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Pakistan Prepares for Un-Conventional War

cant read Urdu is it about Yemen conflict ?

With the help of Google translate (Hope this will help you):

Pakstan's military successes against militants is ultimately and in fact many of them successes owe their modern training center where soldiers are trained in non-traditional ways.

National Counter terrorism Center picked up half a dozen training centers also include, but Pakistani officials say militants in the country's northwest tribal fighters near Sialkot in Punjab, 65 percent military training center training who are young.
Pakistan's army at the beginning of this year, the Washington Post reporter visited the seminary was a half thousand acres. The training was introduced in 2009.
This training is given to non-traditional methods the Pakistani soldiers specializing in Hand to hand combat pay.
While the Pakistani Army combat units during the last decade, rough terrain, rugged mountains and streams experience in dealing with terrorists is still largely traditional rival India in terms of military training in the Punjab and Sindh desert tank battle grounds and developed keeping in mind that passes.
Ali Akbar, the head of the seminary: "Nine Eleven since it is a new world and the realities of this new world we fulfill our responsibilities are to prepare yourself."
According to our tjrny it is not a fight against a large army. We fight in small batches to get the ability. "
For years, US lawmakers and the general effort that Pakistan's army changed its defensive strategy against Islamic militants fighting to be able to get priority.

According to a recent report by the US Congress tried to Pakistan, the United States has paid $ 13 billion in the last 13 years. US State Department recently to Pakistan worth $ 95 million sale of defense equipment has approved 15 Viper helicopter, a thousand hellfire missiles modern radio equipment.
Pakistan's military commanders and soldiers picked the National Counterterrorism Center in tyrarzm training they have received their achievements against terrorists is proving to be very beneficial.
Zarb was launched in June last year and the North, the terrorists have largely cleared. Waziristan region of Pakistan welcomed the attention is focused on the agency's Tirah Valley where, according to him Waziristan refugees fleeing terrorists.
Pakistan Army Gen Javed Ashraf Qazi, said the Taliban are hiding in caves and underground tunnels, aerial bombardment and the targeting is not easy. He said he had to go to these places to finish.
Every month, at least three thousand soldiers in these academies are more than two dozen different training phases where they have to go through, including some villages in northern Pakistan villages are modeled on the artificial is. It made more than a dozen villages, two-storey houses made of mud and rocks that comprise the underground tunnels and are made.
Major General Mohammad Noman passing through an underground tunnel from the inside and outside are made on the basis of their hideouts in FATA have to face the soldiers. This tunnel started in a house at the other end of the village was made.
During the training, but most of the weapons used in training exercises, paint balls or pills are filled with colors.
Paint ball guns in the center part of the armed forces has a volleyball court premises were being trained troops. During this training session two thousand soldiers will face paint ball bullets.
During this exercise at a military breast if there was no paint ball is considered dead. With three or more paint from the waist down, which shows the military look is excluded from this exercise.
Major Khalid Walid, who were supervising the training, he said Pakistani troops along the border with India, which open areas and are trained to fight in the fields, now are to hand combat ability.
Another part of the training was a two-storey cave. A window on the second floor or training staff and commander of the hole from the inside of the cave can see. The camera connected to a computer system and machine men, soldiers run through the paint balls.
A practice throwing grenades inside the cave three soldiers enter the cave. Entering the cave hidden in various corners of the computer funded start fire on rivals. At the end of the exercise the soldiers do not paint hair color from your neck to tail the third air comes out.
Soldiers during a training session and move away from jeeps moving targets is being practiced.
Extremists losses for several years in the military are now aware of the importance of unconventional warfare tactics were. The soldiers are being trained to attack suddenly.
During a military exercise is a dense tree cover. Single voices of various birds were trained to and if they saw a close rival to the sound of birds from other clever turns.
Listening to the sound of the bushes near the tree and covered with dry wood starts firing out of a pit.
Ali said that terrorists usually by Pakistani soldiers would not have expected this kind of action they so often are surprised.
Lieutenant Colonel Ali Amin Lahore near the 44 tanks are commanding a cavalry regiment, with four hundred soldiers arrived at the training center because it is not possible to use more tanks in North Waziristan.

In areas like North Waziristan infantry in their prevention is the most important question is where they're going to the next step.
Simulation training at various mines are suppressed and the soldiers stepped on them if they are blown. Another area in which different types of traps are set up, the wires are also used on the arrow on the foot are falling from the trees. Soldiers from a secret holes have to be careful on the level of sharp sticks are sharp and may have killed them fall.
Ali admitted that the military is facing an enemy soldiers in the tribal areas have priority over again. He said the extremist guerrilla tactics they use the experience he had gained during the jihad against the Soviet Union.
Asia & Pacific
To fight the Taliban, Pakistani military turns to unorthodox but simple tactics

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Pakistani soldiers train to fight small groups of terrorists - The Washington Post (video)

Pakistani soldiers train to fight small groups of terrorists(1:33)

Tucked in a national forest in Pakistan’s Punjab Province, Pakistan’s military has built a sprawling base to train soldiers in how to fight small groups of terrorists. (Tim Craig/The Washington Post)

By Tim Craig April 16 at 3:30 AM

KHARIAN, Pakistan — Pakistan’s army is finally making significant gains in its campaign against Islamist militants, and some of the success can be traced back to unlikely sources: paintballs and bird calls.

Here, tucked in a forest, Pakistan’s military has built a sprawling base to train soldiers in how to fight small groups of terrorists. The National Counterterrorism Center Pabbi is one of a half-dozen training sites in Pakistan, but military leaders say 65 percent of the troops fighting militants in the northwest have been trained at this facility in Punjab province.

Earlier this month, the Pakistani military took The Washington Post on a rare public tour of the 2,500-acre facility, which opened in 2009 and resembles a hunting ranch on the scrublands of Texas.

The training, which includes some unorthodox methods, is designed to make Pakistani troops more proficient in face-to-face combat. Although the troops have gained experience fighting in harsh terrain over the past few decades, they are still largely geared for a tank-on-tank war with arch-rival India.

“After 9/11, it’s now a new world, and with this new world, we are gearing up for our responsibility,” said Brig. Abrar Ali, commander of the center. “In our experience, this is not a battle with large forces. We have to learn how to fight in very small teams.”

a recent report by the Congressional Research Service. The State Department recently approved a $950 million arms sale to Pakistan, including 15 Viper helicopters, 1,000 Hellfire missiles and new radios.

But Pakistani commanders and troops say the training conducted at the National Counterterrorism Center Pabbi is what is really allowing them to gain the upper hand against Islamist militants. Since the army launched a major operation in June, soldiers have cleared most of North Waziristan. They are now trying to drive the extremists from their final hiding places in the Tirah Valley, in adjoining Khyber Agency, commanders say.

“These Taliban are dug in the caves, so you can’t do it by aerial bombardment,” said Javed Ashraf Qazi, a retired general and former head of Pakistan’s intelligence service. “You have to go in there and physically dislodge them.”

[After years of delays, Pakistan cracks down on violent Islamists]

As many as 3,000 soldiers arrive each month for two dozen training scenarios, some of which are staged in a set made to look like a typical village in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The mock village includes nearly a dozen one- and two-story stone and mud structures, as well as a network of underground tunnels.

“This is a complete architectural rendition, from the interior to the exterior to the foxholes, of what you would see in FATA,” Maj. Nauman Mushtaq said as he led a reporter through a muddy tunnel that started in one house and ended in another.

Although the training includes some live-fire exercises, the army relies heavily on paintballs for its simulated war games.

an enemy who will probably always have some advantage when fighting in Pakistan’s tribal areas. He notes that many militants use the same stealth tactics that they or their fathers perfected as mujahideen fighters who resisted the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.

“The only specialized training they need is how to make” bombs, Ali said.

Read more:
To fight the Taliban, Pakistani military turns to unorthodox but simple tactics - The Washington Post


Pakistani soldiers train to fight small groups of terrorists - The Washington Post
send your troops to Afghanistan or tribal areas of Pakistan for a week, those gorilla fighters will cook curry of your soldiers and will have them for dinner.

we would rather train their army in guerilla warfare and tell them to knock out Pakistani sympathizers
we would rather train their army in guerilla warfare and tell them to knock out Pakistani sympathizers
remember if they could do that to their own MUSLIM brothers, you cannot even imagine what would they do to your army if they turn against you or if they ever dare to put a foot in those barren mountains.
you might have been able to turn few of us against Pakistan but there are more Pashtoons in Pakistan then Afghanistan and they love their country(Pakistan) keep playing with us and you'll loose rest of Kashmir as well.
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Lol we have more experience than India in unconventionally warfare. We've been doing this for more than a decade. U can train all u want but it will never be as difficult as the real thing. Which our soldiers go through everyday.
Most of us sitting behind a screen can not even imagine how hard it is to fight a guerrilla warfare. In a conventional war, your enemy is in front of you but in a guerrilla warfare, you don't know who your enemy is and where your enemy is hiding. Pakistan clearing majority of the areas in it's military operation in a short period of time and in the worst kind of warfare really shows which army is the boss in South Asia!
send your troops to Afghanistan or tribal areas of Pakistan for a week, those gorilla fighters will cook curry of your soldiers and will have them for dinner.

We are already facing then in kashmir.....Did u also forget kargil WAR:what:

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