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Pakistan military is true to its word : Gen Campbell

You don't need degree to specluate the majority of Indian thinking. Comments are enough to get an idea about how much Indians living in fool paradise.
The only ones living in fools paradise are the dead pakistani jihadis; whether it be pakistan centric ones or India centric ones.
Right! You guys, smitten as you are with US generals, go all ga-ga whatever the Yanks say since you don't have a mind of your own and follow them like the Pied Piper of Hamlin! You guys have always considered them the superior race. So whatever they blabber is the gospel for guys like you!

Under all this blabbering the real reason for pain in your *** is the fact that now even the world is accepting Pakistans stance that we are not discriminating between terrorists thus countering effectively all sort of propaganda by likes of you.
From time to time, a US general is supposed to give a pat in the back to his Pakistani counterparts in the spirit of nurturing a relationship. Doesn't mean there will be relaxation of vigil will be anytime soon.

India's interactions with the rest of the world are about investments, manufacture and technology. Pakistan does not figure in those as much at all; it's been relegated to a very minor topic.
Under all this blabbering the real reason for pain in your *** is the fact that now even the world is accepting Pakistans stance that we are not discriminating between terrorists thus countering effectively all sort of propaganda by likes of you.
:rofl::sarcastic:You're funny!

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