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Pakistan left out from China's EMDCD 2022 conference

Did you read the article I posted? It's like from a horror book or movie, crushing and insulting people's religious and political freedoms, yet China claims to be global development leader. Basically, China is trying to emulate the West without understanding what led to the global development. The only reason China talks about modern development is because the West brought the world to it through individual political, economic, and religious rights and liberty, over the oppressive system of monarchy, state and religious regimes that existed since ancient times. We can thank these philosophers for global development.
West lead the world in oppression and slaughter of other non-whites in the world such as genocides, slavery and wars, all the ills in modern world can be attributed to the West's evils. You Indians are known famous lackeys to the white-men, you people's kiss up to the West is no surprise to me. Speaking of religious and political freedom, why then the Chinese Confucius institutes that just teach Chinese language and cultures have been banned in many Western countries including US, why then the Chinese English TV CGTN have been banned in many Western countries, where is your freedom of press and media ? The West media is notorious for making false or bull**** reports of Chinese society in general, their reports are not to be trusted, period. Besides, why should Chinese worship the West's religion and system so much while Chinese thoughts are not allowed to be taught in the West ? The West just want to convert Chinese to Western oriented Christians so that they can become good lackeys like you Indians to the white-men, that's all. Don't be hypocrites.
Pakistan did not choose to participate because it was hosted by the BRICS.
China believes that joining the BRICS Group will help safeguard the interests of all developing countries. Reform the global economic architecture, including promoting the reform of the weighted voting system of the International Monetary Fund.
The news in Pakistan says Pakistan was not invited. Okay! Let's wait for the official statement. I was wrong. I'll apologize.

@The Accountant
I request that You please remove that negative rating from @chinasun comment I think it was uncalled for. He didn't have any malicious intent and even apologized.. there are so many other members on PDF that are more deserving for a negative rating, it certainly isn't him... *
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Choose whatever you want to but don't come here and start preaching against Islam. If you're unaware of the context read the messages I quote.
I think I have the context but just in case, I'll re-read. Don't be so touchy, why should preach anything - for ir against anything ?
Chinese might be thinking these guys would steal cutlery from the event for jati umrah or bilawal house and hence didn't invite them as a precaution
It was a virtual event AFAIK. I believe China wants to wait for an elected government to take power before doing further business with Pakistan.
That's because we are an American colony, at least that's how China and Russia (read Putin's tweet on this subject) perceive us to be. And no one wants a colony in their camp not even the colonizers who only see the colony as a target of their exploitation and derision. You can thank Bajwa's and establishment's actions in the last year or so to reaffirm this reality.
Wearing badges is no guarantee that you are patriotic. Uniformed traitors have sold country's political leadership to thugs, now on the global scale, they're selling their motherland. Ask them... if India Invades your borders today, will Israel and America come to guard your treacherous bodies?

ماں فروشوں پے الله کی لعنت
Lol. You are in denial. Look at so many true Pakistanis support my words. Only you think current pakistan has no problem.
The problem of Pakistan is always there, we should stay out of this. It’s very complicated, we can’t solve the problem from outside. It’s Pakistanis people responsibility to determine their country fate.

China and Pakistan relationship is based on the common rivalry with India, enemy’s enemy is my friend.

And dream of Pakistan completely give up USA for China is impossible cause the elites of Pakistan have too many vested interests with USA.

China has no ally, we are always on our own.

There isn’t no relationship called sweet than the honey and deep than the ocean, it’s all about interest and geopolitical reality.
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Pakistan will keep begging and licking the ground till we will not change our habits. We will keep asking for loans because our machinery (the politicians and bureaucracy) is here to loot, not work. Only 1% of Pakistan is progressing, and the rest are dying looking at the state of affairs.

We must act now, and after we started functioning, we might never need such summits. At these summits, only the powerful speak, and the weak only listen.

Certain group has to wake up
Why would the Chinese invite us when Pakistanis THEMSELVES are doing EVERYTHING to UNDEVELOP Pakistan?......... :lol:...........long live bajwa and the not-so-sharif clan...........:disagree:

PS You know things are bad when Ethiopia is now developing faster than Pakistan. That is a FACT...........:disagree:

Unfortunate reality of Pakistan. Such a huge mistake!
Sharif family we know they are corrupted to their roots, still they are able to come back to power. Means still lots of political forces support the sharif family, that’s unquestionable.
China can’t do shit about this, as long as our interests being respected and protected in Pakistan.

Current Pakistan government is trying everything possible to avoid infuriating Uncle Sam, it’s very obvious.
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Why China is supposed to obey us?
They are helping us with minimal return. There is something definitely wrong: The Pakistani Elite!

@waz Sir it will definitely result a religious conflict which is not allowed on this forum!

Actually you guys have this habit of creating more new gods like the current one from Gujarat and then worshipping the new gods blindly
Intentionally/unintentionally you are inviting them towards blasphemy. Muslims are not allowed to comment on Gods of any religion.
I am open for any correction!

Now I see the problem ,you guys have difficulty comprehend something, no wonder after 1400 years ,still we hear one group telling other your interpretation is wrong mine is correct or something like your interpretation of is wrong.

You arecway of the mark ,please understand the post and reply ,if you have difficulty you can ask me for help, I will break my post simple English.
There are 73 sects and every one is having their own version of beliefs. This classification started from the Era of Final Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
But one who is the biggest is the finest among all.

Your point is valid but irrelevant to Areesh! God can't be compared with community groups debating/conflicting on a point!
Every Muslim from all sects/groups says: Allah is one. Allah is great!
Imported govt headed by a puppet PM (Ashraf Ghani 2.0). What a shame. Bajwa may be compromised but what about rest of core commanders. I guess all of them are worried about losing their retirement.

But earlier we used to hear from current imported government that Imran Khan isolated the Pakistan and Pakistan relations with brotherly states has been deteriorated if that was the case then what is this???? Where is Billu Rani and the much famed Hina Rabbani Khar or she once again will say I was not in the room?
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