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Pakistan: Parliament makes history, completes term



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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The historic, last session of the National Assembly on Thursday witnessed remorse, suggestions, criticism, and praises by the legislators, who shared their experience of being members of the House all these five years, across the political divide.

Parliament made history by becoming the first one in the country to complete a full term in office, dissolving in a low-key session that paves the way for elections. Perhaps, considering it the ‘last’ opportunity to express their emotions, a large number of lawmakers, who had hardly pressed the buzzer to take the floor in any piece of legislation or a debate, were kept waiting for their turn till the last minute of the around six-hour session. The session that started on February 18, 2013 has prorogued on completion of its business,” said Yasmeen Rehman of the PPP, reading out a letter from President Zardari.

Some Opp lawmakers expressed annoyance over failures to pay heed to the matter of Kala Bagh Dam, proper legislation on new provinces, law and order situation and power crisis. Besides, four resolutions, including the one moved by the JUI-F chief calling on the UN to help the Kashmiris get their right to self-determination, were unanimously passed. “India should stop brutal actions against the Kashmiris and atrocities inflicted on people who are protesting the execution of Afzal Guru,” read the resolution. The three other resolutions passed were about condemning the practice of discouraging girl child education, paying rich tribute to Benazir Bhutto for her innumerable sacrifices and services to the people of Pakistan, and acknowledging extraordinary work of the Women Parliamentary Caucus. The PM was among the very few lawmakers who turned out for the last session of the 13th National Assembly, consisting mostly of farewell speeches.
Parliament makes history, completes term | The Nation
Salaam to all the Muslims,



Despite the war, so much propaganda, hatred, accusations, allegations, stupid long marches, darnas and all the other comical circuses, Pakistan People's Party has achieved a great victory without imposing the National Emergency, locking up any politicians, gagging the media, etc. etc.

Again, a great milestone in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 65-year history.

From 1947-2008, Pakistan installed a total of 16 gigawatt of electricity, yet despite all hurdles, Pakistan has added another 4 gigawatts of electricity to the national grid in just last 5 years.

The Karachi Stock Market reached a record breaking 18,185 points on March 3, 2013 for the first time in its history despite so much doom and gloom being portrayed by the doomsayers.

Pakistan's nominal GDP for the financial 2007-2008 stood at $167 Billion and for 2011-2012 it had grown by $64 Billion to $231 Billion.

For the financial year 2011-2012, Pakistan's total trade came to around $65 Billion with the national budget reaching a whopping $33 Billion.

Within the last 5 years, Pakistan's biggest trade partners the United States and the European Union have now been replaced for the very first time by China and the Gulf Countries Council.

These are just some the biggest fruits for a country that has more than 4 million new babies born each year.

Allahu Alam.

Allahu Akbar.

Salaam to all the Muslims.
ALHAMDULILLAH , yeh loog bil akhir nikal gaye :yahoo: !!!!!!!!!! (bus wapis na aajeyn :hitwall:)

Allah kare ke aagey sub kuch acha ho jaaey (ameen) :angel:
Yes "CHAARLIAMENT" makes history of looot maar and break all past records... and Army Kiyani and Brothers Bus service provide full support to this HISTORY MAKING CARTOON CHARRLIMENT.


Please Upload above FB video :P

Salaam to all the Muslims,


Mr Usama Waqas, where in Asia have the prices of commodity been reduced or have remained the same in the last 5 years.

I challenge you (or anyone else) to give me the prices of only 5 out of the 48 countries in Asia where such a phenomenon has occurred.

Salaam to all the Muslims.

Compared to the rates in India, eggs are very cheap, and mutton is slightly more expensive in Pakistan.

Rest of the prices roughly equal to what is charged in India, and it is good, esp when you consider milk, of which India is the largest producer cum consumer.

I hope before using this list as some sort of judgement against the PPP, you also consider the fact that the fluctuating commodity prices (esp in the wake of the recent world wide drought - el nino effect) in the world market are strong determinants in deciding the prices at home.

Pakistan is certainly not as worse off. If the nightmares people here tend to portray were to come true, barely half of the Pakistani members would have the time to get online on this forum.
Congratulations to Mr. 10 % Zardari's Party for becoming the 1st party/Govt. to complete 5 Years Term. We wish you get re-elected & again accomplish this feet...:pakistan:
Thank God this nightmare is finally over.... BYE BYE .. just hope these guys never ever come back.... unbelievable load shedding,Gas load shedding, devaluation of rupee, increase in inflation and prices of commodities. This govt had the chance of making history by doing good work in its five years but it showed the worst tenure in history of pakistan came when the govt completed its tenure.
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