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Pakistan refuses to release Dr Afridi despite US pressure

I do have a heart and a brain.

I speak the truth.

If you think I am trolling, please report my posts as you see fit to Admin/Mods for necessary action.

Until I am banned, if that happens, I will continue to speak the truth, no matter how unpalatable or unpopular it might be.

I do not wish Pakistan ill.

It is misguided zealots like you who are destroying it.

I will say it again: Where is any evidence that something was injected into Pakistani kids by US agencies? If there is, present it or shut up with the slander.

You are a liar but for americans thats the norm now . Your posts are full of hate. I can smell hatred in every word you type for pakistan. With wellwishers like you and your type of americans who needs enemies. You say you have a brain but i wonder. Why do you goad us when we talk of american injustices. You remind us that america is powerful and we are weak therefore what can we do at the moment. whats that about. The only inferance to be drawn from your comments is that right or wrong america can get away with it. You call me zealot I call you a heartless retard
Please file a suit in the International Court of Justice immediately and present the evidence supporting your claim. Mere slander will not get you anywhere.

What is your problem? Why do you have to be full of vile in your posts about Pakistan? Have you had a personal bad experience?
You dont speak the truth. If you did then you would accept america is evil. How dare your nation try to put pressure on our nation and not allow our judicary system to take place. Stop bullying. Unless of course your nation has something to hide from the Afridi affair. Are you trying to cover up again i wonder?
Americans as a state level need to apologize for the act of harming Pakistani children and injecting them with substances illegally.

Please file a suit in the International Court of Justice immediately and present the evidence supporting your claim. Mere slander will not get you anywhere.

Do you not have a heart? I see you trolling all over the place on this forum. You seem to wish my nation ill. You are not funny. and you are creating more enemies for your people. But maybe you are just pretending to be american so people will hate americans you know like fifth column.

I do have a heart and a brain.

I speak the truth.

If you think I am trolling, please report my posts as you see fit to Admin/Mods for necessary action.

Until I am banned, if that happens, I will continue to speak the truth, no matter how unpalatable or unpopular it might be.

I do not wish Pakistan ill.

It is misguided zealots like you who are destroying it.

I will say it again: Where is any evidence that something was injected into Pakistani kids by US agencies? If there is, present it or shut up with the slander.

its not about the vaccine he injected alone.......its about playing in the hands of enemies against own country that is illegal and spying against own country is treason ............... so anyone who commit treason is traitor
It is also a crime to start an illegal vaccination campaign without proper need of that vaccination and in order to spying

You are a liar but for americans thats the norm now . Your posts are full of hate. I can smell hatred in every word you type for pakistan. With wellwishers like you and your type of americans who needs enemies. You say you have a brain but i wonder. Why do you goad us when we talk of american injustices. You remind us that america is powerful and we are weak therefore what can we do at the moment. whats that about. The only inferance to be drawn from your comments is that right or wrong america can get away with it. You call me zealot I call you a heartless retard

What is your problem? Why do you have to be full of vile in your posts about Pakistan? Have you had a personal bad experience?
You dont speak the truth. If you did then you would accept america is evil. How dare your nation try to put pressure on our nation and not allow our judicary system to take place. Stop bullying. Unless of course your nation has something to hide from the Afridi affair. Are you trying to cover up again i wonder?

Ok, let's recap:

AA made the original accusation against USA of "the act of harming Pakistani children and injecting them with substances illegally" to which I asked for proof, if any, to be presented in a court of law.

He has not replied, and all of you are going off on a tangent attacking me, rather than presenting any proof of US illegal acts against Pakistani children.

Please note I have not said anything about Dr. Afridi. He is a Pakistani national, and whatever he did and the legality or lack thereof, will need to be decided by Pakistani courts, not ISI or any similar extra-judicial process. I have an idea of what will happen to him as well, but that is not relevant at this point.

You may disagree with what I have said, but I stand by those statements as CORRECT.
Members, lets be clear, the Doctor did not inject any harmful substances, but did take blood samples.
The negative effect was that, the population of pakistan, rural population, then got a phobia that any second doctor might be a phony and hence, reluctant to present their children for polio cases, and this has effected the Government polio scheme very badly in recent months.

HE did NOT inject a harmful substance.

But the doctor was at faukt, and should be charged with treason and for spying for a foreign country.
haha some body please give VCheng American citizenship so he can stop pretending to be a Pakistani :D-
Members, lets be clear, the Doctor did not inject any harmful substances, but did take blood samples.
The negative effect was that, the population of pakistan, rural population, then got a phobia that any second doctor might be a phony and hence, reluctant to present their children for polio cases, and this has effected the Government polio scheme very badly in recent months.

HE did NOT inject a harmful substance.

But the doctor was at faukt, and should be charged with treason and for spying for a foreign country.

Thank you. That is what I have said: AA's accusation is without basis and thus slanderous. What Dr. Afridi did as a Pakistani citizen is for the Pakistani courts to decide.

haha some body please give VCheng American citizenship so he can stop pretending to be a Pakistani :D-

HAHA! No need, I already have it. :D

And it does not affect what I say or do: I love both USA and Pakistan.
HAHA! No need, I already have it. :D

And it does not affect what I say or do: I love both USA and Pakistan.

Vcheng, its much appreciated if you keep your country flag USA, you can write pakistan on location place, because i think is, as you yourself have said that you have sworn loyalty to uncle sam when you got your green card, your opinions relate to an americn opinion rather a pakistani opinion, now its advisable that you keep both the country and location flag as USA, as some of us really get confused with your pakistani flag

hope u wont get offended by this post
Vcheng, its much appreciated if you keep your country flag USA, you can write pakistan on location place, because i think is, as you yourself have said that you have sworn loyalty to uncle sam when you got your green card, your opinions relate to an americn opinion rather a pakistani opinion, now its advisable that you keep both the country and location flag as USA, as some of us really get confused with your pakistani flag

hope u wont get offended by this post

Well, I appreciate your post, but I do care for both USA and Pakistan equally. I am now a US national, but I can never change the fact that I was born and raised in Pakistan. Hence I think the two flags are appropriate.
The doctor should be treated as a spy and for treason, that much part should be clear to everyone.

But , that os the only charge IMO, he did not inject any substance into anybody. And no child died because of it.
The doctor should be treated as a spy and for treason, that much part should be clear to everyone.

But , that os the only charge IMO, he did not inject any substance into anybody. And no child died because of it.

Has Dr. Afridi been formally charged? Or is he still being held by the ISI without charge?
VCheng, it is really surprised for us, you being 46 year old father of two/three children, you rarely spend time with your wife and kids but arguing with every Pakistani here forum in order to create doubt, twist, and confusion in order to protect your loyal country which never harm you and killed many Pakistanis. How much time more you want to argue with us everyday 24 hours?

I've decided you will be expelled to the Ignore List. I would recommend to Mods to ban VCheng, he will migrate to other forums with same arguments and stupid nonsense. Truth is really hurt.
VCheng, it is really surprised for us, you being 46 year old father of two/three children, you rarely spend time with your wife and kids but arguing with every Pakistani here forum in order to create doubt, twist, and confusion in order to protect your loyal country which never harm you and killed many Pakistanis. How much time more you want to argue with us everyday 24 hours?

I've decided you will be expelled to the Ignore List. I would recommend to Mods to ban VCheng, he will migrate to other forums with same arguments and stupid nonsense. Truth is really hurt.

RaptorRX707 is their a RETARD LIST? He could be the head of that department
VCheng, it is really surprised for us, you being 46 year old father of two/three children, you rarely spend time with your wife and kids but arguing with every Pakistani here forum in order to create doubt, twist, and confusion in order to protect your loyal country which never harm you and killed many Pakistanis. How much time more you want to argue with us everyday 24 hours?

I've decided you will be expelled to the Ignore List. I would recommend to Mods to ban VCheng, he will migrate to other forums with same arguments and stupid nonsense. Truth is really hurt.

Just how do you know what I do with my life? :P

Go ahead, please ask for my ban. If I deserve it, I will surely welcome being banned. Oh, if you want to ignore me, please go ahead with that too! :D

I merely present logic and facts. If anybody can't accept that, then it is not my problem, is it?

RaptorRX707 is their a RETARD LIST? He could be the head of that department

Why, thanks! I will take that as a compliment! :D

Like Eleanor Roosevelt said:

"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."

Can we get back to the topic please?
RaptorRX707 is their a RETARD LIST? He could be the head of that department

I agree with you but Ignore List is good enough for this forum which means, Dumb Lists (garbage bags). Hope VCheng must be very proud. ;)

Just how do you know what I do with my life?

Go ahead, please ask for my ban. If I deserve it, I will surely welcome being banned. Oh, if you want to ignore me, please go ahead with that too!

I merely present logic and facts. If anybody can't accept that, then it is not my problem, is it?

Well, it is not hard, you already have been exposed yourself on the internet, your names have been in many forums especially professional photographers.

Not only me, many members and including Moderators have recognized the real cancer of you and same senseless arguments by one on one questions you can see previously. You rarely spend time with your kids and wife but the important of forum arguing with us to protect your citizenships. Maybe officers will expel you back to Afghanistan someday. :D

You in fact present doubt, twist, confusion and attention seeking. What's up with your many presences in internet using Chinese name ?
. .
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