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Pakistan refuses to take part in Nato airstrike probe

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Pakistan refuses to take part in Nato airstrike probe
Pakistan is refusing to take part in a US military investigation of the air strikes which killed 24 of its soldiers, according to the Pentagon.​

The attack on Saturday plunged the two countries' fragile relationship into crisis and Islamabad has retaliated by ordering American forces out of a base used for drone strikes, blocking Nato convoys into Afghanistan and refusing to attend an international conference on Afghan development.

American investigators invited Pakistan to participate in the investigation but the country's military has refused.

"They have elected to date not to participate, but we would welcome their participation," said Pentagon press secretary George Little.
Pakistan refuses to take part in Nato airstrike probe - Telegraph
Good move.

Participation would mean Pakistan would be forced behind the scenes to sign off on a watered down, compromised version of events. Let NATO peddle its lies without Pakistan's seal of approval.
Why refuse the joint probe?Is there anything to hide for PA which will come out in joint probe?
Why refuse the joint probe?Is there anything to hide for PA which will come out in joint probe?

Because the 'probe' is not designed to uncover facts -- those are already well known. The only reason for this 'probe' is to come up with a plausible cover story for NATO's unjustifiable aggression based on an Afghan set up.
Very suspicious behaviour from Pakistan.

They prefer to keep their people's anger focussed on America and NATO, than risk the investigation pointing some of the blame at them.

This is the same tactic the 'palestinians' use.

Pakistan is playing a duplicitous game. The only ones who still deny this are a handful of loyal extremist Zombie-bots like we see on this forum who with eyes transfixed forwards, parrot the Pakistan mantra that they are the eternal victims and they have never sponsored terrorist groups or had training camps for them.
Because the 'probe' is not designed to uncover facts -- those are already well known. The only reason for this 'probe' is to come up with a plausible cover story for NATO's unjustifiable aggression based on an Afghan set up.
How can a pobe be unjustified if both parties are investigating together.Secondly not all facts are in public domain like communication recording, Choppers gunsight camera recording etc.Whats is in public domain or wat is know is just lot of noise nothing else.
Very suspicious behaviour from Pakistan.

They prefer to keep their people's anger focussed on America and NATO, than risk the investigation pointing some of the blame at them.

This is the same tactic the 'palestinians' use.

Pakistan is playing a duplicitous game. The only ones who still deny this are a handful of loyal extremist Zombie-bots like we see on this forum who with eyes transfixed forwards, parrot the Pakistan mantra that they are the eternal victims and they have never sponsored terrorist groups or had training camps for them.
Its supicious coz there has been past trends of PA pushing and helping taliban and other terror groups in india and afghanistan.Now its upto PA to prove its innocence in present case.
Its supicious coz there has been past trends of PA pushing and helping taliban and other terror groups in india and afghanistan.Now its upto PA to prove its innocence in present case.
And if they are so adamant that NATO are in the wrong, then surely they can show evidence. This is their chance to show the world. Their chance to shame NATO.

Instead they refuse. So it immediately becomes suspicious.
How can a pobe be unjustified if both parties are investigating together.Secondly not all facts are in public domain like communication recording, Choppers gunsight camera recording etc.Whats is in public domain or wat is know is just lot of noise nothing else.

Because it would not be an investigation but an orchestrated charade to get Pakistan to sign off on a NATO fabrication. Let NATO produce its so-called evidence (which is being manufactured right now with Hollywood script writers and special effects teams). Perhaps they'll do a better job this time than the Iraq WMD fiasco.
What a sick mentality.. We are bombarded, we are being killed, we are being invaded, not once, not twice, more than 70 soldiers killed in direct attacks, 3 previously started joint probes resulted in nothing and you are suspecting Pakistan for not undergoing into 4th probe? Why the hell we should?
pakistan told the UN they were clear to attack, i dont think pakistan is stupid enough to tell them to do it without knowing their troops were there. the mere fact they cleared UN to attack shows that they were in on it, the UN upon finding out that is was pakistani troops, stopped and went away, pakistan then told them to keep firing, so they went back.

this is as much political as anything, they purposely got the UN to attack so that can have a reason to get the US out of pakistan and also give more political strength to itself and china in the region.

and on the slim chance it was purely mistake on part of pakistan, they will lie about it so they do not look bad, pakistan is good at taking US aid money, but they are still corrupt and attempting their own false flag operation
it doesnt take a genius to recognise and see this big chess game being played out right now, pakistan and china are in on it, they moved their pawns, so america moved its pawns, this is a false flag operation, and i just read now pakistan is going to deply anti aircraft installations in the region, what better way then to intentionally cause the UN to attack its camp, and then kick them out of the country and then be able to put these installations in without any real quims about it whatsoever. thats why they wont cooperate in investigation. now that they have made their move, china will do something now, and it will keep going on n on untill war breaks out
Because it would not be an investigation but an orchestrated charade to get Pakistan to sign off on a NATO fabrication. Let NATO produce its so-called evidence (which is being manufactured right now with Hollywood script writers and special effects teams). Perhaps they'll do a better job this time than the Iraq WMD fiasco.
Hollywood charde is done very professionally not like looywood tamasha by creating murk on the streets of pakistan through hired showmans of JuD.

JD activists as well as school children as young as 10 from various districts were brought to the Lahore Press Club in buses and vans for the ‘Talaba Jamaatud Dawa’ (Jamaatud Dawa Students) protest against the Nato attack that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.
Students aged 10 to 15 from Jhumra Sandal Islamic School, Faisalabad, and Tameer-i-Seerat Model School Sharaqpur, Sheikhupura, said that they had thought they were going to a science exhibition and that’s what they had told their parents.
One student from Sandal Islamic School gave this correspondent a form titled ‘Field Trip Permission’ that was signed by his mother. “Dear Parent or Guardian,” it reads. “Your child is going on a field trip. Please read the information at the top of this form, then sign and return the permission slip at the bottom of this form.” It goes on to say that the students would be taken to a science exhibition at Al-Mizan School, Faisalabad, and they would be back by 3pm. The protest did not end till 4:20 pm, when the participants got back in the vans and buses and drove to Nasser Bagh.

JD vows to make Pakistan a Taliban state – The Express Tribune
pakistan told the UN they were clear to attack, i dont think pakistan is stupid enough to tell them to do it without knowing their troops were there. the mere fact they cleared UN to attack shows that they were in on it, the UN upon finding out that is was pakistani troops, stopped and went away, pakistan then told them to keep firing, so they went back.

this is as much political as anything, they purposely got the UN to attack so that can have a reason to get the US out of pakistan and also give more political strength to itself and china in the region.

and on the slim chance it was purely mistake on part of pakistan, they will lie about it so they do not look bad, pakistan is good at taking US aid money, but they are still corrupt and attempting their own false flag operation

It's possible, but I suspect a mistake on both sides. Pakistan just doesn't want to admit how close it is to NATO/America and that they authorise strikes in their territory.

Would Pakistan take the risk of purposely killing their own soldiers. The risk being they get found out?

Although the Palestinians have been known to purposely put their people in the line of fire to gain sympathy. So anything is possible.

It's certainly interesting why NATO would be directed to that location and cleared to fire. Maybe some Chinese involvement?
Because the 'probe' is not designed to uncover facts -- those are already well known. The only reason for this 'probe' is to come up with a plausible cover story for NATO's unjustifiable aggression based on an Afghan set up.

Do you have any proof for your claim or is this just another one of those things you heard in the bazaar?
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