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Pakistan Received Mi17 Helicopter From US

If the pics of the actual helicopters transferred has not yet become available, how do you know which version the US is LEASING to Pakistan (i.e. pointed covered dolphin nose or open glass round nose)?

perhaps you didnt bothered to go through my complete post and just started to argument for nothing!
dear i have written it clearly that hese pics are being shown on news channels but are not available on net! that was the case at that time and now at the moment the pics are present and you can see them!!
i will suggest rather request you to get over with some strange and mysterious rivalry you are in with me for some pretty uncertain reasons! i have noted it a lot of times that you keep arguing for nothing! i suggest you not to continue with this from now on!

Sorry, I couldn't find the pics on the net. Will post if I find them.

In the mean time, the picture posted by pengiun and a similar helicopter being off-loaded might help reconstruct how this might look like.

Mi-17 being delivered to Islamabad by US on June 10.

A similar picture of a helicopter being off-loaded from a transport airplane

thankyou for the pics!
the birds given to us look almost the same! atleast they were being unloaded from a similar looking cargo plane as shown in the news channels!
the second picture is almost like the same frame that was being shown on TV but this is of an Afghani chopper being unloaded from the plane after it was donated to afghan authorities by czech republic!

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thehelicopter in the second picture is an Mi-24 hind attack chopper. look at the wheeled legs that do not have struts
thehelicopter in the second picture is an Mi-24 hind attack chopper. look at the wheeled legs that do not have struts
no my friend, i guess you are got it wrong!
sir Growler, with all respect but you are not right i suppose:
here below is the pic and the caption of the pic, also i have added the original link so that you guys can check it out!

The Afghan national army offload a donated MI-17 attack helicopter at Kabul International Airport. The Directorate for ANA Training and Equipment Support at ISAF and CSTC-A worked with the Czech republic to donate 3 MI-17 attack helicopters to the Afghan National Army's Air Corp on Dec. 1. This was the first of two helo donations from the Czech Republic. (photo by Tech. Sgt. Brenda Nipper)
Peace Like A River Search Results namhong

i hope this helps!

Sigh! No arslan YOU are incorrect.....That is a Hind, it is clear as day. Also someone posted the picture of a PUMA helicopter earlier as well.
no my friend, i guess you are got it wrong!
sir Growler, with all respect but you are not right i suppose:
here below is the pic and the caption of the pic, also i have added the original link so that you guys can check it out!

The Afghan national army offload a donated MI-17 attack helicopter at Kabul International Airport. The Directorate for ANA Training and Equipment Support at ISAF and CSTC-A worked with the Czech republic to donate 3 MI-17 attack helicopters to the Afghan National Army's Air Corp on Dec. 1. This was the first of two helo donations from the Czech Republic. (photo by Tech. Sgt. Brenda Nipper)
Peace Like A River Search Results namhong

i hope this helps!


first of all check out the circular 5 windows on Mi-17 and 4 squarish window on HIND. then the tail roter on mi-17 is on the top of tail boom while it is not on HIND.
Sigh! No arslan YOU are incorrect.....That is a Hind, it is clear as day. Also someone posted the picture of a PUMA helicopter earlier as well.

well the physical appearance show it to be a HIND for sure!
all i refered to is the claim of the source, i think Mean_bird who originally have posted this pic can shed some light on this!

howeer it is sure and i agree with you and Sir Growler that it looks to be a hind for sure!
anyway thanks for your information!

perhaps you didnt bothered to go through my complete post and just started to argument for nothing!
dear i have written it clearly that hese pics are being shown on news channels but are not available on net! that was the case at that time and now at the moment the pics are present and you can see them!!
i will suggest rather request you to get over with some strange and mysterious rivalry you are in with me for some pretty uncertain reasons! i have noted it a lot of times that you keep arguing for nothing! i suggest you not to continue with this from now on!


Nah, I read those posts and reread them just now. All you said is pic aren't on the net yet. But that was besides the point anyway, which was about which type and what was in the covered nose (the content of which someone in another thread had already pointed out to you, so I wonder who's not reading ... ). Asking a question indicates rivalry?

And you're calling me 'dear' again, honey.
Is it clear now. Key is right it is Hind...And those naked MI17 was only for training purpose under US army aviation. No action role.

stub wings from MI-24/35 which is being offloaded must be removed for ease of transportation inside the cargo plane.
However, before making it ready for flying, stub wings will be reattached again as flying without stub wings would seriuosly affect center of gravity (longitudinally and tranverselly).

Stub wing also produce 17% of the total Lift force in MI-24/35 helicopters in forward flight.
The Mi-17/171 helicopter is capable of carrying troops and cargo for air assault of infantry troops, special force team insertion and support to ground troops.

this is the version which is in PA inventory.
well the physical appearance show it to be a HIND for sure!
all i refered to is the claim of the source, i think Mean_bird who originally have posted this pic can shed some light on this!

howeer it is sure and i agree with you and Sir Growler that it looks to be a hind for sure!
anyway thanks for your information!


Sorry if I cause some confusion here.

I thought the title of pictures would have made it clear- the first one is the "MI-17 being offloaded in Islamabad" while the second picture is just to show how a helicopter is off-loaded and how the transport plane looks like. It wasn't meant to show it is an MI-17 being offloaded and that is why I just stated " a helicopter" instead of specifying.

May be I should have been more clearer. My bad!

In this case, it is indeed the Hind as rightly pointed out by many.
Sorry if I cause some confusion here.

I thought the title of pictures would have made it clear- the first one is the "MI-17 being offloaded in Islamabad" while the second picture is just to show how a helicopter is off-loaded and how the transport plane looks like. It wasn't meant to show it is an MI-17 being offloaded and that is why I just stated " a helicopter" instead of specifying.

May be I should have been more clearer. My bad!

In this case, it is indeed the Hind as rightly pointed out by many.

:smitten: thankyou for your response, the confusion really created a lot of mess around here but perhaps it was not your fault and all of us played a role in it. i think we (including myself ofcourse) must have checked other members posts and the net for in detail information.

any how lets get over with it and continue with some constructive discussion!

Russian Choppers in Pakistan

One could be surprised by the title but it is true. The M-17 choppers helicopter provided by US to Pakistan this month are Russian made. Google can easily verify that. According to a website "USA provided Pakistan with the Russian helicopters Mi-17 :: Russia-InfoCentr “The Pakistanis got the Russian weapons as a support in the fight against gangs. Four military helicopters were delivered to Pakistan. The Military Department of Pakistan stated that the helicopters will be used to evacuate the inhabitants from the territory of military activities.
Earlier Pakistan government asked the USA for the military support in the activity against terrorism. The support came two weeks later and the delivery of the helicopters was also done by the USA.
It still remains unknown why the USA exported Russian helicopters. But the holding company “Russian Helicopters” confirmed the information.”

It is notable that these MI-17 choppers had been in use by Iraqi air force. Another website claims that “The Iraqis actually obtained their Mi-17s from Poland, who is also supplying maintenance services. By next year, the Iraqis hope to have 24 Mi-17s in service.”
An article claimsthat “The U.S. has access to Mi-17s because it has led the way in obtaining this model for Iraq and Afghanistan (both long time users of the Mi-17.)

Saima Arif
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