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Pakistan Navy Fast Attack Craft launched

Pakistan is going to enter in the realm of shipbuilding

Pakistan is in the "realm" of shipbuilding since 1960s. Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited (KSEW) is building ships for more than four decades.
500 ton displacement is quite heavy for a FAC. if indeed PN opts for the a boat in this class, they must atleast incorporate some CIWS or some point defence SAM system to protect it from airborne threats. this would be a good addition.
a low mantainance boat with eight leathal C802 missile, CIWS and some sort of surface to air missile. that is good lo of fire power.

with no real AAW frigates, PN must look to include anit-air point defence systems to most of there equipment.

500 ton displacement is quite heavy for a FAC. if indeed PN opts for the a boat in this class, they must atleast incorporate some CIWS or some point defence SAM system to protect it from airborne threats. this would be a good addition.
a low mantainance boat with eight leathal C802 missile, CIWS and some sort of surface to air missile. that is good lo of fire power.

with no real AAW frigates, PN must look to include anit-air point defence systems to most of there equipment.


your asking for quite a bit from a small ship,
CIWS(type 630 or type 730), SAM system, low cost, low maintenance, 8 802s, and all associated sensors.

it might be doable but i dont know about the cost factor here. what do you consider "low" in terms of cost and maintenance?
No matter how small or cheap, the ship has to have 'survivability'. CIWS has to be essential. And manpad would be nice.
500 ton displacement is quite heavy for a FAC. if indeed PN opts for the a boat in this class, they must atleast incorporate some CIWS or some point defence SAM system to protect it from airborne threats. this would be a good addition.
a low mantainance boat with eight leathal C802 missile, CIWS and some sort of surface to air missile. that is good lo of fire power.

with no real AAW frigates, PN must look to include anit-air point defence systems to most of there equipment.


Nah, 500 tons or there abouts is more common for modern FAC's then youe thinke.g. Turkey's Kılıç class, Greece's Roussen Class, Sweden Visby. Singapore's Fearless and Victory classes, China's Type 037-1G / Houxin class etc
your asking for quite a bit from a small ship,
CIWS(type 630 or type 730), SAM system, low cost, low maintenance, 8 802s, and all associated sensors.

it might be doable but i dont know about the cost factor here. what do you consider "low" in terms of cost and maintenance?

Assuming a chinese design, armament of 1x 76mm, 1x Type 730 CIWS (or else a twin 35mm/37mm) plus 1x FL3000 SAM and 2x4 SSM might well be feasible.
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So penguin wat do u think its gonna be? the chinese type 037-1G?, european or some JV?
CIWS and Chaff Decoy launchers are a must in today's small vessels like FAC. Experience in US- Libya conflict, US-Iran and falkland war showed that small ships (FAC and landing ships - Bristish HMS Sir Lancelot) are vulnerable to air attacks, those that have no CIWS and chaff decoy suffered most heavily.

Ship to ship battles are not common nowadays and small ships usually lose to bigger ships due to the limitation of the range of their sensors. However a data-link onboard that get real time information from AWAC or larger ships can tilt the advantage to the FAC
500 ton displacement is quite heavy for a FAC. if indeed PN opts for the a boat in this class, they must atleast incorporate some CIWS or some point defence SAM system to protect it from airborne threats. this would be a good addition.
a low mantainance boat with eight leathal C802 missile, CIWS and some sort of surface to air missile. that is good lo of fire power.

with no real AAW frigates, PN must look to include anit-air point defence systems to most of there equipment.


I guess ure absolutely right about the air threat concern for the ship ..that is very important factor..or I might add one additional thing for introducing anti submarine system as well...this will make the ship a very lethal platform in all scenarios....There is one another thing left , pak should study; another feature ...like Iran used for their fast attack boats ..that can evade radars...(if possible)..
hope that it might be a very lethal boat..Inshallah
just my 2 cents bro....:)
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So penguin wat do u think its gonna be? the chinese type 037-1G?, european or some JV?
The RFP states 8 C802 SSM plus 2x 25mm cannon. That's essentially along the lines of the old OSA1 (4 SSM + 2 twin 25mm) and the SSM requirement in particular limits which designs might be suitable.

See post 24 or http://www.defence.pk/forums/naval-forces/52473-chinese-firm-selected-500-ton-fac-2.html#post807008.
Karachi shipyard offers Jalalat class and a development thereof, the MultiPurpose Auziliary Craft. These roughly fit the armament package of the RFP but are smaller (200-250 tons)

So, I'm thinking a version of the vessel developed and built with Chinese assistance by ECRN in Mers-el-Kebir for the Algerian navy, the Djebel Chenoua class (a derivative/cousin of China's Houjian class).


Big pic #1
Big pic #2
Big pic #3

As for a possible 25mm gun mounting, there is a new Chinese mount out. See here.

Of course, on the Djebel, one could see a 76mm and a 7-barrel 30mm gatling mount as on F22P be used. A pair of the 25mm mount would then be a good supplement, rather than the main gun armament. Alternatively though, it could fit a single 25mm front and rear (on an extended rear superstructure) and mount 4x2 C802 SSM.
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these FAC how much going to cost pakistan and i think this for pakistan naval marines if im not wrong
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