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Pakistan protests killing of FC personnel in Afghanistan

Manhoos, tujhay kitni baar kahon kay Tajik/Chechen/Turkmen/NA/Arabs/Mehsuds etc etc, Pashtun nahin' hain...... these are the ones who have been extended sanctuary by the "present" Afghan Government....... :mad:

Khudeiii kehtaa haiii kay Afghan Pukhtoon aur Pakistani Pukhtoon eik Qaum haiiin ! :(
Manhoos, tujhay kitni baar kahon kay Tajik/Chechen/Turkmen/NA/Arabs/Mehsuds etc etc, Pashtun nahin' hain...... these are the ones who have been extended sanctuary by the "present" Afghan Government....... :mad:

Phir drameiii baziii shuru ! :disagree:

Your buddy Mullah Omar isn't Pro-Pakistan ! :coffee:
N league is gutless and chors. I do not even think their intentions are the betterment of Pakistan just bs politics. Or rather their own skin. IK is held to a much higher position so he should avoid petty politics and once and for all decide in favour of Pakistan.
If we were Iran, by now Afghan be facing invasion threats. But we are Pakistan, our "wise and cunning" leadership doesn't allow army to avenge.

I have heard that much of Afghan is under T-Bastard control...So what was the victory in Afghan again? Establishment of bases?

Afghan Talibans are not offensive to us. Our problem starts and ends with TTP.
we must do missile attacks on terrorists in Afghanistan , protests are useless. Afghan taliban or TTp we must not differentiate between them who attack Pakistan we must strike back.
More ever mula omer has made mula fazal TTP head so they are same thing both mulaz are against Pakistan.
Weren't the Afghan Taliban the 'Good Taliban'?

genius Pakistan is talking about TTP bases in Afghanistan which are supported by Afghan intelligence agencies and northern alliance

Even Americans have captured TTP leaders who went for a meeting with afghan intelligence recently as karzai is not signing agreement with USA and USA is now exposing Karzai and pressurizing him not for the benefit of Pakistan but to force Karzai to sign the agreement
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