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Ragging at cadet college Kohat

Thats not ragging, thats down right stupidity. The guy is an idiot calling people of Taank terrorist. Idiot. Thats not how you do ragging in military. The first kid he approached, that was a good act. He made him speak louder because the guy was obviously nervous so he wanted to break the ice. But the 2nd guy was abused when he said he was from taank.
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Thats not ragging, thats down right stupidity. The guy is an idiot calling people of Taank terrorist. Idiot. Thats not how you do ragging in military. The first kid he approached, that was a good act. He made him speak louder because the guy was obviously nervous so he wanted to break the ice. But the 2nd guy was abused when he said he was from taank.

Look at his stupid english accent as well.
Look at his stupid english accent as well.

I think even if you beat the living **** out of these "monitors", you dont get in trouble. They are just bunch of idiots that roam around and pretend that they are tough. I would beat the absolute living hell out of him if he does that to me

Thats not ragging, thats down right stupidity. The guy is an idiot calling people of Taank terrorist. Idiot. Thats not how you do ragging in military. The first kid he approached, that was a good act. He made him speak louder because the guy was obviously nervous so he wanted to break the ice. But the 2nd guy was abused when he said he was from taank.

ragging main chawlen na mari jayen to us ko ragging ni kehtay :P

Yarmuk Exercise ..Cadets in 2nd Term in PMA Kakul - Toughest Exercise... Continous walking..
4 Days and 5 Night and 180 KM Walking with No Solid arrangements of Sleeping...... 30 Pounds Weight and 4-5 KG Weight G-3


Little honorary SSG Captains with Anti-Terrorist Force Commandos



"Contended father of a Brave Son-Subedar Major (Retired) Mansab Khan father of Captain Sarfraz Shaheed".
It takes courage to stand in front of volley of bullets, but it takes it takes even more courage to send your son to do the act. It takes courage to assault through a minefield but it takes even more courage to see your brother off to such a field. It takes courage to stand firm in the trenches but it takes nerves of steel for a wife to sit back at home and wait to see whether her husband comes back on his feet or wrapped in the green flag. It takes courage to charge onto the enemy but it takes ultimate guts to be the son of a father who risks his life everyday for his country.It is difficult for a father to be in the line of duty when his daughter is getting married back home, but it is a real test for a daughter to leave her home without having her father to see her off. SALUTE to the families of the defenders of PAKISTAN who train these lionhearted souls to sacrifice themselves for the safeguard of the motherland. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD @Aeronaut @RazPaK @Imran Khan @Areesh @Leader @nuclearpak @Oscar @balixd @Slav Defence @INDIC @doppelganger @humanfirst @OrionHunter @Spring Onion @araz @mafiya @Talon @Alpha1 @Jazzbot @PWFI @Xestan @Agnostic_Indian and others
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