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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

I know Indian solders petrol near to zero line without any fear so killing them with sniper is cowardly act, only you can do.

I don't care if it is a military target.

Cowardly act or not. We would hit only military targets for our revenge. Don't worry.
637 Comments, Pakistan main India ka jhanda kab tk Lehra rahy Indian posters? :D:D
Hey boys check this

@Windjammer @DESERT FIGHTER @Tipu7

Looks like it is BSF that has been hit hard.
I know,
i am working on it :enjoy:
Two BSF were just sent to hell ................
Pakistan Defense offical page is banned in India, so gotta find alternative link inorder to emotionally hurt our Indian friends Sir G Kal strikes celebrations :yahoo:
Seems indian casualties are high and targets had already been selected, how much more embarrassment can the indians take, another Chai Wala production.
Holy hell, you can see at least six Indian soldiers killed there, have the Indians said anything about their own casualties.

There have been reports of BSF posts being hit by Indian media.
you can literately see 4 Indian soldiers getting blown to bits ...but somehow it is fake and propaganda .... & Indian strikes are real even though not even 1 picture of proof is present..

you Killed 2 of ours .... we Killed 4 of your ...... Come again....

Pakistan says it killed 6 Indian soldiers. We can see 3 or 4 losing their lives in these videos.
Pakistan Army attacks Indian Posts - Video Footage


Its time to resume our earlier debates of the option available with the India.
As your whole argument was that their is no balls in India to do that or that.

Now lets review it again

1. Using Water War -- You might have heard the news of the meeting done by Modi to review the IWT -- A studies done in 2010 indicates that even if we didn't broke the IWT, and fully utilize our share of water of 20%, that would hurt the Pakistan. This option have been activated now.

2. Short tactical moves, and give the tactical commander the freeness -- We won't be hearing any news from the Indian media this time, and guess, why there was so much F-16 flying in the P0K areas, and level of allertness, because something is going on in the background.

3. Surgical Strike -- You called again no balls game, but this won't be the option right now, because Winter is comming, and for a sane PM or the Leaders, this would take place only when we have the justification Solid. So the best option is to make the condition, that makes the enemy to do some foolish action e.g Make the condition of the Water so that they make the first step, which would give India the justification to end the game latter.

4. Corner the Pakistan -- This option have been activated, and very evident from the lattest facts of SAARC meeting in Islamabad conditions.

5. Remove MFN Status -- Your argument was, that no problem for Pak -- Agreed, but small steps including other steps makes a big one, which is decisive.

6. Internationalize Balluchistan -- Soon it will be the reality, and the lattest Bugti will get the asylum in India. Why Pakistan will have the problem, because he is stuck in Switzerland as the Swiss govt. don't allow him to go outside of their country, and he was not able to accelerate the movement. With the asylum in India (He won't be the first one who will get the asylum, and not the last) he could visit more areas, and could raise the voice more prominently.

7. Covert Operation -- You wrongly understand the word Covert operation, which will be all the options above.

8. Corner the Pakistan Internationally and declare it as Terrorist State -- This option is also been activated, Sushma Swaraj speech indicates the call for the Global agreement to do that and to address the very source which is spreading the terror. There were some news regarding the USA itself, when some senate tries to bring some resolution passed for that, and might know better there.

regards. So where would you like to resume our discussion.
I don't take any pleasure in the deaths of any soldiers.

I am not unhappy that 4 enemy troops have been blown to Kingdom Come.
All the news about surgical strikes on Pakistan territory is a BIG LIE and pakistan is right in denying of any attack on it's soil as it's all Indian territory.
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