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Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif For Sale On eBay


Jul 22, 2012
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By Brendan Byrne on April 13, 2016 2:55 pm in Politics

The fallout from the Panama Papers has inspired outrage around the world, and now someone has found a way to make a political point through comedy. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, has been put up for sale on eBay.

Sharif has been implicated in the Panama Papers scandal after members of his family were found to be owners of offshore companies. While owning offshore companies is not technically illegal, they are commonly used to avoid paying national taxes.


eBay listing promises Nawaz Sharif for sale
For a prime minister to be implicated in a tax dodging scandal it is a huge deal. Nawaz Sharif is one of a huge number of important Pakistani figures that have been swept up in the scandal.

One prankster has decided that an eBay listing promising that Sharif is for sale would be the best way to express his disgust.

The poster has so far remained anonymous, but the advert reads: “Used Pakistani Prime Minister, No longer needed is for Sale. No box or instructions.”

It is strange to see the Pakistani prime minister on eBay as the company does not operate in Pakistan. “May not post to Pakistan”, says the notice posted on website.

Sharif finds himself under huge amounts of pressure due to the Panama Papers leaks and is currently in the United Kingdom for a medical checkup. British Prime Minister David Cameron has also landed in hot water as a result of the leaks.

British Prime Minister Cameron also under pressure
It was revealed that Cameron’s father placed his investments offshore so as to avoid paying UK taxes. Cameron has been forced to admit that he benefited financially from the tax dodging scheme.

The British PM has been under increasing pressure from fellow politicians. One opposition MP was ejected from the House of Commons this week after he called Cameron “Dodgy Dave.” The Speaker asked Dennis Skinner to retract the comment, but he refused to do so and was ejected.

Interestingly David Cameron was also listed for sale on eBay. Bidding reached $65,000 before the listing was removed from the site. In contrast Nawaz Sharif appears to be far less popular among online shoppers.

His bid hasn’t increased past the $100 starting price.

Politicians around the world embroiled in scandal
If you are in the market for an under-pressure, allegedly tax-dodging politician, then now is a great time to get online and start shopping.

While Sharif and Cameron might rue becoming the target of online pranksters, they should be grateful that they are still in office. Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson was not so lucky.

The former prime minister of Iceland was forced to step down after huge protests calling for his resignation. As a result of the Panama Papers leak it was revealed that Gunnlaugsson and his wife had huge offshore holdings.

Investigations into Sharif and Cameron are ongoing, and it seems unlikely that either one will get off lightly. Even if they are not forced to resign, it is difficult to imagine that either politician will escape unscathed from the scandal.

At the very least ordinary taxpayers will remember that these politicians used dodgy schemes in order to avoid paying the very taxes that they impose on ordinary voters. Such behavior would surely not go down well at an election.

It looks as though humorous eBay listings are the last thing that the embattled pair need to worry about.


Written by Brendan Byrne
While studying economics, Brendan found himself comfortably falling down the rabbit hole of restaurant work, ultimately opening a consulting business and working as a private wine buyer. On a whim, he moved to China, and in his first week following a triumphant pub quiz victory, he found himself bleeding on the floor based on his arrogance. The same man who put him there offered him a job lecturing for the University of Wales in various sister universities throughout the Middle Kingdom. While primarily lecturing in descriptive and comparative statistics, Brendan simultaneously earned an Msc in Banking and International Finance from the University of Wales-Bangor. He's presently doing something he hates, respecting French people. Well, two, his wife and her mother in the lovely town of Antigua, Guatemala. To contact Brendan or give him an exclusive, please contact him at theflask@gmail.com

Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif For Sale On eBay

Even if he was for a penny I wouldnt bid on that thing (NS)....Well since it doesnt ship to Pakistan I might have bid on it to send it to the deepest part of the oceans of the world!
99 Euros:o:. How does 10 Kr sound, and I'll bake the seller a pie of their choosing.

I don't know what I'd do with him, though:blink:.
Alleged .... until proven guilty , and the charges are not directly against him. The issue is effecting his work indirectly by virtue of association to his relatives.

Every one deserves a chance to discuss their side of story

There have no been laws broken, as his sons don't reside fully in Pakistan who run companies.
like many expat Pakistanis.

His sons have confidently came on TV prior to leaks and admitted yes they own companies and they are overseas but it is due to the exile they faced as a family and they have not yet came back to Pakistan due to shortage of energy etc and other reasons

1986-1999 issues tied to politicians were all forgiven under a political agreement between all parties of Pakistan & then head of state with inclusion of judiciary called NRO , with soul intention of reviving Democratic institutes in PAKISTAN as all leaders were living outside since 70's , 80's and and then post 1999

He himself was exiled in 1999 , before him Benazir Bhutto so his family started to function outside of Pakistan out of no choice but as a means to earn living again

Mr Nawaz only returned to Pakistan around 2008 , his family owned large Industrial companies via his Father's industrial background from decades and decades of business practice, which was only effected in 70's by virtue of Nationalization efforts post 1971 war

I personally support Mr Imran's in most issues & Musharaf's positive thinking but in this rare case , and looking at evidence trail, I have to give him benefit of doubt

Him and his economic team reforms have been moving at correct pace and urgency that needs to continue

Considering he brought 1 Billion investment as gift to Pakistan by his diplomacy alone , prior to CPEC discussion

I am positive the man is honest
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99 Euros:o:. How does 10 Kr sound, and I'll bake the seller a pie of their choosing.

I don't know what I'd do with him, though:blink:.
You want a PM who is having heart problems?

Alleged .... until proven guilty , and the charges are not directly against him. The issue is effecting his work indirectly by virtue of association to his relatives.

Every one deserves a chance to discuss their side of story
I don't know what I'd do with him, though:blink:.
safe keeping in some shell company ;)

by virtue of association to his relatives.
These dodging tax has been on him since UK started prodding in 1993 ....so either he has been dead since then or he turns a blind eye...

Now a man telling people to cough out tax finds ways to run from his own isnt worthy of trust...it is sad that some sheep still can put an ounce of trust in him when had this happened to Zardari they would have jumped on him (even on the net)
Alleged .... until proven guilty , and the charges are not directly against him. The issue is effecting his work indirectly by virtue of association to his relatives.

Every one deserves a chance to discuss their side of story

There have no been laws broken, as his sons don't reside fully in Pakistan who run companies.
like many expat Pakistanis.

His sons have confidently came on TV prior to leaks and admitted yes they own companies and they are overseas but it is due to the exile they faced as a family and they have not yet came back to Pakistan due to shortage of energy etc and other reasons

1986-1999 issues tied to politicians were all forgiven under a political agreement between all parties of Pakistan & then head of state with inclusion of judiciary called NRO , with soul intention of reviving Democratic institutes in PAKISTAN as all leaders were living outside since 70's , 80's and and then post 1999

He himself was exiled in 1999 , before him Benazir Bhutto so his family started to function outside of Pakistan out of no choice but as a means to earn living again

Mr Nawaz only returned to Pakistan around 2008 , his family owned large Industrial companies via his Father's industrial background from decades and decades of business practice, which was only effected in 70's by virtue of Nationalization efforts post 1971 war

I personally support Mr Imran's in most issues & Musharaf's positive thinking but in this rare case , and looking at evidence trail, I have to give him benefit of doubt

Considering he brought 1 Billion investment as gift to Pakistan by his diplomacy alone , prior to CPEC discussion

I am positive the man is honest
These r not allegations these r real papers of bussiness that why other countries PMs resigns nobody quit over allegations mind u allegations about these properties r very old but these r evidence .money of loot and kickbacks goes through off shores from third world .
  • They - the other people who may have quit may not have had to deal with Exile in past (political) in 1999
  • They may not have been forced to give up companies (industries once in 70's ) regain in 80's and give up again 1999, unique to our history
  • The sons run successful business overseas , and it is for the Government of Pakistan to determine if the son's
    company got illegal Transfer from Pakistan to their company" , not conspiracy theory Analyst
  • Also other nations may not have death with NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) which forgave the past wrong doings , in name of moving political institutes forward.
  • No Kick backs they run legit companies overseas (Until proven by court)

Full cycle

post 70's Rich family - Industry Privatized Father loses control ( ITTEFAQ Group )

80's still rich - Gets back company again , makes money grows fortune
Trusted advisor to General Zia

86-1999 - Grows business for 13 years (Files taxes - as resident of Pakistan)

1999 - Political Exile : family moves out , gets out of Pakistan forceful exile
They move to Saudia , and try to restart lives in Saudia
(Take loans etc or their own family asset they left Pakistan with )

1999-2008 - 9 years the business runs makes money / grows expands
outside Pakistan (0% tax due in Pakistan) they don't live in Pakistan

2008-2013 - After NRO (National Reconciliation ordinance) forgiveness program
comes back to Pakistan , to stand in politics again, Son's continue their
business overseas no immediate plan to return due to lack of energy
Politician's wrongdoing cases 86-99 are forgiven

  • Politician by profession 2008-2013 no company so no taxes due
  • His sons don't live in Pakistan (0% tax due) - they are adults

- Wins election , Mandate (Energy , Trade , Economy)
- Brings (1,000,000,000) Billion dollar gift to Pakistan from outside
- Kick starts energy projects
- Helps bring 43,000,000,000 USD billion investment from China
- Economic focus is heavy , SCO is joined
- Successful balance between Iran - Saudia - Pakistan relations
- Launches Zarb - e Azab on Terrorist with Military
- Successfully delivers Metro projects (Lahore - Rawalpindi cities)
- Reaches to IMF to get funds to improve Economy
- Moderate increase in Sales tax to help improve Tax collection
- MOU free trade with Turkey
- Progress on TAPI line
- Fast tracks GAWADAR port , defines route with his team
- His team brings in GAS from Qatar
- Qater agrees to give 200,000 visas to Pakistanis
- Railways is revived and starts running after 5 year neglect
- Continues to engage US and other nations to work in energy sector
- Makes plan to sell 5 Billion USD loss making PIA to bring new
management and investment in Pakistan

April 2016
Panama leak paper leaks , stating the "OBVIOUS" his son run company oversea , well look at the full context !!! first. The full context gives a different view

If he was never exiled may be he would have never had to move his family overseas and may be his sons would have run business in Pakistan
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  • They other people who may have quit may not have had to deal with Exile in past (political) in 1999
  • They may not have been forced to give up companies (industries once in 70's ) regain in 80's and give up again 1999
  • The sons run successful business overseas , and it is for the Government of Pakistan to determine if the son's
    company got illegal Transfer from Pakistan to their company" , not conspiracy theory Analyst
  • Also other nations may not have death with NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) which forgave the past wrong doings , in name of moving political institutes forward.
  • No Kick backs they run legit companies overseas (Until proven by court)
We all know how few companies Shariff family owned before they entered politics....so crying about that as though they mattered in the top 25% is really a far cry!
Buyers risk: Does not come with warranty
Bald plus fat
corrupt to the teeth, would even take commission in his own selling.

I think Modi might think of buying him as a future investment.
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