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Pakistan seeks int’l help to deal with terrorists

@qamar1990: My friend, we are making ourselves fool, that much is understandable. However, we cant keep making others fool, especially for ever. Please do not bring Kashmir into this, we Pakistani are playing on a very weak wicket on this particular issue. Supporting insurgency in Kashmir is not only immoral but also against the religious guidelines. In fact, Moulana Moududi (the founder of Jamaat Islami) had apposed it (supporting insurgency) on solid religious grounds and was arrested and jailed. But time has proven his stance correct. Before you turn your guns at me to shoot, I will very sincerely suggest you to go through the following:

There Can be No Jihad in Kashmir

If you are still not convinced, you can bash me as much you like.

Mind you, I am not suggesting that we should not support Kashmiris, we should. However, we should support them to improve their education and their socio-economic status. Let them actively take part in politics, one day, they could achieve autonomy like Ireland. Or if not, at least they will get assimilated in the system, in which at this point of time, they are living like aliens. Muslims are not living in Kashmir alone, there are living throughout India. If it is about Muslim brotherhood, why we only talk about Kashmiris and not the rest of the Indian Muslims? Something doesn't look right here, do you agree?

Take care.

Kashmiris being assimilated in India? Do you want Kashmir to turn in to hindu land instead pure? There will never be compromise on article 370.
Kashmiris being assimilated in India? Do you want Kashmir to turn in to hindu land instead pure? There will never be compromise on article 370.
Do you know which document that article 370 is a part of? The INDIAN CONSTITUTION.

As for Kashmir being polluted by nasty hindus and losing its "purity" - the title of this thread should tell you that the land of the pure is not exactly pure. Just because you name it so doesn't mean it is so. Rest assured, they are much better off being part of India (as they are now) than the so called pureland that can't control itself and is seeking international help to survive.

Despite what Pakistanis want, which is for Kashmiris to be in eternal misery, I have to inform you that those days are over. They will live peacefully as Kashmiris and as Indians, and as muslims or hindus or whatever they want to be. Sunnis or Shias or Sufis, Pandits or Shaivaties or Vaishnavites. They won't be constantly blown up for being kafirs or the wrong kind of muslims. They will not be shot by bearded babboons for wanting to go to school. They will not explode in a marketplace so that some barbarians want their version of purity to arrive there. They are living, and will continue living better than the average purelander, and in time, they will be as assimilated into India as much as Biharis and Maharashtrians.

BTW there are some 175 million non kashmiri muslims across India too, and they too are living happily in secular India. (Not hindu India, not muslim India or christian India, there is only one secular democratic republic of India that treats everybody equally.)
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Oh! The irony.. I understand that TODAY, Pakistan needs that help, but if you look at Pakistan's role in Terrorism landscape in the area over last few decades, this call is an epitome of irony :)

Oh hello, United States, whole of NATO fighting in Afghanistan? Ring a bell?
The United States stands by Pakistan and supports its efforts for peace in the region. Recently after terrorists attack in Islamabad, our Ambassador to Pakistan, Richard Olson said, “The United States remains steadfast in its commitment to the people of Pakistan in their efforts to counter terrorism and build a peaceful future. We stand ready to provide any appropriate aid to assist authorities in investigating this tragic attack.” We certainly look forward to working together to negate the threats of terrorism through shared cooperation.

Abdul Quddus
DET - United States Central Command
yeh but thats what he trying to connect it to smart ***.
that pakistan promoted terrorism and now it needs help ect

iso can help pakistan find its state assets but currently we are looking indian assets.
in a few more years when pakistan cleans this mess up then india should prepare for the wrath of the isi.

Can you please explain? What do you mean by "wrath of ISI"?
iso can help pakistan find its state assets but currently we are looking indian assets.
in a few more years when pakistan cleans this mess up then india should prepare for the wrath of the isi.

Baap Ne Mari Na Mendaki, Beta Teer Andaz :rofl:
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