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Pakistan places $1 million bounty on head of TTP spokesman



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Sep 4, 2012
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Pakistan has offered a $1 million bounty for Ehsanullah Ehsan, the spokesman of the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt that targeted 14-year-old activist Malala Yousafzai last week.

On October 9, Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck by TTP militants in the town of Mingora for speaking out against the extremists and promoting education for girls and women in the Swat Valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik made the announcement on Tuesday, saying, "I announce a bounty of rupees ten crore (approximately one million U.S. dollars) on his (Ehsanullah Ehsan's) head.”

He added, “Whoever catches him will get rupees ten crore. And anybody who identifies him (gives information), he will be given the country's highest award. That is because we have to get rid of these terrorists."

Last week, the TTP spokesman said that the militants attacked Malala Yousafzai because she was anti-Taliban, adding that she would not be spared.

“She was young, but she was promoting Western culture in Pashtun areas,” Ehsan said, referring to the main ethnic group in northwest Pakistan and southern and eastern Afghanistan.

Most members of the Afghan Taliban and the TTP come from the Pashtun community. It is a society where there is great opposition to education for females and a very low level of literacy.

In 2008 and 2009, the TTP banned female education in the Swat Valley, depriving more than 40,000 girls of education. TTP militants destroyed hundreds of schools in the valley during a campaign of violence over the course of the two years, which led to a dramatic decline in the number of girls enrolled in schools in the region.

In 2009, Malala Yousafzai rose to fame for writing about life in the Swat Valley under the TTP. She later received Pakistan’s National Peace Award for bravery and was also nominated for an international children's peace award.

On Monday, she was flown into Britain for specialist care at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham after Pakistani doctors said she needed treatment for a damaged skull and "intensive neuro-rehabilitation."

On Monday, Dr. Dave Rosser, the medical director of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, said, “Doctors believe she has a chance of making a good recovery on every level,” but added that her treatment and rehabilitation could take months

On Tuesday, Rosser told reporters at the hospital, "We are very pleased with the progress she's made so far."

"She is showing every sign of being every bit as strong as we've been led to believe,” he added.

"Malala will need reconstructive surgery and we have international experts in that field," Rosser stated.

Pakistan places $1 million bounty on head of TTP spokesman - Tehran Times
Finally...sanity prevails......
No point in going after shadows....
identify and isolate them first.........
is it a private bounty from rehman malik or gov. of pakistan declares million $ bounties ?

anyways kinda rich....:pop:
is it a private bounty from rehman malik or gov. of pakistan declares million $ bounties ?

anyways kinda rich....:pop:


its piss poor copared the the amount of money Pakistan spends on WOT....
Good Move by Pakistan Govt.

I hope they succeed in bringing this TTP spokesman to Justice & soon send him to rott in hell.

All the best to Pakistanis(except PDFers) too ....nice way to be a millionaire ! Good Luck All:tup:

Pakistan doesnt catch terrorists....you guys moan..
Now they have taken a positive srep towards catching terrorist...again you guys have problem

Hehe caught me !!
Nahi seriously the price tag is quite high :woot:
hmmm maybe but still million $ for spokesperson from a economically weak country not only sounds odd but weird.

may be the shoopa powah india is contributing?
After all money grows on trees and flows in the severs in india....
So now a bankrupt government has this much money as a bounty :woot: ?? Richness huh :lol:

Spending one million $ for these kind of job is like drop in ocean.. if you get wannabe results then it`s a jackpot...

& no Pakistan gov. is not bankrupt... can you prove your point?

It` first time I hear these kind of good announcement from these corrupt thugs, so good step it is I can say..
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