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Pakistan must be mindful of US interests: Obama

They are just showing their true arrogant face again.

Never mind arrogant I think its stupid unrealistic and very silly of them. I wander if they ever look at the headlines these guys make and do they really mean it?
I think we are all aware that the USA have always thought of THEIR interests first. However they were to achieve is always a matter for them. Whether its bullying, offering "aid", bribing droning or simply bombing. It seems to be me me me with their foreign affairs. The problem lately has been that in the past, through the media and being the only superpower its wasged and accepted.Lately its not been the case and the frustrations of the Americans are coming all so obvious.

I have a little message for Obama and its from the common man.

"Obama i think we are at the stage of we couldnt care less anymore what you and your administration thinks. Your actions have shown any sympathy towards the commom man in our nation instead your actions have killed 1000s of innocent civilians. Please do us a favour and take your "never seen" aid and just give it to Zardari and co direct to their Swiss accounts so you dont have to pretend you are giving us aid. We genuinely dont want it. Not giving us aid will genuinely make us stronger and better. Please leave us alone and go back to where you belong".
These lumpy bumpy statements by Obama wont help the cause.
Some times I wish we would see a headline Kayani says to Obama we dont give a flying FXXX what america wants we have our own house to sort out
Some times I wish we would see a headline Kayani says to Obama we dont give a flying FXXX what america wants we have our own house to sort out

Have you read Kayani's statement today? I think he cleared so many confusions today.
Shut the F&*$ up barry, it's all over.
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What an expression.. Haven't seen him look this helpless and frustrated at the same time.
US President Barack Obama said on Thursday the United States would not be comfortable in a long-term strategic relationship with Pakistan if it felt that Islamabad was not mindful of US interests.

Well yes certainly - it's a new world out there Obama, people want a two way relationship - if you are not going to be mindful of the interests of others and you think you are uncomfortable now, well, reconsider
Obama sound like he is full of dumb and idiot. He doesn't know what he is saying himself.
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long term partnership my azz... Hey obami... save the world kill urself.
The question obama should really be asking is " Is US mindful of Pakistan's Interest"? Neither US or India has anything common at all or at stake but Pakistan has everything at stake because we share a common and a pours border and anything that happens in Afghanistan always have and will always effect Pakistan. US does not want accept this fact, so how can it expect Pakistan to be mindful of US interest. As for the long term strategic partnership, there is hardly any partner ship to begin with, if GOP wasn't that stupid and corrupt, we would have said it a good bye long ago.

What an expression.. Haven't seen him look this helpless and frustrated at the same time.

Elections are coming. And BTW appearances can be deceptive.
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