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Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

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May 9, 2013
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Pakistan may be Muslim majority country but it doesn't endorse Sharia. So, why the name Islamic Republic of Pakistan? Pakistan's founder Jinnah never actually wanted Sharia in Pakistan. Even Ayub Khan named the country 'Democratic Republic of Pakistan' but some Mullahs later changed it to 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan'. Tell me one Muslim country which is following Sharia and there is peace and peace everywhere. Turkey is a secular country even though it is Muslim majority country. Bangladesh is founded on secularism hence its name is 'People's Republic of Bangladesh'.

Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'.

People's Republic of Pakistan - Can We? by Sonia Ahmed


People from all walks of life - irrespective of caste, colour or creed - joined the Hindu community to celebrate the colourful festival of Holi at the Lakshmi Narayan Temple on Sunday. PHOTO: ATHAR KHAN/EXPRESS

Can I dare say The People's Republic of Pakistan? Can it ever be possible? Mohammad Ali Jinnah created just Pakistan, but then the later voting seeking politicians changed it to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Today this very Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is a great example of the Sunni-Shia wars, the Mohajir- Punjab War, India-Pakistan War, Minority Killing Wars, Media wars, self appointed Pseudo-Intellectual leader wars!

Why did we not keep Jinnah's name - "Pakistan?" Why did we have to make a nation Islamic. Jinnah never said that the minorities will be not be given importance, in fact the flag has a white color representing the minorities, then making the whole of Pakistan Islamic is already discriminating the minorities.

Well people, welcome to my Pakistan and my Pakistan has the teachings of Jinnah and the other person included is President Musharraf minus all his advisors. He just needs to be told that he can do without his advisors.

Rest then an appeal to the people of Pakistan, to the youth of Pakistan, and that is to keep Jinnah alive to bring back the Pakistan for the people of Pakistan. Pakistan is not Islam, people are not Islam, we are all humans first and Islam is a great religion and it is a part of us. But we are Pakistanis and humans first. Keeping aside the cast, creed, color and religions, WE ARE PAKISTANIS FIRST! PEHLE PAKISTAN! PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!

Sonia Ahmed- President of Miss Pakistan World: People's Republic of Pakistan - Can We? by Sonia Ahmed
Because Pakistan was not a republic until 1956. Until then we were under the british crown. The name Islamic republic of Pakistan was chosen in the constitution of 1956 when Pakistan became a republic.

The Bottom line is, that Pakistanis will decide what our country would become. Majority of Pakistanis desire a functional Muslim state. We may become communists, secularists or a Sharia state, its no one's business. This is our country and we will decide its future.

Lastly, since Muslims are the majority, our laws and way of life will prevail. Millions of our ancestors paid with their blood, wealth and honor so we could have a choice they didn't have. If 3% minorities have a problem with our country's name, it means that they have a problem with Muslims, our way of life aspirations and Islam.

If they have a problem with the majority and their aspirations, the majority can tell them go and smoke bong! - just because we 'can'. The Christians and Hindus didn't have any significant role in our freedom movement, they paid no price for our freedom. They got it as a result of the blood sacrifice of our forefathers....and whoever has the power to give also reserves the right to 'take it back'.
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Because Pakistan was not a republic until 1956. Until then we were under the british crown. The name Islamic republic of Pakistan was chosen in the constitution of 1956 when Pakistan a republic.

Bottomline is, that Pakiatanis will decide what our country would become. Majority of Pakistanis desire a functional Muslim state. We may become communists, secularists aur Sharia state, its no one's business. This is our country and we will decide its future.

Lastly, since Muslims are the majority, our laws and way of life will prevail. Millions of our ancesstors paid with their blood, wealth and honor so we could have a choice they didn't have.

If 3% minorities have a problem with our country's name, it means that they have a peoblem with Muslims, our way of life aspirations and Islam.

If they have a problem with the majority and their aspirations, the majority can tell them go and smoke bong! - just because we 'can'.
The Christans and Hindus didn't have any significant role in our freedom movement, they paid no price for our freedom. They got it as a result of the blood sacrifice of our forefathers....and whoever has the power to give also reserves the right to 'take it back'.
Good answer. :tup: Inspired. :agree:
@IamBengali - Just as @Aeronaut stated above - you must be having a problem with the 'Muslim way of life'. The minorities of your country as well as the liberals should just stick to being 'Islamic'. Islamic country...Islamic rules.

This line is really lovely -
If they have a problem with the majority and their aspirations, the majority can tell them go and smoke bong! - just because we 'can'.
@levina :haha:
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From Islamic to Peoples Republic of Pakistan?
November 19, 2009
Abrar Saeed


ISLAMABAD: Awami National Party (ANP) during the deliberations of Parliamentary Reforms Committee had proposed to change the name of Islamic Republic of Pakistan as Peoples Republic of Pakistan, while Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) supported the move, the sources close to these political parties disclosed to The Nation.

The idea was, however, dropped due to strong opposition from the rest of the members of the committee, the sources added.

MQM Deputy Convener and Federal Minister Dr. Farooq Sattar confirmed it to the media in an informal chat on Wednesday and said that MQM along with PPP members of the committee supported the idea of renaming Islamic Republic of Pakistan as Peoples Republic of Pakistan.
On the other hand, ANP member of the committee Haji Adeel denied having proposed the name of Peoples Republic of Pakistan to replace Islamic Republic of Pakistan. However, some members of the committee on condition of anonymity confirmed it to The Nation that ANP had proposed the said change in the name of the country and MQM and PPP members had supported it.

During chat with media, Dr. Farooq Sattar also proposed making Gilgit-Baltistan as the fifth province of the country and its chief minister should also be included in the National Finance Commission (NFC). The government should take appropriate steps in this regard to remove the constitutional and international hurdles, he added. He said if the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms would finish with its deliberation on provincial autonomy by mid of December, they would be in a position to give the nation a new years gift in the shape of constitutional reforms package.

From Islamic to Peoples Republic of Pakistan?
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