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Pakistan’s High Illiteracy Rate Threatens Its Fragile Democracy

Literacy Is overrated. The gulf Arabs became 99% literate after they became rich, thus proving it is not a necessity for good economy.

Well said.

Illiteracy (NOT equal to) $tupidity

Literacy (NOT equal to) enlightenment

My community aka Karachi's Urdu population literacy rate is in high 90s, and yet we have Altaf Mota Chor Bhatta Khor ruling our @rses from a country far far far far far away via just a phone call.

One of the most corrupt and fascist politician wins our votes year after year after year after year.

This clearly shows that 99% literacy among Urdu community means jack $hit.

According to judiciary, every one is illiterate and only Iftikhar chaudry can read and understand english.

Indian proxy.. TTP is destroying our schools in rural areas, we need to tackle india before investing in education, other wise all schools will be bombed by indians.

and here comes our elite member with his India phobia and trolling.
Indian proxy.. TTP is destroying our schools in rural areas, we need to tackle india before investing in education, other wise all schools will be bombed by indians.

If you troll India to solve your education problem then only God can help you :hitwall:
Proper education is a must for prosperity, yes, but I think this post makes a huge mistake by equating illiteracy with unwiseness. In any country ordinary people, in general, may be poor, illiterate and downtrodden. But they are never 'uneducated' or unwise. It's simply not true that they don't know what's good for them or don't notice the ruling elite's misbehavior.

1977 is a watershed moment in India's history. That year, Indira Gandhi got kicked out of office in the general elections. For the previous two years she instituted a de facto personal dictatorship in the name of emergency. Often eulogized by a section of the elite, she became overconfident and called for elections. She personally lost at her constituency. Literacy in India in 1977? Less than 40%. People simply didn't accept a demagogue in power.

Indian society is every bit as feudal and diverse as Pakistan. An added problem is Hindu caste tradition. Intersect friction is present in Pakistan but is nowhere near as damaging as inter caste rivalry in India. With all its problems, Indian people kicked out a leader who, only a few years ago was immensely popular due to the 71 victory. Bottom line - don't take ordinary people as malleable monolithic block that can be manhandled by the elite as they see fit.

One statement I find particularly ominous is, '..the illiterate cannot be barred from voting..'. Also; 'we the free minded literate people can keep shouting for a change but we are a minority'. It will sound harsh but this is the typical attitude of an unwise and undemocratic elite. The problems in India/Pakistan are immense and it will take decades before any palpable changes are made. Illiteracy is a symptom of those problems, not the cause. If free and fair elections are held in Pakistan, and that's one big if, people will vote wisely, regardless of their education. If you think they will not, you are missing something.
Well said.

Illiteracy (NOT equal to) $tupidity

Literacy (NOT equal to) enlightenment

My community aka Karachi's Urdu population literacy rate is in high 90s, and yet we have Altaf Mota Chor Bhatta Khor ruling our @rses from a country far far far far far away via just a phone call.

One of the most corrupt and fascist politician wins our votes year after year after year after year.

This clearly shows that 99% literacy among Urdu community means jack $hit.

Chance of being enlightened s much higher when you are a literate and chance of being ignorant is much higher when you are an illiterate. I am surprised this has to be explained.
Well said.

Illiteracy (NOT equal to) $tupidity

Literacy (NOT equal to) enlightenment

My community aka Karachi's Urdu population literacy rate is in high 90s, and yet we have Altaf Mota Chor Bhatta Khor ruling our @rses from a country far far far far far away via just a phone call.

One of the most corrupt and fascist politician wins our votes year after year after year after year.

This clearly shows that 99% literacy among Urdu community means jack $hit.


Your post conclude ..education is not a big deal, Pakistani can live without it also....:sniper::smart:
I am pretty sure that @RiazHaq can add a positive angle to this story too, showing that we are doing much better than that.

Yes, we should just keep our head in the ground like an ostrich and imagine that everything is alright.
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The coming elections will draw a line, whether Pakistanis want to see democratic dictatorship or democracy in the parliament.
Chance of being enlightned I'd much higher when you are a literate and chance of being ignorant is much higher when you are an illiterate. I am surprised this has to be explained.

On one side you have the tantalizing probability
On the other side I have the heart breaking reality.

Oh my, what a choice, whatttta choice.

70% of Pakistanis are illiterate??

It is called Guess-ti-mate, my mate!


Your post conclude ..education is not a big deal, Pakistani can live without it also....:sniper::smart:

My post = "intelligent observation"

Your post Sir = "$tupid conclusion".

Hence it shows your education Sir didn't help you at all.

Type you can. I know for sure.

Lear you can't. That's I suspect.

Proper education is a must for prosperity, yes, but I think this post makes a huge mistake by equating illiteracy with unwiseness. In any country ordinary people, in general, may be poor, illiterate and downtrodden. But they are never 'uneducated' or unwise. It's simply not true that they don't know what's good for them or don't notice the ruling elite's misbehavior.

1977 is a watershed moment in India's history. That year, Indira Gandhi got kicked out of office in the general elections. For the previous two years she instituted a de facto personal dictatorship in the name of emergency. Often eulogized by a section of the elite, she became overconfident and called for elections. She personally lost at her constituency. Literacy in India in 1977? Less than 40%. People simply didn't accept a demagogue in power.

Indian society is every bit as feudal and diverse as Pakistan. An added problem is Hindu caste tradition. Intersect friction is present in Pakistan but is nowhere near as damaging as inter caste rivalry in India. With all its problems, Indian people kicked out a leader who, only a few years ago was immensely popular due to the 71 victory. Bottom line - don't take ordinary people as malleable monolithic block that can be manhandled by the elite as they see fit.

One statement I find particularly ominous is, '..the illiterate cannot be barred from voting..'. Also; 'we the free minded literate people can keep shouting for a change but we are a minority'. It will sound harsh but this is the typical attitude of an unwise and undemocratic elite. The problems in India/Pakistan are immense and it will take decades before any palpable changes are made. Illiteracy is a symptom of those problems, not the cause. If free and fair elections are held in Pakistan, and that's one big if, people will vote wisely, regardless of their education. If you think they will not, you are missing something.


You sir are a true gem of a person.

A truly "educated" and not just "literate".

As literati's can be had dime a dozen

But the wise and educated? Well one in a million.

Thank you Thank you.
i will say "undereducated" Pakistanis of madarsa and hate text books education system itself creating threat to Pakistan. As much as they try to involve religion in social system this destruction will go to next level.
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