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Pakistan kay Mutabiq (Pakistan's Voice: Dr. Shahid Masood)


I would like to disagree---pak media has more freedom but it is totally out of control---the american media has self imposed control---even though they talk about freedom of speech, still they will curb down news.

I lived in the city of redondo beach ca in early 90's and worked in torrance---a white neighbourhood at that time---the local papers would not publish any news of robberies in the city---any violent news in the city would be curbed down---why---to keep the clean image of the city and keep the property values up ( not a real comparison but something ).

Why don't you see the dead soldiers coming back to the u s---media has put a curb on it---there are so many things that they do to keep the integrity of the system intact----but one thing that they would do---they would never hold back any information about any politician like Dr Shahid is doing for Zardari---in his interview he stated the proofs of corruption he has and doesn't want to make public---what is this---a selective journalism against one totally corrupt.

As for someone elected or not legally elected---a nation does not care and neither does the society---the society needs to be run in a civilized manner and it is the job of the media to help it as such---it elects public service officials, because it believes that they would serve the nation in a sort of an honest manner---but if they don't, what then .

There is an old adage---'when rape is inevitable---take it is easy and enjoy'---neither the pak media had any clue, neither did the pak public and none told them so---and in the end, they got beat up, pummelled, destruction of property, massive cancellation of export contracts, pakistan back in a deeper sink hole than before.
Activist of NSF who had fishy role and allegedly hidden friendly contacts with its rivals in student’s movements. With rise of APMSO unsuccessfully tried to align himself. Went /escaped to UK seeked political asylum and when ethnic leadership reached London, started “hanging around” around them. ……. Got into “showbiz” made a think tank cum NGO which hold its meetings usually in Dubai, guests are invited from all over world who bears their expenditure God knows. He had very suspicious role in “exporting”Dr Shazia Khalid abroad. When PPP govt formed, used his connections (Dr Asim’s friendship worked) to get very lucrative job. More than 2 millions Rs plus other benefits per month but came in direct “head on” with information minister Sherry Rehman which proved an iron lady for him so he has to resign from that job. After that he was adjusted almost equal to federal minister position but again iron lady worked “successfully”. He tried to work on “iron lady” through some common friends but in vain though iron lady has to quit for “some” reasons.
When someone lies more than once his credibility should come under question. People who him from his student’s life always question his credibility but he has god gifted ability to survive in “hard weather”, our ambassador in USA in another classic example of such class.
Now if we consider an old adage “birds of same flock fly together”, his campaign again PPP/Zardari is fight between two corrupts.
Unfortunately we have become so polarized that if he campaigns against Mushraff he becomes hero of his opponents or vice versa.

Dr Shaid was confronted on this program by Iftikhar---regarding Dr Shazia---Dr Shahid blamed it on his friend---I forgot the name---the the interviewr pegged him back by saying the he had talked to the other person who reitterated that it was Dr Shahid who was responsible of making the Dr Shaiza issue and making arrangements for her asylum to canada.

It is on you tube and someone pasted that video on our site as well.
I am quoting a post which I made about Geo News and how it is shaping negatively the minds of young generations of Pakistan. Give it a go, it will give you a concise idea of how much damage this channel is doing psychologically and Dr. Shahid is no exception in achieving that objective very smartly.

Here are some facts about Geo and some example of how Geo demorolizes the population and the general body of the Pakistani diaspora.

. Geo last year repeatedly telecasted false news about the Pakistani economy, the political situation and hence the stock market crashed in Pakistan In a pre-orchestrated campaign.

. Geo focuses on the negative news and instead of focusing on solutions it shows bodies of dead people in contradiction of PEMRA and all decency requirements.

. In a planned manner Geo supresses and ignores good news like 5.1 billion dollar of oil refinery in Pakistan and a $28 Billion Emar international island development, and–there is no discussion of the Bullet Trains in Pakistan.

. Geo does not focus foreign interference in Pakistani affairs.

. Geo did not discuss the 89 separatist movements in India in 2007 …from Seven Northeastern sister states, to the Naxalite insurrection, to Bihar to Kashmir, to Assam etc…

. Geo Dramas: 50 percent of the dramas are Indian dramas on Geo and 25 percent are with mix cast (Indian and Pakistani) and Indian film.

. Geo focuses on showing beheading of people and other depressing news.

. Geo did not cover for 36 hours the killing of 3000 Muslims in Gujrat?

. Urdu is not used by many hosts. Morning host shows are in English and “Urdlish” ( a horrible combination). The Younger generation is being spoiled by using them as instruments of hedonism.

. Some of the shows are way beyond the pale on being modern. Nudity is not modernity. Science and Technology is modernity.

. Geo plays into the hands of the opposition parties. It does not discuss opportunities for development.

When Mr. Shaharayar interviewed the President of Azad Kashmir he interrupted him and did not allow him to speak about the problems with the article of accession of Kashmir to India (which is now lost) if it ever existed.

. Geo continues to use Indian jargon like “partition”. Partition signifies a temporary dissection of the whole. India was never whole. Even during British times there were more than 500 states in the Subcontinent. Some of them banded together to make Pakistan and others banded together to make India.

. Discussion of Kashmir, Manvanagar, Junagarh are non-existent on Geo. Most Geo maps show Kashmir as part of Pakistan. Azad Kashmir is never shown. Some Geo maps sill show the Nothern Areas as part of India or part of Kashmir.

. Kamran Khan was getting RS 25 lakh per month. Income vs. salary? Dr. Shahid Mahmud used to get Rs 22 laks per month. He was a member of NSF student Hamid Mir the Editor of “Ausaf” get Rs. 22 Lakh per month.

. Nadia Khan gets Rs 6 lacs per month. Income vs. salary?When Geo was not able to broadcast the 8-hour cricket match, Geo said they lost 1 billion Rupees, After the ban Goo kept on broadcasting for 36 hours without any income?Let us investigate the players involved with Geo from information that is publicly available. We see these links which will be analyzed.

1) The controversial David Hazinski an ex US Navy Petty Officer with contacts with the State Department and the American Jewish Committee (AJC)
2) Who is Todd Fratz and why does Geo associate with such characters?
3) Casper Weinberger, Ronald Reagan’s indicted and pardoned Secretary of Defense who predicted the “Next War” with a rogue state like Iran. Why does Geo align itself with known war mongeres.
4) Geo has strategic links with SkyTV of the UK, CNN, IBN-CNN in India and the Voice of America (VOA). See article on VOA Geo alliance in Pakistan. http://www.usembassy.gov/pakistan/h05111301.html


Geo was started with the help of an ex US Naval Petty Officer by the name of Hazinski who has links with Mr. Casper Weinberger and many Indian channels.
According to (http://www.intelligentmc.com/people.html) “Most recently, he re-designed the central International Broadcast Center for the Voice of America in Washington and is consulting on new network launches for the VOA”. Mr. Hazinski is the principal of the company called IntelligentMC (http://www.intelligentmc.com/Welcome.html,2870 Peachtree Road #713, Atlanta, GA 30305-2918, USA, email: info@intelligentmc.com, url: http://www.intelligentmc.com).the other principal of Intelligent MC is Mr. Todd Frantz. “Todd comes to IMC from 10 years at CNN in Atlanta”. He has links to “Cox Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research at The University of Georgia”.

David Hazinski, associate professor at the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, is the principle architect of GEO-TV and managed the station’s launch. Hazinski was contacted by the Jang Group, Pakistan’s largest newspaper publisher and GEO-TV’s owner, after he shepherded the successful launch of a similar station in India in January 2001. Aaj Tak, the first all-news, Hindi-language channel in India, now has a 60% share of the news audience in India.

As one of the owners of Intelligent Media Consultants, an Atlanta-based company that helps its clients design efficient and profitable network operations through the creative application of broadcast technology, Hazinski has worked all over the world launching news operations in markets starved for unbiased reporting. “This is really the cutting edge of technology and journalism,” says Hazinski, a former NBC news correspondent who says he and his partners have helped launch at least a dozen news operations in the last 10 years. “These are new markets. They haven’t been exposed to lots of TV.”

Because most of Intelligent Media’s clients are unfamiliar with broadcast news techniques, Hazinski says he is able to tailor unique approaches that maximize their limited budgets. “These people are willing to try new things because they don’t want to pay the outrageous costs associated with news production in the United States,” he says. “Right now, based on what we learned in Pakistan, we’re convinced we can launch a network today for half of what it would have cost three years ago. And no one would see any quality difference on the air - even if we aired it in the U.S.”

At GEO-TV’s main broadcast center in Karachi, Hazinski built a newsroom around 24 Mac G4s running Final Cut Pro. News footage is captured with 40 Sony PD150s and 15 PD100s. NewTek Video Toaster 2 systems are used at bureaus in Islamabad and Lahore to switch between the main broadcast center.
In addition to designing a systems approach for GEO-TV, Hazinski helped teach the station’s staff how to use the equipment and how to produce television news. Greg Pope, a freelance editor and producer formerly with CNN, spent one month in Karachi this summer training GEO-TV’s news staff, which primarily consists of newspaper journalists. “We basically had to convert people from print journalists to TV journalists,” says Pope, adding that he had never taught production techniques in a classroom setting to non-English speaking students. “These print people were basically issued cameras and editing equipment and within months were transformed from pen and paper to this new electronic media. Some of them didn’t even know how to use a keyboard when we started.”

Considering the steep learning curve for the Pakistani journalists, Pope says he was amazed at their perseverance and enthusiasm. “These people are tired of having Western news and government news shoved down their throats,” says Pope, who estimates that he taught 100 people to shoot and edit video. “They want their own voice. They want to represent themselves in their own way.”
But there is still a chance that the government will shut down GEO-TV. Pope says that while he was training the news staff, it was widely believed that there were spies for PTV within their ranks. However, in recent years the Jang Group has won many battles for freedom of the press, so there is hope that GEO-TV will succeed.

“If they have minimal government interference, [GEO-TV] will change the face of Pakistan,” says Pope.

http://digitalcontentproducer.com/broad ... ce_people/

Dr Shaid was confronted on this program by Iftikhar---regarding Dr Shazia---Dr Shahid blamed it on his friend---I forgot the name---the the interviewr pegged him back by saying the he had talked to the other person who reitterated that it was Dr Shahid who was responsible of making the Dr Shaiza issue and making arrangements for her asylum to canada.

It is on you tube and someone pasted that video on our site as well.

This program of Dr Shahid with Iftikhar has another story. People narrate that it was Shahid who indirectly influenced Iftikhar for this interview but after interview he felt that Iftikhar has “pegged” him successfully. So Dr Shahid used his influence not to air this programe. On this issue some also tell stories how furious Iftikhar was and he resigned from geo but Mir Jamil ur Rahman personally went to his home to “calm” him down
Geo kept quiet after Shahid Masood; now praising the government

Dr Shahid Masood left Geo and rejoined ARY group. I think he did well. But I am unable to understand what’s wrong with few people. Why they are worried on this? It was ARY which gave Dr Masood an identification and then both of them became vital for each other. Now they’ve reunited after a gap.

But what’s a pity with Geo. What has gone wrong with the channel, which keeps portraying it the biggest among all, after Dr Shahid Masood left it? It shows that he was the only person in that channel who was fighting for the truth against the government.

Why so-called anti-govt anchors Kamran Khan, Hamid Mir, Saleem Safi and Iftikhar Ahmed are silent now and why they are praising this government? Why they abruptly changed their track? I am sure that the government and the Geo have settled down their affairs and a deal has been signed between the two. It is the reason they have stopped criticizing the government and started chanting “all is well”!

And everyone knows Aftab Iqbal that he is Zardari’s longtime praiser and Geo has hired him to keep praising the government from its platform.

They were the people who were kept repeating “jab taaj uchalay jaen gay” and other such stuff. And now?? Alas, it’s the real face of the Geo that the nation has come to know after all.

Geo is falling in peoples’ eyes. I knew that the Geo has settled its affairs with the government against millions of rupees. The column of Ahmed Riaz, the ex-director of FIA, was published in the Jang on the same day Dr Masood resigned from Geo. This column is telling all the inside story that the Geo is against taking a U-turn from its past position. Now their aim is to praise and support this government.
The fact that Dr. Shahid Masoud has been re-hired by ARY is a mystery action. It is one of the most surprising things in current Pakistani media.

Dr. Shahid was kicked out of ARY very un-ceremoniously! And he had complained about it in an interview given on GEO.

Since Dr. Shahid would soon re-start his News on Views, on ARY, it would be fun to watch what topics are chosen for discussion there.

It is expected, that, it would be a low key affair for sometime.

As for Pakistani Judiciary, it is reeling back against the open onslaught by the current Pakistani government: کرلو جو کرنا ہے

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