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Pakistan mangoes sell at Rs 80/kg in Delhi as against Rs 150-200

India sells indian basmati.. not pakistani basmati... so you are the only country who sells original pakistani basmati.. congrats..

Indian basmati has bigger market .. and is generally more expensive than pakistani one here.

India had been selling good Pakistani basmati rice stamping it as Indian whereas we also had seen that Indians had been selling low quality rice stamping it as Pakistani.

We know how you captured the market. You guys had been cheating big time.
Pakistan produces the most superior kind of Mangoes in the whole world. No other Mangoes can stand infront of Pakistani one's!!!

You may have some good verities of mangos but calling Chausa the best and better is too much!!
Chausa is one of the Mango which has it's own cultivation season and available Jul ~Oct when most of Indian verities not available :lol:

Every place has it's own specialty, but so called Chausa stands no ground in terms of taste/ quality/ texture/aroma against Alphonso, Langra, Dashehari, Kesar,Hapus, Gola, sfeda and other hundreds of varieties produced in India.

Also note that Pakistan is too small to be call a big mango producer .. China and Philippines are way ahead of them.

You may have some good verities of mangos but calling Chausa the best and better is too much!!
Chausa is one of the Mango which has it's own cultivation season and available Jul ~Oct when most of Indian verities not available :lol:

In comparison to Safeda and Alphanso, Chausa sucks... (Pun intended :) )
This is good news for a die hard mango lover like me.

One was feeling depressed seeing mangoes getting replaced by Apples with all the ' Rehri walls".

This is one thing I will gladly set aside any animosity on. Mangoes belong to a different category.
Pakistani mangoes and basmati are very fine quality there is no doubt about it
India had been selling good Pakistani basmati rice stamping it as Indian whereas we also had seen that Indians had been selling low quality rice stamping it as Pakistani.

We know how you captured the market. You guys had been cheating big time.

Do you want to act crybaby.... :D

We are the DON of Basmati export market. You can cry us a river but reality is and will be that we have best basmati (indian Basmati) it is best seller and will be there for decades if not centuries.

PS: I live in China and both Indian and Pakistani basmati are available. I tried both if Indian rice is rated on 10 the Pakistani rice (basmati) can be rated below 3 it's not better than hybrid no basmati variteis available in India
Do you want to act crybaby.... :D

We are the DON of Basmati export market. You can cry us a river but reality is and will be that we have best basmati (indian Basmati) it is best seller and will be there for decades if not centuries.

PS: I live in China and both Indian and Pakistani basmati are available. I tried both if Indian rice is rated on 10 the Pakistani rice (basmati) can be rated below 3 it's not better than hybrid no basmati variteis available in India

Then surely you don't know the difference between basmati and non basmati rice because China is the major market for Pakistani NON-Basmati rice ;)

Good that our non basmati is compared with your basmati rice

AND OH FYI Pakistanis are quiet fair in this regards as we are not even entertaining BD request for branding the same rice from there as we protect Indo-Pak right over basmati brand.

We only cooperate with India to protect the joint market
Then surely you don't know the difference between basmati and non basmati rice because China is the major market for Pakistani NON-Basmati rice ;)

Good that our non basmati is compared with your basmati rice

AND OH FYI Pakistanis are quiet fair in this regards as we are not even entertaining BD request for branding the same rice from there as we protect Indo-Pak right over basmati brand.

We only cooperate with India to protect the joint market

You seems to have comprehesion problem. I'm talking about Pakastani basmati rice imported from Pakistan in Pakastani packing !!

Only two things possible .. either Pakistani Basmati ain't as good as you believe or Pakistani companies and awan eating garbage rice in name and basmati and gloating for nothing ..:D
^^ back to Mango!! my favorite fruit!!
You loose again :D:azn:

nah you know very well you lost when you lied :D.

anyway here something to give you some solace :D see am so generous

"Pakistani mangoes are losing market to India in US" for our own laziness

Mango season: Pakistan fails to enter US market despite diplomatic success

By Our Correspondent

Published: September 4, 2013

KARACHI: Despite being cleared for export to the United States (US) mainly because of diplomatic efforts, Pakistani mango producers have failed to tap one of the world’s biggest markets even after four years, because of the absence of an irradiation facility in the country.

Chairman, All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetable Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association (PFVA), Waheed Ahmed, said that Pakistani mango was unable to reach the US market because of a mandatory requirement for treatment of mangoes through an approved irradiation center– a modern food preservation technology that can extend the shelf-life of food.

“Unfortunately, despite the successful introduction of our fruit in the US market four years ago, we could not commercially start the business, thus providing room to other mango exporting countries especially India,” said Ahmed.

India has set up an irradiation center at Maharashtra, and a similar facility at Karachi could be very helpful for Pakistani exports, he said.

Fruit exporters fear that once the lucrative market is fully tapped by Indian exporters, Pakistanis will face difficulty in finding ground in the US, which has highly quality conscious consumers.

On the other hand India, with the help of the modern irradiation facility, has exported a record 500 metric tonnes (MT) of mangoes to the US this year. India – the world’s largest grower of mangoes, started exports to the US in 2007 after attaining an irradiation facility to get rid of fruit flies and other diseases.

With the absence of an irradiation facility in Pakistan, the governments of Pakistan and US discussed various alternate options to start commercial exports to US, but were unsuccessful.

In 2010, two viable options were discussed including the establishment of a pre-clearance program from National Plant Protection Organization/MINFA, along with an Operational Work Plan for commodities shipped through pre-clearance to meet Phytosanitary entry requirements. The consignments would have been treated in US for mitigation of mango pest risks pending approval of pre-clearance program. This would have been quicker.

It was also agreed in principle that initially, mango producers certified by Global Gap with experience in produce export markets will be considered under this program. None of the options were implemented.

Treating Pakistani mangoes in the US was not feasible because of high transportation costs, as the fruit needed to be sent to Chicago for treatment before sending them to various other cities.

Though Pakistan International Airline (PIA) has been requested several times in various meetings held during the last couple of years, the national carrier has failed to arrange direct flights from Pakistan to Chicago.

Rise in exports

According to Ahmed, the good news is that the mango exports this year has reached a historic mark of 163,000MT, worth $55.74 million so far as compared to the total export of 118,000MT worth $38 million recorded last year.

With 30 days of exports remaining, the mark this year is expected to reach at around 190,000MT, crossing the target of 175,000MT set for this season. However, any further rise in exports is directly linked with the quality of the fruit and weather conditions.

Interestingly, the increase in the demand for mango in Muslim countries during the holy month of Ramadan had remarkably supported this business. Almost 80% of the fruit was exported to the Muslim countries.

Pakistani mangoes have successfully been introduced in Japan and Australia.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 4th, 2013.
You may have some good verities of mangos but calling Chausa the best and better is too much!!
Chausa is one of the Mango which has it's own cultivation season and available Jul ~Oct when most of Indian verities not available :lol:

Every place has it's own specialty, but so called Chausa stands no ground in terms of taste/ quality/ texture/aroma against Alphonso, Langra, Dashehari, Kesar,Hapus, Gola, sfeda and other hundreds of varieties produced in India.

Also note that Pakistan is too small to be call a big mango producer .. China and Philippines are way ahead of them.


Have you ever had anwar watol variety of Mangoes?

And the talked about the 'quality' of mangoes, not quantity. Thai' mangoes suck balls...you probably never had them...

I have had indian mangoes, Mexican mangoes, thai mangoes and Pakistani mangoes. Pakistani mangoes beats all of them..hands down.

Stop with this d!ck measuring contest...

Btw, who called "Chaunsa" as best mango? Dumb bhartis....I just made a general statement...
the ranking is not only about mangoes

and yes indian basmati rice taste better than pakistan and is expensive by like 5 dirhams for a 3kg bad

Try aged aromatic basmati rice. It is little expensive but worth it.
the ranking is not only about mangoes

and yes indian basmati rice taste better than pakistan and is expensive by like 5 dirhams for a 3kg bad

i am neither mango or rice expert so dont know how one is better than other... people have different taste.. some like one vareity of mango to other ..for example I dont like alphonso ...
and i have never tasted same type of mango from both countries side by side to know which is better...

Compare that to my expertise in cola.. I can tell which is coke / pepsi / thums up ... i can tell you blindfolded which is which.... :cheesy:
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