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Pakistan raised $8.57 Billion so far to rebuild from last year's flood: Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb

Imran Khan Govt pins price control responsibility on provinces​

February 20, 2020

Chor yar, we have morons who lack critical thinking skills—the last two days, I have been dealing with such an individual, I had to put that dumb-**** on the ignore list, and he's my first. This country has done nothing but gives birth to ganda anda's.

Check below, as this is going to get worse in this country.

Yet we export wheat.. why are the people hungry ???when will they start killing the bastardsvthat really loot the nation
Keep changing the topic, LOL

International countries k PM/Presidents ki pledges ki value nh hai par random fake calls pai Immy ko paisa pledge krne ki bht value hai…. Qaum e youth ki daily munafiqat sai iqtibaas….
look whose talking lol. jawab nahi tou imran khan per agaye lol. Budhay sahab where is the $? billions? all talks? Imran khan brought $4 billion in roshan digital account.

Pmln and their supporter couldn't add $1 billion of exports or $1 billion of remittance.

All is take loan or grants even that is not coming only talk.

So back to russia for wheat lol.
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Why is the UK being so miserly, whilst France is so generous!
Why is the UK being so miserly, whilst France is so generous!
Because UK knows these crooks including army well and aware of their corruption, hence any funds are directly managed by UKAid agency…
There is a difference between RAISED and PLEDGED.
The masters have pledged that amount, not given yet.
Pakistani people do give a lot to charity. Here the issue is why is there still standing water when the floods happened months ago. Seems like the government and local bodies and wadaras are letting the situation linger to either get more aid, or to force the poorest to sell their land out of desperation.
There were images of a perfectly useable road right next to the flooded land a couple of months back, meaning govt could bring in pumps without any hassle
My friend, we give charity, so do other people and countries. There is this false perception that "Pakistanis give the most charity". I can guarantee, this is not correct. It's the same claim as "we are the most hospitable". How so? What measures have been used to come to this conclusion, nobody knows.

As a sidebar on this topic of charity being mixed up with taxes (not addressing you specifically), charity is not the same as paying obligatory taxes. We live in the country, use the roads, public transportation, rely on sewage (whatever decrepit system exists), send our kids to public schools (regardless of the shambles they are in), we (I mean all of us) owe taxes for this. There is nothing for free.

Just because I give zakat and sadaqa does not mean I don't owe taxes. Islam does not give us the allowance to forgo the obligations of the land just because we pay zakat/sadaqa.

So we need to get passed this hang up that a) I don't need to pay taxes b/c I pay zakat/sadaqa and b) Even if I pay, my taxes will be siphoned off by corrupt official. As citizens, our job is to pay what is due and then ask questions of those in the government.

In the case of b, most never bother paying yet expect services similar to first world countries. Our current account deficit clearly shows that our broke government does not have enough revenues coming in to pay our national dues and that is primarily due to such low tax recovery (one of the lowest in the world).

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Over 3-5 years. NO grant aid. These are loans
Better to get loans than grants/aid. In loans, there is some sense of izzat left. You loan money, then you return it. There is no free-loading in it. All countries of the world loan. Grants/aid are a curse.
All such appeals end up with pledges that have to be converted. The same happened after the 2005 earthquake.
High loan figures thank you PDM for bringing Pakistan to its knees what begging Prime (crime )Minister we have.
Shame on them
"Development Minister Andrew Mitchell said it would be much easier for the world to help Pakistan "if Pakistani taxpayers are seen to be playing a core part in this effort".

Well said! Our own haraam khori gets in the way unfortunately. Why blame the government always when we can't put money where our mouth is.
Wow, I lived and worked around the Anglos, and this is their way of saying...you need to do the heavy lifting, which these beghairets will shrug off. Despicable reputation.
Of which $570 million will make it to actual flood victims and infrastructure rehabilitation.

$2 billion to be looted by PML(N) , 2 for PPP, 2 for facilitation by “institutions” and $2 billion lost in inefficient system and ancillary low level corruption
The money shouldn’t be given to Pakistani government, but rather be supervised by each donor country or organization to carry out specific infrastructure projects, done by reputable engineering firms, chosen in a competitive bidding process, with auditable and transparent records.

If the west wants to win back Pakistani public opinion from China and BRI/CPEC (if the west wants it reputation even further harmed it will let the money get plundered by the same old figures), it could carry out the projects with western firms, hiring locals, and eventually cancelling the loans. The narrative that CPEC is investment, when it is actually loans, which Pakistan is currently in the process of paying back (loans no one else was willing to give Pakistan with a fixed profit in dollars, but loans nonetheless) will be challenged. Furthermore, open up the US market to more exports from Pakistan will make it more sustainable to payback if it remains loans.


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