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Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates

NO DOUBT terrorism is a global phenomena with its epicenter in Pakistan. In this time of national crisis, the key political leaders look and sound befuddled over terrorism issue. They all acknowledge the loss of 50,000 civilians and 20,000 military and police personals but don't want to get blamed for the operation.
The political leadership is confused and lacks the ability to make a decision on a full operation. PLMN, PTI and PPP, the country's main political forces cannot politically afford the grievance of 40 million voters of "one particular faith" that has armed groups, private militias,unregulated religious schools and mosques teaching hate material, suicide bombers ready to go... all this with Saudi regime on their back which is Pakistan's major donor, stake hold and a "friend".
These politicians all agree on two prong policy. With bomb blast in every city and bloodshed everywhere in last 6 years, political forces in Pakistan want to take time with back door talks with Taliban allowing military to play tit for tat in tribal area freely. This way neither the talk will be successful nor the operation but politics will go on while worthless Pakistani keep dieing as "collateral damage".
Most of the dummies in the elected government don't have a vision and rest don't understand the depth. They want to tackle a international phenomena of "Terror" with Jarga and polite conversation without hurting the feelings of Taliban or their sponsors. This non sense approach is because Pakistani think everything is done by talking in a Muhalla, Jarga or Punchat( a group of peers). This is not your neighbor stealing your lamb or a dog where u can put your heads together to find the thief or make a neighborhood watch committee. It's international politics where everyone is out to get Pakistan and we elected politicians to protect us, bring peace and look for our own National interests.
Its time for the political leadership to set aside their political interest and elevate National interest above everything. The National Interest of Pakistan is SAFE and FREE Pakistan with " Zero Tolerance Policy" for Extremism and Terrorism.
How shameful, while the entire nation is bleeding and Pakistani security forces are picking u, their decapitated fallen comrades, the spineless elected political elite is enjoy " Mujara"(Cabaret Dancers) and foreign "Whiskey" in the parliament lodges in Islamic Republic of Pakistan with no rush to take any solid position on the issue. Just yesterday 5 Shia and Sunni scholars were shot dead in 3 different drive-by shooting in Karachi.
Do these political leaders want us to keep burying the dead and wait till their party is officially declared "over" with " My dear countrymen speech"? I hope Pakistan survives till the intoxication of the elected parliamentarians comes down and they agree that National interest of Pakistan is served with " Zero Tolerance Policy" on extremism and terrorism with zero leverage for enemy of the State of Pakistan.

Posted by Mohsin R Naqvi
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Although our PM is from Pahlwan family
but a man is needed to lead this crowd of naughty children
These politicians all agree on two prong policy. With bomb blast in every city and bloodshed everywhere in last 6 years, political forces in Pakistan want to take time with back door talks with Taliban. They want to tackle a international phenomena of "Terror" with Jarga and polite conversation.
Isn't it a tragedy that the Pakistan establishment is desperate to talk to the killers of 50,000 Pakistanis, whereas they give a cold shoulder where talking to India is concerned? Skewed priorities? Vote bank politics? Vested interests?
Isn't it a tragedy that the Pakistan establishment is desperate to talk to the killers of 50,000 Pakistanis, whereas they give a cold shoulder where talking to India is concerned? Skewed priorities? Vote bank politics? Vested interests?

No its not. The tragedy is that India has never excepted Pakistan as a reality, even after 67 years. Taliban however know that Pakistan is a reality. Its the Muslim link that saves Taliban. "Aman ki asha humay be hai" but from the heart. If Pakistan kills one and you kill 10 policy makes you go to sleep with pride to be Hindustani, you need to be ashamed to be one. However I think India should for her mutual interest provide support to Pakistan to stop terrorism near Northern region. Rest assure, If Pakistan looses this war, either you will get a letter to become Muslim or the will not hesitate to use Nukes to spread their faith.
No its not. The tragedy is that India has never excepted Pakistan as a reality, even after 67 years. Taliban however know that Pakistan is a reality. Its the Muslim link that saves Taliban. "Aman ki asha humay be hai" but from the heart. If Pakistan kills one and you kill 10 policy makes you go to sleep with pride to be Hindustani, you need to be ashamed to be one. However I think India should for her mutual interest provide support to Pakistan to stop terrorism near Northern region. Rest assure, If Pakistan looses this war, either you will get a letter to become Muslim or the will not hesitate to use Nukes to spread their faith.
Your troll post is so nonsensical, it's spectacular in its stupidity. You and some knuckleheads say India has never excepted Pakistan as a reality, even after 67 years???? Get out of your shoe-box and smell the reality.

Are you aware that then prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had paid homage at Lahore's 'Minar-E-Pakistan' following his historic bus journey in February 1999 and the Mausoleum of Allama Iqbal (February 20-21, 1999). By visiting the Minar-e-Pakistan, considered a symbol of Pakistani identity, Prime Minister Vajpayee implicitly assured Pakistanis that India considered Pakistan as a separate state. In June, 2005, the BJP President Lal Krishna Advani visited Jinnah’s Mausoleum in Karachi and declared Pakistan as an ‘unalterable reality of history’.

So don't talk crap like an illiterate who doesn't know WTF is going on in his own country.

And by the way, just look at the response of Islamic fundamentalist groups whom you guys are feeding. They had washed the monument after his visit to register their protest!! So it's damned if you do and damned if you don't!!
No its not. The tragedy is that India has never excepted Pakistan as a reality, even after 67 years. Taliban however know that Pakistan is a reality. Its the Muslim link that saves Taliban. "Aman ki asha humay be hai" but from the heart. If Pakistan kills one and you kill 10 policy makes you go to sleep with pride to be Hindustani, you need to be ashamed to be one. However I think India should for her mutual interest provide support to Pakistan to stop terrorism near Northern region. Rest assure, If Pakistan looses this war, either you will get a letter to become Muslim or the will not hesitate to use Nukes to spread their faith.

IMO The month long truce declared is like Vladimir Putin and the Chechen rebels declaring a mutual ceasefire, or India in Indian Kashmir declaring a ceasefire with the Lashkar-e-Taiba. But then of course Pakistan wafted by the winds of jihad is in a class by itself.
Do these wizards really think there is common ground, any meeting point between the Pakistani state and the messianic Islamist warriors of the TTP dedicated to the overthrow of the Pakistani state?
From the TTP’s standpoint it makes perfect sense. The aerial strikes via PAF and helicopter gunships've been called off. The TTP will have a chance to regroup...relocate...make up for any losses suffered and prepare for the next round. In return it has ceded nothing, not an inch of ground not even any theoretical concession.
Government and army of course are crowing about a fictitious victory...that sense was knocked into the TTP which is why taking a small U-turn, it has agreed to a ceasefire. But the ceasefire at this stage with the TTP under pressure from the patchy aerial offensive means relief for the TTP none for government and army. The 23 soldiers whose throats were slit this particular horror forcing the military to act are not about to be brought back to life. The TTP is not about to renounce violence or lay down its arms. Or is it so hard for the wizards to understand this?
Frlm what I know Pakistan was the only Muslim country where hundreds of demonstrators had gathered to show solidarity with the dead terrorist figurehead OBL.So i can imagine the sympathy these terrorists get in the country.
The national mind set that condones this sort of extremism was cultivated and encouraged by none other than the dictator Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq in 80s and later by Gen. Pervez Musharraf from 1999 to 2008. A whole generation of Pakistanis has grown up with textbooks that conflate Pakistani nationalism with Islamist exclusivism.I dont really blame you for your hatred towards India.

Isn't it a tragedy that the Pakistan establishment is desperate to talk to the killers of 50,000 Pakistanis, whereas they give a cold shoulder where talking to India is concerned? Skewed priorities? Vote bank politics? Vested interests?
If you ask me I was sympathetic towards LTTE in SriLanka. The Tamils at least had genuine grievances against the Sinhalese dominated state. The Taliban insurgency is being fuelled not by a sense of genuine grievance but by the messianic desire to impose their will on the Pakistani state.
What worries me is that if TTP is successful in its attempt to make Paksitan its stronghold then India would also suffer its consequences
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No its not. The tragedy is that India has never excepted Pakistan as a reality, even after 67 years. Taliban however know that Pakistan is a reality. Its the Muslim link that saves Taliban. "Aman ki asha humay be hai" but from the heart. If Pakistan kills one and you kill 10 policy makes you go to sleep with pride to be Hindustani, you need to be ashamed to be one. However I think India should for her mutual interest provide support to Pakistan to stop terrorism near Northern region. Rest assure, If Pakistan looses this war, either you will get a letter to become Muslim or the will not hesitate to use Nukes to spread their faith.
Million reasons to justify,but the truth there is no good terrorist.the world dsnt have to know why or what Pakistan is doing,every one is worried about terror comming out of pakistan,
Trust me we Indians want to see Pakistan prosper the most ,when your country stops cross borded terrorism.
Your troll post is so nonsensical, it's spectacular in its stupidity. You and some knuckleheads say India has never excepted Pakistan as a reality, even after 67 years???? Get out of your shoe-box and smell the reality.

Are you aware that then prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had paid homage at Lahore's 'Minar-E-Pakistan' following his historic bus journey in February 1999 and the Mausoleum of Allama Iqbal (February 20-21, 1999). By visiting the Minar-e-Pakistan, considered a symbol of Pakistani identity, Prime Minister Vajpayee implicitly assured Pakistanis that India considered Pakistan as a separate state. In June, 2005, the BJP President Lal Krishna Advani visited Jinnah’s Mausoleum in Karachi and declared Pakistan as an ‘unalterable reality of history’.

So don't talk crap like an illiterate who doesn't know WTF is going on in his own country.

And by the way, just look at the response of Islamic fundamentalist groups whom you guys are feeding. They had washed the monument after his visit to register their protest!! So it's damned if you do and damned if you don't!!

I am sorry that the truth hurt your feelings. How ignorant you are that you consider Vajpayee's visit to Pakistan as acceptance of Pakistan. Did Vajpayee went to UN and accepted Pakistan as a sovereign Nation? or is it still your "Atto Ang" ( broken part). Assumption is the mother of **** ups and
"implication assured"
is an assumption where you are making *** of you and me. If you keep spreading hate by destroying Babri Masjid, you think people of Pakistan will wash the monument with milk?

Remember we have fundamentalist on both side. You are about to ban beef for Muslim, if Modi is elected. We can be good neighbors and sit dawn to solve our differences but never friends. Boot shikan and boot prast can't be friends(Idol worshiper and Idol breakers can never be friends) maybe it will take India one century to except that 1000 years of hindu slavery under Muslims Raj is a past and closed transaction and you dream to get Pakistan back for vengeance will never be materialized.
Million reasons to justify,but the truth there is no good terrorist.the world dsnt have to know why or what Pakistan is doing,every one is worried about terror comming out of pakistan,
Trust me we Indians want to see Pakistan prosper the most ,when your country stops cross borded terrorism.

Like President Musharraf said in his days, you have to define terrorism. What you call a terrorist, I call a freedom fighter. Gandhi and Nahuro were terrorist for British, so were Muhammad Ali Johar and Baghat Singh and today you call those terrorist hero's because you have achieve freedom.The world said Nelson Mandala was a terrorist, after freedom was awarded Nobel prize, Yasir Arafat was a terrorist later he was awarded with noble peace prize. I am wondering what is delays Osama from Nobel peace prize. Who decided who is terrorist?

Cross border terrorism can finish in a month only if India follows the UN resolution and stop terrorizing Kashmiri's and comply with UN resolutions:
resolution 39 (1948)

resolution 47 (1948)

resolution 91 (1951)

resolution 307 (1971)

Mo May Ram Ram and Bhagal main churi will not work and have not worked in last 67 years. I wish to see India and Pakistan like Canada and United States. Free independent countries with unbreakable strategic and economical ties for mutual prosperity.
molson4u said:
Remember we have fundamentalist on both side. You are about to ban beef for Muslim, if Modi is elected.
That sounds ridiculous!
@arp2041, modi supporter is this even true???

molson4u said:
We can be good neighbors and sit dawn to solve our differences but never friends. Boot shikan and boot prast can't be friends(Idol worshiper and Idol breakers can never be friends) maybe it will take India one century to except that 1000 years of hindu slavery under Muslims Raj is a past and closed transaction and you dream to get Pakistan back for vengeance will never be materialized.
You were definitely sleeping dueing your history classes.
One,India was never ruled by muslims for 1000years.
Two, muslims ruled only parts of India.And that too southern and eastern India was well out of reach.
That sounds ridiculous!
@arp2041, modi supporter is this even true???

You were definitely sleeping dueing your history classes.
One,India was never ruled by muslims for 1000years.
Two, muslims ruled only parts of India.And that too southern and eastern India was well out of reach.

Really but I did read Wikipedia...

Hajjaj sent Muhammad Bin Qasim for this great Indian expedition in 711 A.D. It was during this time when Spain and many parts of Africa and Central Asia were brought under the Muslim rule; and war was continue so Muslims were not in a position to start a new expedition. The only reason of this conquest was to rescue pilgrims that were taken captive by Hindu governor TO The last Mughal emperor was deposed by the British and exiled to Burma following the Indian Rebellion of 1857. End of Mughal dynasty.(711- 1857 = 1164 years)
That sounds ridiculous!
@arp2041, modi supporter is this even true???

Since the UPA has come to power, India has become the largest exporter of beef (pink revolution), Modi wants to ban this & ban will be for all communities not just muslims.

Oh so you mean the beef exports will be stopped?? Or beef consumption in India will be banned?
Really but I did read Wikipedia...

Hajjaj sent Muhammad Bin Qasim for this great Indian expedition in 711 A.D. It was during this time when Spain and many parts of Africa and Central Asia were brought under the Muslim rule; and war was continue so Muslims were not in a position to start a new expedition. The only reason of this conquest was to rescue pilgrims that were taken captive by Hindu governor TO The last Mughal emperor was deposed by the British and exiled to Burma following the Indian Rebellion of 1857. End of Mughal dynasty.(711- 1857 = 1164 years)
Mughal empire....
And it was never 1000years...
Also not all of India came under Mughal border.


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