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Pakistan military is true to its word : Gen Campbell


Nov 27, 2011
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General John Campbell addresses media on October 5, 2015. PHOTO: C-SPAN

The top US military commander in Afghanistan has indirectly acknowledged that Pakistan’s military no longer discriminates between ‘good and bad’ Taliban. General John F Campbell has also said that Pakistan has undertaken aggressive operations against terrorists operating in its tribal border regions.

“Senior Pakistani military officers have repeatedly declared that they can no longer discriminate between ‘good and bad’ terrorists. They appear to be taking meaningful actions to back up their words,” Gen Campbell told the US Senate Armed Services Committee in his written testimony on Tuesday.

He was referring to the ongoing massive military operation, codenamed Zarb-e-Azb, against terrorists in North Waziristan Agency, the once stronghold of local Taliban and their foreign cohorts, and subsequent offensive in the strategic Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency.

“Pakistan’s military operations have displaced foreign fighters into eastern and northern Afghanistan,” Gen Campbell said. He added that Pakistan, like Afghanistan, has suffered greatly at the hands of terrorists and violent extremists. “The recent Pakistani Taliban (TTP) attack on a Pakistan Air Force base in Badhaber serves as a case in point,” he said.

He also acknowledged that Islamabad has facilitated efforts to broker peace in Afghanistan. “The role of Pakistan remains integral to stability in Afghanistan,” he added in his testimony.


Noting that considerable obstacles persist between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and that these are likely to persist past 2016, Gen Campbell said: “The common threat of violent extremism can still serve as a catalyst to improve cooperation between the two countries.”

Read: Pakistan military ranked 11th strongest in world

“For Afghanistan to reconcile with the Taliban, rapprochement with Pakistan will most likely have to occur first.”

He added that while Pakistan helped broker the first formal talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban in July, these were derailed following a string of attacks in Kabul and emergence of a new Taliban leadership in wake of news that Mullah Omar had died. “Yet for every two steps forward in Afghan-Pakistan relations, another is seemingly taken backwards.”

Though the US commander acknowledged Pakistan’s counter-terror efforts, he said additional pressure must still be applied against the likes of the Haqqanis and the Taliban more broadly.

He said the Haqqani Network was the most virulent strain of the insurgency in Afghanistan that presented the biggest threat to coalition forces. “Haqqani fighters lead the insurgency in several eastern Afghan provinces, and they have demonstrated the intent and capability to launch and support high profile and complex attacks against the coalition.”

While the Afghan security forces and US troops have stepped up operations against the network, Gen Campbell said a joint effort with Pakistan was required. “It will take a concerted Afghan-Pakistan effort to reduce the effectiveness and capabilities of Haqqani Network.”

Rise of Da’ish

The US commander noted with alarm that Da’ish (Islamic State) had grown much faster in Afghanistan than they had anticipated, and that the group has now been classified as ‘operationally emergent’. But he believed the group was not capable of waging a concerted campaign.

Da’ish has not seen a wholesale convergance of other insurgent groups, or large influx of foreign fighters to join the movement, but many disaffected Afghan Taliban and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) members have rebranded themselves as Da’ish, Gen Campbell said.

He added that as per the UN, the group was present in varying degrees in all but nine provinces of Afghanistan, with most fighters concentrated in the eastern district of Nangarhar.

MSF attack a mistake

Having borne the brunt of criticism for bombing a known hospital in the battle for Kunduz, Gen Campbell admitted that the strike was a mistake and promised an inquiry.

Read: US providing precision strike technology to Pakistan: Jilani

“To be clear, the decision to provide aerial fires was a US decision made within the US chain of command,” Gen Campbell said in his testimony. “A hospital was mistakenly struck. We would never intentionally target a protected medical facility.”

Prior to his testimony, the US commander responded to calls for an independent inquiry by stating that he was “only authorised to order AR 15-6 (US military) and Casualty Assessment – a Nato inquiry.”

Troop levels

Gen Campbell declined to provide specifics about the recommendations he had made to the White House about force levels, but said they included an option for more troops than just a small embassy-based force. “Based on conditions on the ground, I do believe we have to provide our senior leadership [with] options different than the current plan we are going with,” he said.

Gen Campbell said the reasons for revamping the existing plan include the strengthening of Da’ish, ‘an increased al Qaeda presence,’ and the ‘upsurge’ in insurgent violence in some areas of Afghanistan. “As a result, I’ve put forward recommendations to adjust this new environment while addressing our core missions: train, advise and assist the Afghan security forces and conduct counter-terrorism operations to protect the homeland,” he told the committee.

Pakistan’s military is true to its word, says General Campbell - The Express Tribune
no they're not, Pakistan military still actively supports India focused jihadi groups.
no they're not, Pakistan military still actively supports India focused jihadi groups.

we will support not only Jihadis but sikhs and others as well till u wont stop supporting TTP and BLA through Afghanistan... Tali donon Hathon se bajti hai... benazir quit support of Khalistan when the movement was on peak just bcoz she wanted better relationship with India.. same Musharraf did and he also stop helping freedom fighters and thought we can solve Kashmir issue by talks hence no fighting in Kashmir from 2003 to 2010 but u back stabbed us by TTP and BLA... also false flag by India in Mumbai and Samjhota ruined good gesture of Pakistan completely... this time we can not afford to lose any of them.. u can cry as much u want.. u lose good opportunities with ur own mistakes...

India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan, says US defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel - The Times of India
no they're not, Pakistan military still actively supports India focused jihadi groups.

If you are referring to such news

Four Indian soldiers killed in Occupied Kashmir

Well thats done by Kashmiries whom your army oppressed for decades . We Pakistanis support right of self determination for kashmiries and will raise voice for them but helping kashmiries militarily is not possible considering the LOC being heavily militarized and watched 24/7 so you people better stop accusing Pakistan and look at what you have been doing in Kashmir for decades.

Besides thats off topic Gen Campbell's referred response to US senate committee is about Pakistan's affair with Afghanistan and Taliban so learn to debate with logic and on Topic.
no they're not, Pakistan military still actively supports India focused jihadi groups.

This is 2015 not 2010 lol In front US, India has nothing. They acknowledged because Pakistan did what Pakistan committed. USA, Russia and China give shit about what India is think. You're 3rd world country, highly dependent on foreign military hardware, you're not in the league of super powers or even regional power because not a single country in this region accept your hegemony. At the end your new tola modi murder'r with stupid ministers of your current government helps Pakistan a lot (ye samajnay may tumko abhe bara time lagayga kakay). Your ministers statements and your obsession posture against Pakistan actually help Pakistan. You bracket yourself btw obsession against Pakistan whether from Bangladesh or from Afghanistan (Thanks Modi Murder'r). They way Pakistan Chief welcome in USA, Russia, China, Germany anywhere you name it... our Chief getting top level reception then your Modi. 99% of the time your PM reception done by Indian's lol (who arranged your PM meetings. Nobody welcome your PM on their own). On topic, What matter is USA and China policies and their objectives in the region. Accept reality or continue to live in fool paradise of bollywood movies in which 99% Indians are living lol.
no they're not, Pakistan military still actively supports India focused jihadi groups.

Save it. The world has started to see the reality for what it is and not the BS that India likes to sell every now and than. Coming from your newest ally should be enough of an eye opener but some Indians continue to remain delusional and paranoid.
no they're not, Pakistan military still actively supports India focused jihadi groups.
Problem is that, US standing committee on defense will not listen to your cries. Pakistan only provide political, moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiri struggle of independence. The Kashmir issue is still on UN agenda, so its disputed territory.
If (hypothetical) freedom fighters do move across LoC, then:
1. India should questions the capability of it's military. If after taking US$ 50 billion, still they are unable to control 650km of LoC, then they are just another rag-tag fighting force like Afghan army.

My personal view is that Pakistan should support "Mukti Jodhas" in IoK. After all with 1971 active involvement of India in E.P. provides a logical justification of this support.
Problem is that, US standing committee on defense will not listen to your cries. Pakistan only provide political, moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiri struggle of independence. The Kashmir issue is still on UN agenda, so its disputed territory.
If (hypothetical) freedom fighters do move across LoC, then:
1. India should questions the capability of it's military. If after taking US$ 50 billion, still they are unable to control 650km of LoC, then they are just another rag-tag fighting force like Afghan army.

My personal view is that Pakistan should support "Mukti Jodhas" in IoK. After all with 1971 active involvement of India in E.P. provides a logical justification of this support.
Well we have the same views on p0k as you have on iok, and just like bangladesh, you will imo lose kashmir from your clutches. You may support kashmiris in their struggle by sponsoring them, but your dirty methods wont work against moodi (the terrorist/ muslim murderer), as luckily for us he will be employing methods you can't even comprehend yet.
Hoping for a violent end to this long standing border issue in the next 4-10 years.
This is 2015 not 2010 lol In front US, India has nothing. They acknowledged because Pakistan did what Pakistan committed. USA, Russia and China give shit about what India is think. You're 3rd world country, highly dependent on foreign military hardware, you're not in the league of super powers or even regional power because not a single country in this region accept your hegemony. At the end your new tola modi murder'r with stupid ministers of your current government helps Pakistan a lot (ye samajnay may tumko abhe bara time lagayga kakay). Your ministers statements and your obsession posture against Pakistan actually help Pakistan. You bracket yourself btw obsession against Pakistan whether from Bangladesh or from Afghanistan (Thanks Modi Murder'r). They way Pakistan Chief welcome in USA, Russia, China, Germany anywhere you name it... our Chief getting top level reception then your Modi. 99% of the time your PM reception done by Indian's lol (who arranged your PM meetings. Nobody welcome your PM on their own). On topic, What matter is USA and China policies and their objectives in the region. Accept reality or continue to live in fool paradise of bollywood movies in which 99% Indians are living lol.
the reality is all of pakistan is in love with the idea of jihad, your politicians, your military and indeed all of you people.
This is 2015 not 2010 lol In front US, India has nothing. They acknowledged because Pakistan did what Pakistan committed. USA, Russia and China give shit about what India is think. You're 3rd world country, highly dependent on foreign military hardware, you're not in the league of super powers or even regional power because not a single country in this region accept your hegemony. At the end your new tola modi murder'r with stupid ministers of your current government helps Pakistan a lot (ye samajnay may tumko abhe bara time lagayga kakay). Your ministers statements and your obsession posture against Pakistan actually help Pakistan. You bracket yourself btw obsession against Pakistan whether from Bangladesh or from Afghanistan (Thanks Modi Murder'r). They way Pakistan Chief welcome in USA, Russia, China, Germany anywhere you name it... our Chief getting top level reception then your Modi. 99% of the time your PM reception done by Indian's lol (who arranged your PM meetings. Nobody welcome your PM on their own). On topic, What matter is USA and China policies and their objectives in the region. Accept reality or continue to live in fool paradise of bollywood movies in which 99% Indians are living lol.
Let me remind you that Pakistan is also a third world with similar or maybe even worse living conditions than India.
And where do you get your 99% figure from?.... Are you some expert statistician sir? Or is it pure speculation like the rest of your argument.
Well we have the same views on p0k as you have on iok, and just like bangladesh, you will imo lose kashmir from your clutches. You may support kashmiris in their struggle by sponsoring them, but your dirty methods wont work against moodi (the terrorist/ muslim murderer), as luckily for us he will be employing methods you can't even comprehend yet.
Hoping for a violent end to this long standing border issue in the next 4-10 years.
Good luck with your "imaginary" views on Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.
As far as your threats are concerned, what more dirty tricks you or your terrorist PM have up in their arms?
You tried military buildup in 2002, you tried false flag op like Mumbai in 2008. You actively supported murderers of Children and Women like TTP and BLA. You even tried to provoke civil war in Pakistan through your bases in our western neighbor. Your agency tried to create rift among ethnicity groups and shia/sunnis.
Where are the predictions of violent break up of Pakistan in 2015 and falling of nuclear weapons in wrong hands?

I say bring it on Modi, the description of India and Modi can be summed up in one line "Empty vessel make more noise"
Let me remind you that Pakistan is also a third world with similar or maybe even worse living conditions than India.
And where do you get your 99% figure from?.... Are you some expert statistician sir? Or is it pure speculation like the rest of your argument.

You don't need degree to specluate the majority of Indian thinking. Comments are enough to get an idea about how much Indians living in fool paradise.
no they're not, Pakistan military still actively supports India focused jihadi groups.
Yep! Like the LeT, JeM, HM and so on. These are the Establishment's strategic assets and the 'good' terrorists who will never be put down as they serve the Establishment's interests to the 'T'.

Using them in their proxy war against India is extremely cost effective. They also provide the Establishment a smokescreen of denial as they are dubbed as 'non state actors'.
Yep! Like the LeT, JeM, HM and so on. These are the Establishment's strategic assets and the 'good' terrorists who will never be put down as they serve the Establishment's interests to the 'T'.

Using them in their proxy war against India is extremely cost effective. They also provide the Establishment a smokescreen of denial as they are dubbed as 'non state actors'.
I am sure you are one of those millions of indians without a toilet as your posts always indicate you are constipated.

You sitting at your home knows better than US general on field means your mind is foggy because ..........
You sitting at your home knows better than US general on field means your mind is foggy because ..........
Right! You guys, smitten as you are with US generals, go all ga-ga whatever the Yanks say since you don't have a mind of your own and follow them like the Pied Piper of Hamlin! You guys have always considered them the superior race. So whatever they blabber is the gospel for guys like you!

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