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Pakistan lost Rs 8,264 billion in ‘war on terror’

It will be reality soon:devil:
In your F... Dreams troll.:mad:

May be the figures are a tad bit exaggerated but when you look into details it has severely hampered our economy and infrastructure. This does not include the psychological effects it had on the life of the people involved in the terror incidents; which cannot be computed.
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In your F... Dreams troll.:mad:

May be the figures are a tad bit exaggerated but when you look into details it has severely hampered our economy and infrastructure. This does not include the psychological effects it had on the life of the people involved in the terror incidents; which cannot be computed.
Ah yes.But your nation chose that path.Now suffer the side effects.
Ah yes.But your nation chose that path.Now suffer the side effects.
If you cannot post constructively then please do not reply, we don't need your worthless posts!!!!
What about politicians?

yes they are also responsible , but this war on terror was something Pakistan was not expecting before 9/11 .. we were trying to recover from the Sanctions they put on us after Nuclear test , and this WOT makes it worse ....
Woh kehte hai na " Girti hue Dewaar ko , Ek dhakka aur do "
I think these statistics are released so that pakistan can grab some more dollars from america, "Sir we got fckd up in your war on terror, you owe us some more billion of dollars."
America is leaving the region so its time to milk her for last time. To show off the performance for uncle sam, raheel shareef is bombing tribal areas like a crazy man, he is blinded from spark of dollars.
But why did you support the WOT? So why crib now at the loss? Wrong policies, wrong strategies. You guys have been used by the Americans for their own national interests.
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