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Pakistan seeks recording of Jinnah calling for secular state


Apr 30, 2012
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Islamabad has asked India for a copy of the historic speech by Pakistan's founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah in which he promised complete religious freedom and a modern secular state

The speech, made in Karachi in 1947, set out Jinnah's vision for a democratic, tolerant and well-governed democracy, but was largely ignored by his successors, especially its late dictator General Zia ul Haq, who "Islamicised" the country in the late 1970s.
Recordings of the speech were made and kept by the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation but were later destroyed.
Now the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation's director has appealed to his Indian counterpart at All-India Radio for a copy of one of the last surviving tape recordings.
Its director-general Murtaza Solangi wrote to AIR, explaining that Pakistan no longer has an audio recording of the speech, which the country's liberals regard as a source of hope for the future.
"This speech is very important for people who want to direct the country to the goal of a modern, pluralistic, democratic state," he told an Indian news group.
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L. D. Mandloi, of All India Radio confirmed the approach from the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation and said his colleagues were trying to locate the tapes. He told The Daily Telegraph he would need approval from the government before handing over a copy.
Mr Jinnah's speech reassured Pakistan's minorities that: "You are free to go to your temples; free to go to your mosques, or any other place of worship in this Pakistan you may belong to any religion, caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business of the State."
But after his death Pakistan was declared an Islamic republic in 1956 and later under General Zia ul Haq's military dictatorship Sharia law was introduced and Christians, Hindus, Parsees, Sikhs, Shia and Ahmadiya Muslims all faced persecution and violence.
The late minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian, was assassinated last year for his campaign to overturn the country's blasphemy law, which is used to intimidate non-Muslims in the country.
Leading Pakistani commentator Najam Sethi said Mr Solangi's efforts to recover a key part of Pakistan's history, has limited support, mainly from the country's English speaking liberal and secular elite.
"This speech is important to progressives and liberals, mainly English speakers, but mainly ignored by the mainstream political parties and the military establishment.
"They set out to make an ideological state, it became an Islamic state, they brought in Islamic laws and ruined his [Jinnah's] vision," he said.
Is the recording being sought for the record , implementation or education ?
Man, wtf! Is that Jinnah in the photo or Zia?
I dont know why Pakistanis are scared of the name 'secular', at state level the country should be secular, i.e. neutral to all sects and religions.

it is a personal choice of anybody to adopt any religion or any sect. This is the only way all sects and religions can live peacefully in one society.
It will do more good than harm if Pakistan becomes secular.
WTF Pakistan destroyed the tape of the speech of Mr.Jinnah who they call their nation's father And India preserved it......:disagree:
What, Pakistan destroyed tape stored in all india radio libraries? Dont you people keep your libraries under lock?

If not, I am going to destroy all tapes lallu of parsad.. he is so annoying.
I dont know why Pakistanis are scared of the name 'secular', at state level the country should be secular, i.e. neutral to all sects and religions.

it is a personal choice of anybody to adopt any religion or any sect. This is the only way all sects and religions can live peacefully in one society.

had that been the case, there wouldn't have been pakistan. we would have had a united india now.
My signature is enough to debunk this theory of 'Jinnah wanted a secular state'.
WTF Pakistan destroyed the tape of the speech of Mr.Jinnah who they call their nation's father And India preserved it......:disagree:

What the hell are you guys upto?? If you cannot learn to respect, you have no reason to be here the first place.

Stop shouting man. Your red font is giving me a migraine.

Be warned not to repeat that again.

You will learn few things the way you must. Just wait.
WTF is your problem man? Haven't you heard of figures of speech?


Some people are resistant to learning. You've been reported for your disrespect and inability to show character.

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