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Pakistan pushed Afghan insurgents to the table: Experts

@OrionHunter @muse @nuclearpak @Aeronaut: God willing, 2015, you are all invited for "kehva" @ a local tea-joint in Kabul. We shall also do a little bit of Sher Malang hunting. What say you? :D

You'd be surprised how popular "Dood patti" is -- The important question is WHO are TTP and from where do they derive support? If they are supported from abroad, then obviously they have to be destroyed, not negotiated with. On the other hand if they are supported from within, then this criminal conspiracy will have to be criushed, not negotiated with - right?
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You'd be surprised how popular "Dood patti" is -- The important question is WHO are TTP and from where do they derive support? If they are supported from abroad, then obviously they have to be destroyed, not negotiated with. On the other hand if they are supported from within, then this criminal conspiracy will have to be criushed, not negotiated with - right?

You are still in mystery about TTP in 2013?
Mate, this is one of the most complex questions ever. I shall endavour to answer it. Hmmmmm.... this is going to be so long... let me try to put it in a quasi flow diagram.

Arabs come to train for Afghan war @ FATA (long long time ago). -> Some stay permanently @ FATA -> Learn local languages and cultures -> Marry locally -> They keep low --> Some are duped and sent to EASTERN front by the ISI west wing--> Remaining ones think "what the frak" need to teach the locals about Islam (Wahabism)--->Lowe caste Pushtoons such as Mehsuds get along well, however, at the same time accepting piles of cash--->all time for fermentation---->ISI ignores ALL (as they don't expect anything of it)--->These Arabs start moving out very slowly and make financial interlinks with back home and start small scale "Wahabization" projects all over the country-->ISI STILL SLEEPING---> LeJ from Jhang with political backing of you know who are one of the biggest benefactors of the oil money---> ISI STILL SLEEPING->Tajiks Join in before the Chechens--> Chechens join in at a later date (same as before)-->AFGHAN WAR PART TWO STARTS--->TTP is created by the amalgamation of these small groups, and we have a monster on our hands.

Who is supporting TTP = Saudia (previously, however, the Saudi king was never involved, mostly gift money from various ex-sheikh-mujahids -- veterans of AFGHAN WAR PART ONE) + Qatar (Active) + UAE (Active) + India (Active) + US through proxy (Active)

PS: It's the Eastern front, not the Western front.

So, TTP is not affiliated with the Afghan Talib and their mission is not to fight in Afghanistan -- So who is financing TTP and for what purpose?
They need to be wiped off the face of the world. Jhang needs to be leveled and not even bacteria should be allowed to escape. All sympathizers of the Arabs need to be culled to the last child. There is nothing else that can save Pakistan.

Regarding Afghanistan, it has nothing to do with religion. It's all about race, and we can hold our ground.

You'd be surprised how popular "Dood patti" is -- The important question is WHO are TTP and from where do they derive support? If they are supported from abroad, then obviously they have to be destroyed, not negotiated with. On the other hand if they are supported from within, then this criminal conspiracy will have to be criushed, not negotiated with - right?
Mate, this is one of the most complex questions ever. I shall endavour to answer it. Hmmmmm.... this is going to be so long... let me try to put it in a quasi flow diagram.

Arabs come to train for Afghan war @ FATA (long long time ago). -> Some stay permanently @ FATA -> Learn local languages and cultures -> Marry locally -> They keep low --> Some are duped and sent to western front by the ISI west wing--> Remaining ones think "what the frak" need to teach the locals about Islam (Wahabism)--->Lowe caste Pushtoons such as Mehsuds get along well, however, at the same time accepting piles of cash--->all time for fermentation---->ISI ignores ALL (as they don't expect anything of it)--->These Arabs start moving out very slowly and make financial interlinks with back home and start small scale "Wahabization" projects all over the country-->ISI STILL SLEEPING---> LeJ from Jhang with political backing of you know who are one of the biggest benefactors of the oil money---> ISI STILL SLEEPING->Tajiks Join in before the Chechens--> Chechens join in at a later date (same as before)-->AFGHAN WAR PART TWO STARTS--->TTP is created by the amalgamation of these small groups, and we have a monster on our hands.

Who is supporting TTP = Saudia (previously, however, the Saudi king was never involved, mostly gift money from various ex-sheikh-mujahids -- veterans of AFGHAN WAR PART ONE) Qatar (Active) UAE (Active) India (Active) US through proxy (Active)
I will make it simple for you. ISI has radicalized pakhtun belt and pakistani taliban is direct result of pak army operation in FATA..Matlab da dey che tol ghwal fauj larrali
Not the ISI directly, but their ignorance and lack of long-term vision. While focussing too much on the Eastern front, they totally neglected their own backyard.

ISI has a bad habit of working on five year plans, never have they thought one / two decades ahead. Their mistakes of today will bite them in the coming years.

I will make it simple for you. ISI has radicalized pakhtun belt and pakistani taliban is direct result of pak army operation in FATA..Matlab da dey che tol ghwal fauj larrali
So, TTP is not affiliated with the Afghan Talib and their mission is not to fight in Afghanistan -- So who is financing TTP and for what purpose?

According to some whistle blower accounts, it is the CIA which is up to its neck in helping the TTP with finances and weapons. Now where are they getting those millions of dollars from? The Afghan drug trade, which they are deeply involved in! This came to light when an unmarked plane belonging to the CIA carrying 4 tons of opium from Afghanistan crashed in South America scattering black kit bags full of the stuff for hundreds of meters around.

That's where much of the funds for the CIA come from to finance their top secret black ops projects as well as to mess around with those color revolutions - from the Central Asian Republics to the Middle East (Libya, Egypt, Syria, Turkey etc). And needless to say, all this skullduggery is beyond US Congressional oversight as these funds from the drug trade are 'unaccounted assets'.

Have you ever wondered how and why there's a thriving drug industry in Afghanistan, operating with impunity under the very noses of the U.S.? Now you know why they haven't destroyed the hundreds of acres of poppy crops. The 'livelihood of farmers' argument is just an excuse to keep the industry going.

The purpose of doing the tango with the TTP is to keep the PA engaged and off balance so that it does not do anything that may pose a threat to their interests in Afghanistan. They have piggy-backed on the TTP which has its own agenda of enforcing Shari'ah in Pakistan, and perform "defensive jehad" against the Pakistan Army. The TTP needed funds and weapons. The CIA obliged. The rest is history.
I have seen USD10,000,000.00 in dyed cash with my own two eyes. Anything else? :D

According to some whistle blower accounts, it is the CIA which is up to its neck in helping the TTP with finances and weapons. Now where are they getting those millions of dollars from? The Afghan drug trade, which they are deeply involved in! This came to light when an unmarked plane belonging to the CIA carrying 4 tons of opium from Afghanistan crashed in South America scattering black kit bags full of the stuff for hundreds of meters around.

That's where much of the funds for the CIA come from to finance their top secret black ops projects as well as to mess around with those color revolutions - from the Central Asian Republics to the Middle East (Libya, Egypt, Syria, Turkey etc). And needless to say, all this skullduggery is beyond US Congressional oversight as these funds from the drug trade are 'unaccounted assets'.

Have you ever wondered how and why there's a thriving drug industry in Afghanistan, operating with impunity under the very noses of the U.S.? Now you know why they haven't destroyed the hundreds of acres of poppy crops. The 'livelihood of farmers' argument is just an excuse to keep the industry going.

The purpose is to keep the PA engaged and off balance so that it does not do anything that may pose a threat to their interests in Afghanistan. They have piggy-backed on the TTP which has its own agenda of enforcing Shari'ah in Pakistan, unite against NATO forces in Afghanistan and perform "defensive jehad" against the Pakistan Army. The TTP needed funds and weapons. The CIA obliged. The rest is history.
Every Talib dead, every wannabe talib dead, every Talib sympathizer dead -- this is the way to proceed - Now before the IK crowd lose it, just consider, what redeeming or what of worth do Talib offer?
Not the ISI directly, but their ignorance and lack of long-term vision. While focussing too much on the western front, they totally neglected their own backyard.

ISI has a bad habit of working on five year plans, never have they thought one / two decades ahead. Their mistakes of today will bite them in the coming years.

I am talking about role of ISI in zia ul haq times, during russian-afghan war.....ISI also have deep hands in tablighi jamaat and 80% of tablighis are pashtuns....ISI is also involved with JUI....ISI is both directly and indirectly involved in radicalizing pakhtun belt and infusing jihadism in them....the aim was to weaken pashtun nationalism, to replace hujra with jumaat(mosque) and make mullah stronger than malak.
Have you ever wondered how and why there's a thriving drug industry in Afghanistan, operating with impunity under the very noses of the U.S.? Now you know why they haven't destroyed the hundreds of acres of poppy crops. The 'livelihood of farmers' argument is just an excuse to keep the industry going.

The purpose of doing the tango with the TTP is to keep the PA engaged and off balance so that it does not do anything that may pose a threat to their interests in Afghanistan. They have piggy-backed on the TTP which has its own agenda of enforcing Shari'ah in Pakistan, and perform "defensive jehad" against the Pakistan Army. The TTP needed funds and weapons. The CIA obliged. The rest is history.

Actually, I don't know about CIA, it may be true, but I do know that US types think that Afghan govt officials at the federal an provincial and district level, are not keen about eradication.
Every Talib dead, every wannabe talib dead, every Talib sympathizer dead -- this is the way to proceed - Now before the IK crowd lose it, just consider, what redeeming or what of worth do Talib offer?

And just many hundreds of thousands of people does that add up to, Sir?

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