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Pakistan looking towards Russia: Report

This thing is actually a mutual and this cooperation is not unilateral rather its bilateral.
After the imposition of sanctions on them, they are looking towards asiatic countries. You can see they are being getting closer to china as well as Pakistan and other countries too.

And also their intentions are not to declare war against shushu pawa India, so plz just chill and dont worry! they just mean business and thats why they are edging closer towards us.
And on other hand we are looking towards them for our own interest as well.

Look we pay for what we get, so mate you dont need to worry, Russians know what they are doing. If they had any fear regarding this then they wouldnt have put forth this offer at the first place.

China is not like india, who will whine when its friend is doing business with others. Infact this development is equally good for our chinese brothers as it is for us. As it will help in making a formidable nexus of Pakistan-China and Russia. And China knows that usa will going to use india against them and also they are quite aware of the sanctions being imposed on Russia so thats why they are also tilting towards russia as well.

Lol well this is actually the stance of most of the indians which i have came across. But guess what india is not the only country in the world, their is a big whole world out there, if india can do business with US without hurting its relations with russia then why not Russia, why cant Russia cant do business with Pakistan?

Look the world dont revolve around india, they came here for business and to expand their market thats all, no one gives a dam about india.

And by the way these deals are only restricted to papers (just like what we have seen of current US deals with your country)

We dont care what you do, its only the india which always pokes their noses in others affairs. And whether you are signing deal with Russia of 100 billion or trillion dollars, we dont care. What we care is just our countries interest. And thats what russians are also doing. They are just expanding their market and thats it.

now let us do our business with Russia.

As for the USSR we were not the only people who facilitated for breaking Soviets there were lots of others elements/countries out there who made that possible.
And by the way what do you say about US (an arc rival of Russia) and the one who was the biggest participant in breaking soviet, then why are you guys getting closer to their enemy?
And as for the Bosnia or Chechnya, its not our business.

All what happened in the past is forgotton and forgiven which can also be seen from the russian stance. And thats good for all.

Look we dont even care about india, we are just doing business with Russians.

Its our own business you dont need to worry about it.


But we can veto your relation with Russia if that hurts our national security.
About doing business with Russia.For doing business with Russia for weapons you should have good economy .What you have in your hands ?Now you can say we dont need to care.But truth hurts .West led by US sanctioned Russia for nothing and economy is in doldrums .And your nation is still heavily depend on US for aid and support in IMF and WB
See the Contradiction.
World just dont revolve around us.But Russia cant irritate us beyond a certain limits.Or you can buy weapons from Russia.But we will ensure that is just not a near issue for us.

100billion $ deal is indeed a deal.Plus Billions $ arms deal nuke subs and FGFA etc etc.
You can go for a relation with any nation .But we will also our superiority .No matter what.
Uga buga buga buga!!!!
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Bhai Majey lo tension nahin.

NO war not even a conflict going to happen between India,Pak or china apart from the daily nuclear holocaust even nuclear winter which take place on PDF.
yes i know that right!
There is nothing to worry about! just chill!:lol:
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