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Pakistan - Rationale and Denialism

GG Magic


New Recruit

Jul 30, 2013
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I am sorry to say I have been disturbed by the rationale of many Pakistani people I have met. I have found their responses on important issues (when not going into denial mode) quite baffling. Since judging all Pakistanis on my own experience is unfair, I would like to know your opinions on some issues and thoughts which I trust you will approach in a rational and logical way rather than with the typical drivel I'm sadly used to.

The first topic is regarding Pakistan's place in the world and how they view themselves. Given that Pakistanis pride themselves so much on religious zealotry (and in many cases look down upon other Muslims/Muslim countries), is it not the greatest irony that Pakistan is, and has been, America's biggest puppet in the region? :usflag:

Another issue where I've experienced a wall of denial and sometimes even conspiracy theories/allegations against the media/courts is regarding the recent child-sex grooming cases in the UK. The evidence from research suggests there is a significant problem among Pakistani men in particular. Why do these Pakistani men think its OK to pass around and rape underage white girls? :confused: And why do other Pakistanis play down this significant problem?

Another example of the aforementioned denial syndrome I've come across is the 1971 Bangladeshi genocide that was perpetrated by Pakistan. The amount of times I've heard that its a Hindu, Indian and even global conspiracy against Pakistan, is comical and yet disturbing at the same time, since it makes me seriously question the Pakistani mentality.

So in short, why are Pakistanis so irrationally defensive about everything? :hitwall:
I look forward to your reasonable answers to these issues which I'm sure will help me rethink my beliefs about ordinary Pakistanis. :)
Firstly, welcome comrade.

On topic, most of the Pakistanis you might have met must be from Punjab. In Punjab, the propensity to blame others for one's own problems is endemic and always has been.

Pakistan as a state has focused on convincing its people that its a fortress of Islam and they are the chosen ones. Its basically all done by the elite to justify its hefty budget.

In order to convince its people, the elite lies blatantly to its own people and promotes anti western sentiments while being in bed with the west to get a good bargaining position.

People of Pakistan ( mainly punjab) have been lead to believe that the elite is the guardian of Islam and hence questioning it would be heresy; therefore, all dissenters are presented as devils and no alternative point of view is aired.

As a result, you have an intellectually deficient army of people who believe in propaganda.

It will remain this way.

A resourceful country in the hands of imbeciles.
Firstly, welcome comrade.

On topic, most of the Pakistanis you might have met must be from Punjab. In Punjab, the propensity to blame others for one's own problems is endemic and always has been.

Pakistan as a state has focused on convincing its people that its a fortress of Islam and they are the chosen ones. Its basically all done by the elite to justify its hefty budget.

In order to convince its people, the elite lies blatantly to its own people and promotes anti western sentiments while being in bed with the west to get a good bargaining position.

People of Pakistan ( mainly punjab) have been lead to believe that the elite is the guardian of Islam and hence questioning it would be heresy; therefore, all dissenters are presented as devils and no alternative point of view is aired.

As a result, you have an intellectually deficient army of people who believe in propaganda.

It will remain this way.

A resourceful country in the hands of imbeciles.

Most British Pakistanis are from AJK..

On topic.. i have a bad feeling about this..
Firstly, welcome comrade.

On topic, most of the Pakistanis you might have met must be from Punjab. In Punjab, the propensity to blame others for one's own problems is endemic and always has been.

Pakistan as a state has focused on convincing its people that its a fortress of Islam and they are the chosen ones. Its basically all done by the elite to justify its hefty budget.

In order to convince its people, the elite lies blatantly to its own people and promotes anti western sentiments while being in bed with the west to get a good bargaining position.

People of Pakistan ( mainly punjab) have been lead to believe that the elite is the guardian of Islam and hence questioning it would be heresy; therefore, all dissenters are presented as devils and no alternative point of view is aired.

As a result, you have an intellectually deficient army of people who believe in propaganda.

It will remain this way.

A resourceful country in the hands of imbeciles.

Thank you for this insightful post.

Pakistan really is in a terrible state. It sounds like there is a deeply twisted relationship between the elite and the people who prop one another up endlessly.

There is no hope for Pakistan.

It's just a shame the ones I have to meet are degenerate automatons, rather than decent human beings like yourself.
I don’t think so that you have met so many Pakistanis … And created in your mind a fevered imagination about Pakistanis to talking with some zealotry people.

The first topic is regarding Pakistan's place in the world and how they view themselves. Given that Pakistanis pride themselves so much on religious zealotry (and in many cases look down upon other Muslims/Muslim countries), is it not the greatest irony that Pakistan is, and has been, America's biggest puppet in the region? :usflag:

How irony … You don’t know so much about a nation but deplorably get yourself prepared to writing a sarcastic view … If you cast an eye on different nation’s history & culture it will come in your knowledge that almost all nations seem themselves supreme … But unfortunately due to worst history of Pakistan now we are not able to think ourselves as a superior nation … Pakistan has an ignominious history since its birth … If someone gave you such impression then I am sure you have met to a fanatic man … Infact we consider to Arabs as superior to us … We see to Turkey wistful … Nowadays Malaysia has become an example to us …….

All above mentioned nations are Muslims that’s why I mentioned only those … Otherwise we are much impressed to European nations especially British & Americans … Infact we are mentally consider ourselves as slave of white nations like before partition of 1947 … India had got rid of from UK along with Pakistan … But at this time Pakistan is far behind than India in economy & development … Reason is one that we couldn’t have good leaders till date due to our feudal culture … Only by this reason we are America’s biggest puppet at this time … Yes I admit you are right but not completely …………….

Another issue where I've experienced a wall of denial and sometimes even conspiracy theories/allegations against the media/courts is regarding the recent child-sex grooming cases in the UK. The evidence from research suggests there is a significant problem among Pakistani men in particular. Why do these Pakistani men think its OK to pass around and rape underage white girls? :confused: And why do other Pakistanis play down this significant problem?

See … You can’t completely deny conspiracy with Pakistan … Not everything is conspiracy but you have to give margin to some extent :) As far as concern child sex grooming cases in the UK … I’m not aware about this right now I wonder how did you alleged to whole nation to rape underage white girls … You can’t accuse to whole nation due to some lunatic’s act … If I surf on internet I am sorry to say I find white nations insane in sex … Even they don’t spare to their mother & sister … Exchange of wife is another madness … Aren’t incidents of several rapes happened in India?? It doesn’t mean that all white people or Indians do these acts … Likewise I will suggest to you kindly spare all Pakistanis for this act ... Pakistanis are very well mannered ... Lunatics are existed in all nations ……........

Another example of the aforementioned denial syndrome I've come across is the 1971 Bangladeshi genocide that was perpetrated by Pakistan. The amount of times I've heard that its a Hindu, Indian and even global conspiracy against Pakistan, is comical and yet disturbing at the same time, since it makes me seriously question the Pakistani mentality.

What do you think??? Fall of East Pakistan was just reaction of atrocities which were perpetrated by Pakistan … Many factors were involved including Indian involvement … You said that you’ve heard this from Hindu … Now this time I don’t want to go in debate with Indian mates … But you’ve heard one sided fact … You should know neutral sourced otherwise you will be always remain bias with Pakistanis ... Please check below link:


What was causes of fall of east Pakistan

So in short, why are Pakistanis so irrationally defensive about everything? :hitwall:
I look forward to your reasonable answers to these issues which I'm sure will help me rethink my beliefs about ordinary Pakistanis. :)

I don’t care you consider my answers reasonable or not … What do you think about ordinary Pakistani … Its your choice if you think bad about us … Just motive of mine to replying you is your inappropriate questions ..........

This is my last post in this thread ... I don't want to start an illogical debate ... Thank you ..........
Firstly, welcome comrade.

On topic, most of the Pakistanis you might have met must be from Punjab. In Punjab, the propensity to blame others for one's own problems is endemic and always has been.

Pakistan as a state has focused on convincing its people that its a fortress of Islam and they are the chosen ones. Its basically all done by the elite to justify its hefty budget.

In order to convince its people, the elite lies blatantly to its own people and promotes anti western sentiments while being in bed with the west to get a good bargaining position.

People of Pakistan ( mainly punjab) have been lead to believe that the elite is the guardian of Islam and hence questioning it would be heresy; therefore, all dissenters are presented as devils and no alternative point of view is aired.

As a result, you have an intellectually deficient army of people who believe in propaganda.

It will remain this way.

A resourceful country in the hands of imbeciles.

its good u live in canada.

I am sorry to say I have been disturbed by the rationale of many Pakistani people I have met. I have found their responses on important issues (when not going into denial mode) quite baffling. Since judging all Pakistanis on my own experience is unfair, I would like to know your opinions on some issues and thoughts which I trust you will approach in a rational and logical way rather than with the typical drivel I'm sadly used to.

The first topic is regarding Pakistan's place in the world and how they view themselves. Given that Pakistanis pride themselves so much on religious zealotry (and in many cases look down upon other Muslims/Muslim countries), is it not the greatest irony that Pakistan is, and has been, America's biggest puppet in the region? :usflag:

Another issue where I've experienced a wall of denial and sometimes even conspiracy theories/allegations against the media/courts is regarding the recent child-sex grooming cases in the UK. The evidence from research suggests there is a significant problem among Pakistani men in particular. Why do these Pakistani men think its OK to pass around and rape underage white girls? :confused: And why do other Pakistanis play down this significant problem?

Another example of the aforementioned denial syndrome I've come across is the 1971 Bangladeshi genocide that was perpetrated by Pakistan. The amount of times I've heard that its a Hindu, Indian and even global conspiracy against Pakistan, is comical and yet disturbing at the same time, since it makes me seriously question the Pakistani mentality.

So in short, why are Pakistanis so irrationally defensive about everything? :hitwall:
I look forward to your reasonable answers to these issues which I'm sure will help me rethink my beliefs about ordinary Pakistanis. :)

If you are really "British" mate then you as a nation should know the perils of generalization. Yes for sure there are many ills associated with Pakistan and Pakistani's but same is the case with many other nations including the "British". And you just need to read your own history to see where the "nation" of British people have come from and what that nation has been responsible for with respect to world history.

The British nation historically has caused so much chaos, suffering, and conflict in the world (Middle East, India-Pak, Ireland, Far East, etc.) all for their own selfish purposes and many of the effects are still being felt today. Does this mean we generalize and hold all of Britain responsible? of course not. There are so many social ills associated with Britain at present, does that mean we generalize and think all British people are like that? Of course not.

Its only fair (and logical) that you also dont generalize about any other country/nation.

As for America's biggest pet in the world I think Britain should not be shy of taking that title :)
what do you mean by this comment?

Think the idiot was trying to threaten you. :)

Though i am at a loss of words as to how to respond to the OP . yeas i have noticed the propensity for denial and conspiracies , but after a point you just get used to certain members here behaving that way. you just dont take them seriously.
The wording of the post seems a bit dubious, just my opinion. Perhaps a check on location- just to be sure?

no, he seems to be a legit brit, especially because he gave more importance to rochdale than say terrorism in pakistan.

Thank you for this insightful post.

Pakistan really is in a terrible state. It sounds like there is a deeply twisted relationship between the elite and the people who prop one another up endlessly.

There is no hope for Pakistan.

It's just a shame the ones I have to meet are degenerate automatons, rather than decent human beings like yourself.
am sure you must have met some good ones.. not everybody is a child molester. There is a quiet feeling of unease and shying from admitting it, does not mean everybody actually like to be painted as pedos.
Another thing could be denial because of the shame and stigma it carries.

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