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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

I think this 14 Indian soldiers being dead is again a false propaganda of the pak army so that they can again force fed their civilians the lies based on a false flagger just so that the average Pakistanis has atleast something to release their mental frustration and can go to sleep easily tonight knowingly that they have taken the revenge even though it was a false flag operation.

Why don't you stop all surgical strikes bullshit without indians the world will be a better and a more reliable place ffs mate
And Indian army has confirmed the that one of their soldiers is in our custody


WTF is going on?
Lots of them.

1) Retaliatory strikes using artillery and maybe stand off air strikes on selected targets in Kashmir.
2) Increasing support for Freedom Fighters; after their next attack, Modi has to either launch actual strikes or stand down. Both with risks.

3) Increase pressure on India in the North East and in Indian Punjab.
Oh my, what has india done, are they all inbred or just stupid?
because your too dumb to seethat the videos that media is showing has nothing do with present... they are very old videos
Again another claim. Just like the surgical strike claim. Can you prove that these videos are old or you're too dumb to believe whatever you are fed?
Why don't you stop all surgical strikes bullshit without indians the world will be a better and a more reliable place ffs mate
The world will be a better place without the terrorists and the terrorism. If only you guys could understood this easily then South Asia would have been a semi-developed region by now.
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The world will be a better place without the terrorists and the terrorism. If only you guys would have understood this easily then South Asia would have been a semi-developed region by now.

Now don't copy me think of something else to say like you lost 14 soldiers mate
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