members from both side here jumping in freaken joy if war happens unreal iam very shocked and upset to see this here to me every one is a brother and a sister here no matter if you are Pakistani or Indian we both come from the same root one way or the other please lets praise for peace GOD bless you all.
Words spoken from the indian side will offcourse cause a flame wat do you people expect flowers and a invite to come to war in our land oh yes plzz come we welcome u ! plzz wake the hell up .... i hope there is no war as i have also stated so many will die there is not such thing as limited war is war in anycase there needs to be peace between the two and frienship enough blood shed as already gown down several times there should be no more ever again we are human beings for GOD 's sake wats wrong with you people there is no diff between us . I seem to upset to see members from both side here jumping in freaken joy if war happens unreal iam very shocked and upset to see this here to me every one is a brother and a sister here no matter if you are Pakistani or Indian we both come from the same root one way or the other please lets praise for peace GOD bless you all.

I couldn't have said it any better. Thanks. :pakistan:
Pitty on Indians who are misguiding the readers here. And third eye what a shame a person like you had put your own words and replaced the word Hindus with Pakistani hindus.

Majid Nizami did not say that we should fight Pakistani Hindus.

He by all means certainly point out to India. Read the news again and again. He did not use any word like Pakistani hindus rather he said we should be prepared to fight INDIA.

hypocratic you people are you will remain so
Pitty on Indians who are misguiding the readers here. And third eye what a shame a person like you had put your own words and replaced the word Hindus with Pakistani hindus.

Majid Nizami did not say that we should fight Pakistani Hindus.

He by all means certainly point out to India. Read the news again and again. He did not use any word like Pakistani hindus rather he said we should be prepared to fight INDIA.

hypocratic you people are you will remain so

You should be ashamed. Anyway why are fighting Hindus when they will not exist in 1950 in Pakistan. The way it is decreasing, I have no doubt that hardly anyone will exist.
What do you understand by the phrase " Fight Hindus"... do you mean to say that Hindus in Pakistan are not Hindus....

So Pakistanis love to change their logics and statements based upon their convenience.

Read the news Mr once again.

He is pointing towards India. And also read he did mention the aircrafts, and water issues between the two countries.

Pakistani Hindus are peaceful people unlike Indian. And Pakistani Hindus do not pose any danger to their own country.

So please keep your BS to yourself.
You should be ashamed. Anyway why are fighting Hindus when they will not exist in 1950 in Pakistan. The way it is decreasing, I have no doubt that hardly anyone will exist.

Fighting Indian(the Indian Hindu majority state) for our survival and we should be prepared for it anytime specially when your moronic army chief is advocating war against Pakistan.
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