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Pakistan’s unhealthy focus on US, UK, India

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Pakistan’s unhealthy focus on US, UK, India

Pop quiz: do you know Pakistan’s Ambassador to Chile, Malaysia, Venezuela, Brazil, or Russia?

It is very likely that you don’t and, there is a reason – these countries don’t get adequate visibility in Pakistan.

Hussain Haqqani (USA), Wajid Shamsul Hassan (UK) and, Shahid Malik (India) are the few ambassadors that Pakistani media finds relevant, relegating all others to secondary and tertiary positions.

Every country has their list of top 10, top 25, top 50, and “rest of the world” often referred to in international parlance as “ROW” but Pakistan’s foreign policy lacks depth and width.

At the United Nations in New York, a venue that provides effective medium to socialize ideas of national interest, Pakistan has no traction in South-South diplomacy. And, the reason is rather simple; our foreign policy is so focused on the US, and India that Pakistani diplomats at the UN have no clear directives from Islamabad.

One can argue that maintaining friendship with the US and keeping an eye on the threat from India consumes so much energy and resources that we are unable to adequately interact with rest of the world. But, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand that diversity in ‘diplomatic contacts’ will yield multi-faceted benefits for our country.

Unlike our engagements with the US, diplomacy with fellow developing countries are premised on the principle of voluntary partnerships – free from conditionality’s typical of neo-colonial interactions.

Would it benefit Pakistan to build a relationship of trust with Venezuela? Caracas can play strategic role in improving Pakistan’s position among developing nations – and provide Pakistani entrepreneur another destination to export. Google “Pakistan ambassador to Venezuela” and you will be disappointed with the result.

The cynics among us will proclaim: we can’t afford to build stronger ties with Venezuela without ruffling feathers in Washington and that is why we don’t do much with Caracas. But Chile is a trusted American ally.

And we have established a mission in Chile – a state that shares several similarities with Pakistan. Chile is often described as an American proxy state, had been under military rule for a major part of it’s post colonial history, and a country where a powerful intelligence agency had become the state within state. Sounds familiar?

Pakistani Ambassador to Chile Burhanul Islam seems to be gaining some ground with local political and business elite. Ambassador Islam says that Pakistan opened Embassy in Chile to establish multidimensional cooperation with particular focus on politics, economy, commerce, culture, defense and education. But these areas of focus were overshadowed when a Pakistani man with alleged terror ties was briefly held in Santiago. It was the first time you may have heard of Ambassador Islam or that we have a presence in Chile.

Why was Saif-ur-Rehman held – only time will tell but we know the evidence against him are so flimsy that the local judge finds it impossible to hold him behind bars.

It is easy to digress in conspiracy theory: Pakistan had started to make progress with Chilean elite and Americans felt it had to be contained. Or the American version of conspiracy theory: Pakistanis have established Chancery in Santiago to facilitate terror activities and export fanaticism to America via South America. Neither of these assumptions can be verified. And, let’s leave it at that.

Saif-Ur-Rehman’s arrest was not the only story about Chile-Pakistan relations lately: The provincial government of Balochistan has decided to terminate a multi-billion-dollar agreement with a Canadian-Chilean joint venture company to develop a copper and gold mine at Reko Dik. (This is a separate story which I plan to follow shortly).

In Brazil, an emerging power that should be our top priority, we have an embassy but no ambassador. First Secretary Ali Haider Altaf holds fort at the capital. Financial and cultural hubs of Sao Paulo and Rio De Janeiro are represented by honorary personal.

Google “Brazil” and look this country’s key performance indicators and tell me if you would want your top guy or gal to represent you in this rapidly emerging power. I bet you would. But, those who formulate our foreign policy in Islamabad don’t think so.

Take for example, Colombia – another important nation that we can easily call our friend – and we are represented by a Honorary Investment Counselor in it’s capital Bogota.

Going back to the pop quiz above – we do have embassies in Malaysia and Russia but chances are you have not heard names of these ambassadors. And, that is because these missions receive no visibility in Pakistani media – and old proverb “out of sight out of mind” is apropos.

Over the past 30 years, there has been an upsurge in South-South cooperation – ties that go far beyond trade and investments: education, science, agriculture, medicine, health services and information technologies.

I believe that this decade has been a truly transformational one in the South-South relationship. Many milestones have been met. Interactions between developing nations have yielded rich dividends in terms of cooperation between countries in many areas, underscoring the vitality and the relevance of strategic partnership.

The transformation in South-South relationship have taken place against the backdrop of developing nations’ initiatives to reform their economy and the geopolitical changes in the post-Cold War world.

To my mind, there are three main drivers that have led to this transformation.

First are shared values of democracy, pluralism, and tolerance and respect for fundamental freedom, which provides the underpinning of a durable relationship.

Second, there is the reality of growing economic linkages and people-to- people contact. Over the last two decades, businesses have formed strong and mutually beneficial partnerships; cooperation touching the lives of ordinary people about the power to connect and reaching out to the common denominator.

And, third, there is an increasing convergence of interests on major global issues. The imperatives of a multi-polar and interconnected world today set the stage for developing nations to work together to address global challenges whether it be the rising threat of terrorism and extremism or ensuring a balanced, equitable, and sustainable development for all — energy security and food security for the world at large.

Diplomacy plays a critical role in statecraft and foreign policy and Pakistan needs to start making it a priority. If you attend international ceremonies and festivities in Islamabad or Washington DC, you will often find that diplomats are called “bridge” between nations. There is more to that: diplomatic representatives abroad are the eyes, ears, and the mouth of the foreign office back home. If foreign policy is devised appropriately, diplomatic representatives in the field can fulfill their symbolic, legal and political roles. But effective execution by the foot soldiers is only possible when the visionaries at the head office are doing their job well.

Islamabad appears to be so focused on maintaining friendship with Washington and keeping an eye on Delhi that it has no time for rest of the world.

Pakistan’s unhealthy focus on US, UK, India - The Express Tribune Blog
Pakistan should concentrate on his economy and move out from the war against terrorism because it is getting pakistan weaker econonmically and you cannot defeat terrorism only by force but also through economic,social and have a dialog with all the stakeholders rather taking dictation.India has a 1971 role infront of us and also there current dubious role in Afghanistan.
Breaking News: U.S. ambassador in Chile, Paul Simmons has been sent home and replaced with Alejandro Wolff.
Noticias de Prensa Latina - Chile: el silencio norteamericano en el caso paquistaní

Santiago de Chile, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) The U.S. refusal to cooperate with the investigation of young Pakistani controversial Mohamed Saif Ur Rehman, arrested in U.S. embassy, led to further doubts on the issue of merits.

The U.S. embassy invoked diplomatic immunity to state officials cited several of the Chilean courts, protected by the inviolability of its archives, in accordance with Article 24 of the Vienna Convention.

However, the announcement came this week, after a long silence on the arrest of Pakistani hospitality student on 10 May, accused of carrying their belongings particles explosive-related chemicals.

Mohamed Saif Ur Rehman was placed on probation twice for lack of evidence, despite the insistence of the Chilean Ministry of Interior in prosecuting him for the gun control law and for alleged "terrorist conspiracy."

The parents of 28 year old Pakistani, who proclaims his innocence at all times, traveled from Islamabad to accompany him, while growing the solidarity of those who report "strange things" during the process, including discrimination based on nationality and his Muslim faith.

The Interior Minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, denied that there was a persecution against Mohamed Saif Ur Rehman: "I have no obsession with this citizen, I do not know, the truth that the fact that he is Pakistan is a casualty."

However, Senator Alejandro Navarro, of the Comprehensive Social Movement (MAS) said on several occasions to suspect a "montage" and asked to thoroughly investigate the issue, including possible intervention in Chile of U.S. secret services.

This week, Rep. Felipe Harboe, the Party for Democracy (PPD), also claimed that "here have been many doubts" has been taken has been arrested and charged to a person who, apparently, what was decided by the Court of Appeals had no responsibility.

This has meant for him a stigma and will have to analyze the background for justice to determine his innocence or guilt, adding to stress the need for "maximum background."

Officials involved in the arrest of Mohamed Saif Ur Rehman, within the U.S. headquarters, were identified as the consul in Santiago, William Whitaker, the delegate of the Department of Homeland Security, David Kuhlow, and civil added Liseli Pennings.

Similarly, employees of the security company that provides services to the embassy, Inter-Con Security Systems Chile, Washington Moreira, Pablo Diaz, Mario Enrique Reyes Pozo, Fernando Bravo Raúl Cristián Arévalo and Lagos Ferrada.

The invocation of diplomatic immunity was expressed to the authorities in two offices, as revealed Chilean media, citing sources in the Public Ministry in the sense that these people deal with information useful to the investigation.

The Consul William Whitaker, for example, was identified as the mysterious "Mr. Bill" by the young Pakistani, after seeing his photograph in a newspaper, and said it was the official who allegedly quoted the embassy to check their papers, after which he was arrested.

According to notes sent to the Chilean Foreign Ministry by the U.S. Embassy, the knowledge of the officials mentioned on the case comes from "its position at the embassy and attributed as part of the inviolable record files of our embassy."

Only one employee, Washington Moreira, was allowed to declare "personal information, but is not allowed to provide information about the files in the embassy and / or knowledge gained by reason of their employment, consequently, form part of the archives .

According to some sources, that information protected includes knowledge of "policies, procedures, as well as methods and analytical work of the United States government."

However, the prosecution may insist on the possibility to question the American ombudsmen and Chilean employees to fill information gaps that still exist in the investigation.

The case is still in full swing when they just announced the replacement of the current U.S. ambassador in Chile, Paul Simmons, Alejandro Wolff, a career diplomat, who also has been executive assistant to the Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell.
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