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Pakistan Ranks High on Happy Planet Index 2012

What my simple-minded Pakistani friends fail to realize is that their is an inverse relationship between happiness and success, especially at a state level; as success increases, happiness decreases.

Success means what? Material wealth?

Funny coming from such aesthetic minded people that rave such spirituality from Hinduism.

Money means everything?

It seems the Hindus have even sold their peace for the dollar.

Such greed brings nothing but grief.

I am proud of my country.
Happiness behind sadness is,nt happy...truth is that its self satisfaction....threat...can u pple show the world how happy ur ,,,the world didn,t accept it..
Our countrymen are the people on Earth that are the most optimistic. If they are hurt, they smile. If they are poor, they smile. If they have lost family, they smile. If they have lost wealth, they smile. If they have lost hope, they smile. If they have lost their lives, they smile.

God bless Pakistan.

We are the ones that in our depression, smile.

No Indian, or American, or Englishman can compare.

Great post buddy. :cheers:
India population is hight, ratio of total population with the proverty is something 1:150.. Among 150 people only 1 is below proverty line.
India population is hight, ratio of total population with the proverty is something 1:150.. Among 150 people only 1 is below proverty line.

You are wrong my friend. Almost 70% of Indians live below $2.00 a day.
more then half of the people under proverty line are immigrants from bangladesh,,i,e muslims

Pointing out the bad side is easy,just take a look on the indian richest peoples ..
more then half of the people under proverty line are immigrants from bangladesh,,i,e muslims

All Muslims are Bangladeshi Muslims.. Great...

And did you fail math? India has almost 170 million Muslim people... Do you know what 70% of 1.2 billion people is?

Pointing out the bad side is easy,just take a look on the indian richest peoples ..

Its actually more sad when you look at India's rich... Look at the gap between rich and poor in India... It just shows a countries failure to regulate economy
after going through thread what i learnt that indians seems to be most unhappy in world.
Pakistanis Happier than the Indians ?

How is that possible.

Everybody knows India has more happy and gay people

Happy Planet Index is not a measure of which are the happiest countries in the world.It is best conceived as a measure of the environmental efficiency of supporting well-being in a given country.But I am sure gay people are more happy than Pakistani gay people.
You are wrong my friend. Almost 70% of Indians live below $2.00 a day.

Its 68 for india and 60 for pakistan..The real difference is india is improving in every sector and have long surpassed pakistan in economy,per capita,hdi,industrial output etc etc..

Its actually more sad when you look at India's rich... Look at the gap between rich and poor in India... It just shows a countries failure to regulate economy

India have a middle class that is bigger than europe and US..They are the real powerhouse..
Its 68 for india and 60 for pakistan..The real difference is india is improving in every sector and have long surpassed pakistan in economy,per capita,hdi,industrial output etc etc..

All that stuff doesnt matter in poor countries like India... Only HDI matters which India is only 10 places ahead... Very sad

humanfirst said:
India have a middle class that is bigger than europe and US..They are the real powerhouse..

India measure middle class by anyone who earns over rs. 36
Our countrymen are the people on Earth that are the most optimistic. If they are hurt, they smile. If they are poor, they smile. If they have lost family, they smile. If they have lost wealth, they smile. If they have lost hope, they smile. If they have lost their lives, they smile.
No Indian, or American, or Englishman can compare.

GooD PosT.

That could be true and could be the reason why India lags behind in happiness indeX.

Indians react differently at the incidents you have mentioned.If they are hurt, they get sad. If they are poor, they fight. If they have lost family, they cry. If they have lost wealth, they get sad and try getting it back. If they have lost hope, they react.If they have lost their lives, they die.
I could,nt find any thing such link at google that pakistan is among 20 happiest country,i could find china at 89,us at 23 and india 125th..and pakistan is nowhere
All that stuff doesnt matter in poor countries like India... Only HDI matters which India is only 10 places ahead... Very sad
All that stuff really matters...Industrialisation and technological progress have changed chinese poverty from near 80% in 1980s to near 10% in 2012..Just because pakistan cannot make even a decent bike doesn't make industrialisation does not matter..And for hdi..Yes we are only a little better than pakistan but as such,a pakistani shouldn't be making fun of indians..
Pakistan among top 20 happiest countries, beating India, US: Report
By Ema Anis
Published: October 3, 2012
KARACHI: Pakistan ranked 16th among 151 countries of the world on the Happy Planet Index (HPI) 2012, beating India and the United States which ranked 32nd and 105th respectively. Costa Rica was termed the happiest country, followed by Vietnam and Colombia.

The Happy Planet Index was calculated using life expectancy, experienced well-being and ecological footprint (per capita) of the countries with data collected from various sources
including UNDP and Gallup data. The index was compiled by New Economics Foundation (NEF).

The life expectancy and experienced well-being of Pakistan was found to be mediocre, but the ecological footprint was termed “good”. The total HPI of Pakistan was calculated to be 54.1.
Israel landed just one spot above Pakistan, having “good” life expectancy and experienced well-being, but a “poor” ecological footprint.

Bangladesh was higher up on the scale at 11, with the first two factors termed mediocre and the footprint as “good”.

India was found to have mediocre life expectancy and well-being and a “good” ecological footprint. However, its total HPI amounted to 50.9.

The only reason why the US scored low was its ecological footprint which was worse than the “poor” category. The life expectancy and experienced well-being were, however, ranked “good”.
Afghanistan was ranked 109.

The countries which landed at the bottom of the Happiness Index were mostly from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Denmark ranked the highest on the experienced well-being chart, followed by Canada and Norway.

Togo landed on the bottom of the chart.

On the life expectancy chart, Japan topped the list, followed by Hong Kong and Switzerland, while Sierra Leone gained the last spot.

Afghanistan had the best ecological footprint among all the countries, followed by Haiti and Bangladesh.

The countries with the worst ecological footprint included Qatar, Luxembourg, Kuwait, UAE, Denmark and the US.
Pakistan among top 20 happiest countries, beating India, US: Report – The Express Tribune

Pakistan | Happy Planet Index

Good luck and Congrats...
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