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Pakistan nukes outstrip India’s

LOL.... Its funny how all you Indians just jumped onto this thread. This proves how vulnerable and insecure you feel because of Pak's nukes. Somewhere deep down inside your 'smelly-masala-filled' hearts is a genuine fear for your existence :chilli::chilli:

Anyway regardless of the technicalities of nuclear warfare and who starts first, any nuclear war is bound to destroy you. Dont even dare dream that somehow you can obliterate Pakistan and yet save yourselves and have no harm come upon yourselves. I promise you that, God forbid, if Pak is destroyed and ceases to exist then SO WILL YOU MY FRIENDS..... SO WILL YOU !! :victory::victory:

Just joking with you all so dont take it too serious and get all emotional in here !! :pop::pop:

Do you really think being adapted for no First use policy we do not have any capability for second strike? I have read so many articles that India has been strengthening its second strike capability by underground bunker,Mobility of missiles.Its working on nuc.Submarines and delivery systems,SLBMs etc.Also India should posses capabilities to take out nuclear devices in case of a war. I am not a defense analyst but these are the ones even comes to my mind first , so definitely Indian military has some more better plans.

I don't think Pakistan can decide to increase its nuclear arsenal. If it does so, then they definitely in a position to give up its spending in conventional force.Hopefully they keep some minimal nukes with delivery systems with good conventional troops.
There's a good chance that if Pakistan manages to blow up 100-200 nukes in its first strike, India won't be able to hit back. Of course no one wants that, but when push comes to shove, its good to know the option is there.

If anybody does blow up 100-200 nuclear bombs there will not be any country, the whole human race will be wiped from the world! :cheers: to that!
Historically, Pakistan has always considered been considered to have more nuclear warheads than it claims by intelligence sources.

Any nuclear war between India and Pakistan would belong to whoever conducts first strike. There's a good chance that if Pakistan manages to blow up 100-200 nukes in its first strike, India won't be able to hit back. Of course no one wants that, but when push comes to shove, its good to know the option is there.

Have you heard about Nuclear Triad?
Nuclear triad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With Sagarika & Shaurya missiles getting ready, India is all ready to join the club only as 4th country after US, Russia, China. For a country with operational nuclear triad, always expect a powerful second strike.

And by any stretch of imagination, I dont see Pakistan destroy 100- 200 nukes in first strike anyway. As we all know, this is very painful to discuss. But an important aspect of Indo Pak relations.
If anybody does blow up 100-200 nuclear bombs there will not be any country, the whole human race will be wiped from the world! :cheers: to that!

He was kidding, dont take it seriously.
Recent articles by Indian media also supports this old article.
The world will have 2-3 minutes to react when the decision is taken.

I have no doubts that if such a hypoethical scenario arises, where Pakistani armies are marching down to Delhi... We'll see massive nukes being fired from India too, whether or not it has a no-first-use policy.

No first use policy is a joke, not true and what's the world going to do? Send in some more nukes for punishment?

Its not a joke, but its useless nonetheless. NFU is used by those who are sure that they cannot ever be threatened conventionally at a national or strategic level.

For example, Pakistan's military simply does not have the capability in numbers or technology by a huge margin to every march down to Delhi. So NFU is good publicity against Pakistan. Pakistan for practical reasons cannot declare NFU, else what is the point for them having nukes, so they get bad publicity!

Against China, the terrain plays its part such that PLA cannot march down to even Bengal, let alone Delhi, so NFU is good publicity against them. We cannot march into mainland China either, terrain does not allow it, so the Chinese also started their unclear NFU concept.
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