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Pakistan Navy Should Create it own Independent Air wing

this is why americans opperating 12 of them and china looking for 3 ...BTW you want to ask about babur well its still not a surface to sea CM or i must say its still not inducted in PN,while its better if you dont compare indian navy with yours .

The only difference between US is that they always fight smaller nations, Pakistan has many times fought neighbours many times its size including the USSR and India. If you do not believe look at the map, we did capture 22% of Kashmir in 1948 and another 9% in 1965. Though India calls in *** or KOP or OPK, we captured it by defeating the retreating Indian Armed forces. Yes, we defeated USSR in the first Afghan War and it resulted in the bankrupting of the Soviet economy and the break up of the USSR. Oh, USSR I guess it does not exist anymore. What Gorbachev said after invading Afgahnistan, Pakistan is next, but he forget that Zia said you are next.

There are many countries that border Afghanistan like Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Georgia but US relies on Pakistan Army.

The naval version of Babur will join the PN shortly.:pakistan:
The only difference between US is that they always fight smaller nations, Pakistan has many times fought neighbours many times its size including the USSR and India.
That's a bit one-sided. Both USSR and USA have fought each other for decades in so called 'proxy wars' during the Cold War.

And the USA faced rather significant numbers of Chinese military during the Korean conflict:
- PLA had 13th Army Group and 9th Army Group in Korea, total of 30 divisions. The 13th Army Group had about 150,000 men and the 9th had about 120,000 men.
- PRC Air Force’s participated flying from "neutral" air bases within China to engage UN aircraft over North Korea.
- These same Chinese air bases were used by the Soviet Union (now Russian) fighter aircraft who also engaged UN aircraft over North Korea: see russian air order of battle

You might also consider - or at least not ignore - the involvement of Russia (USSR) in Local Wars and Regional Conflicts In the Second Half of the 20th Century"
this is why americans opperating 12 of them and china looking for 3 ...BTW you want to ask about babur well its still not a surface to sea CM or i must say its still not inducted in PN,while its better if you dont compare indian navy with yours .

Americans operate 12 of them, because they have a budget the size of $700-800 billion dollars.

With time, it will go down, so will the number of ships, which we are already looking at.

OHP class as an example.
The Mirages operated by the Pakistani Navy have not recieved ROSE upgrades.

The ROSE upgardes only affected 33 Mirage IIIs and 34 Mirage Vs in the Pakistani Air Force.

are they the dedicated !!one like india does ,i mean like naval pilots ??coz i heard they are the deputed from paf...
on loan we can get few around 30 JH 7 for next ten to twenty years on eaisy instalments from china and sir with mirage 2000 from UAE airforce Mig 29K and Harriers will be ashes
The Mirages operated by the Pakistani Navy have not recieved ROSE upgrades.

The ROSE upgardes only affected 33 Mirage IIIs and 34 Mirage Vs in the Pakistani Air Force.

The Mirages are not operated by Pakistan Navy, they are operated by PAF pilots but those 12 Mirages are assigned for Anti Shipping roles not interception. They are armed with Exocet and from what i hear have recently been also armed with latest Chinese Anti Shipping Missiles. The task for Coastal Defence has been assigned to PAF's Masroor Base, its located in Mauripur and is the largest airbase of PAF. Fighter aircrafts based over there are likely to intercept and engage incoming enemy fighters likely operated by IAF or IN aviation.
a separate air wing can be consist of jh-7a and j-10 where the jh-7a will concentrate on enemy target, and j-10 to counter enemy plane . i think as j-10 pakistan can also upgrade its jh-7a according to its need to make more deadlier .
Lesson from the history:
The one major reason Germans lost world war II was that their navy didn't had their own air wing.

Pakistan Navy should look into UAE mirages if they want a squadron of their own.
Pakistan should raise multiple sqaurdons of JF-17s for PN to start with. Z9 Helicopters have already been added. Z10 should be inducted in the future.

UAE Mirages are a good options as well. Additional 5 P3-C Orions will be added. The newly added F-16s can also carry anti-ship weapons.
With the addition of additional F16s, JF-17s and J-10s in the PAF, the Mirages can be diverted the PN. The Mirages are also capable of carrying the Exocet and RAAD missiles.
With the addition of additional F16s, JF-17s and J-10s in the PAF, the Mirages can be diverted the PN. The Mirages are also capable of carrying the Exocet and RAAD missiles.

You haven't answered why UAE would sell the Mirages to Pakistan in the first place...
on loan we can get few around 30 JH 7 for next ten to twenty years on eaisy instalments from china and sir with mirage 2000 from UAE airforce Mig 29K and Harriers will be ashes

Not to forget that Harriers are equipped with new radars & derby /Python BVR missiles & Mig-29K with R-77s

Its not that easy to make them ashes..

Only submarines can attack Navel battle groups, no air attack as it must be heavily defended even with escort fleets.
The P3-Orions can also carry Harpoons anti-ship missiles. The F-16 A-B and C can all support naval operations plus the BLK-52 F-16s can also add a punch for the Navy.

BVRs will play a major role in future conflicts.
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