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Featured Pakistan, Israel, Turkey flags marched together in Azerbaijan victory parade


Azerbaijan is a secular country that has good relations with both Jewish State of Israel, Secular Turkey and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Let them have their own foreign policy as a sovereign state. Nobody is forcing you to recognize Israel if both Turkey and Azerbaijan have very good relations with the Zionist State View attachment 792190

I have not claimed that I am being forced either, nor am I in the position to make that decision.
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Those who like israel as a Pakistani, I am not even sorry for what awaits you when you go six feet under. Ignorance is NOT the same as Innocence. And it is clear that those who call themselves Muslims and recognize israel .... you have no idea what you're messing with .... so don't be surprised when Malhamah breaks out and you find yourself staring down your own destruction. At that time you'd have no one else to blame but yourself. For when Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah punishment rains down, there shall be NO ESCAPE, NO EXCUSE, NO ONE TO PROTECT YOU .... you will feel the truth about fearing the punishment of Allah that day, but it will be too late for you then.

When you choose to live in ignorance, so shall you die in ignorance and what a terrifying death that shall be indeed
ignore these so called Pakistanis. most of them r followers of mirza ghulam qadiyani who claimed to be final prophet and died in latrine. here is the picture of their false prophet :D
no issue with Azerbaijan but some in Pakistan would have strong reactions...
View attachment 792175
like this...
add in Israel, India connection that'll turn off even the non-religious crowd who in the past may have asked for normalization
mein ne bola thaa naa k teri hamesha jalti hi rahay gi InshaALLAH


  • Mirza_Ghulam_Ahmad_(c._1897).jpg
    245.2 KB · Views: 54
That's nice I guess
how is it nice?
we Pakistanis will go ape and start stoning civilian cars and burning public private property .
I myself am going to start stabbing my eyes because i lack comprehension about coexistence and tolerating all creations of God despite the difference

many heads will explode in Pakistan and many women will give premature births after seeing a Pakistan army personnel acting like a normal human being and respecting the hosts by marching together with all those who enabled the victory.
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No plej dont cuz secular pakistan gan4 will be hurt.
Pakiatanis are idiots. Most arabs have no issue with existance of isreal and pakistan who cant mind their own business have a problem because they think israel is not arab fri3nd..
Who is that Pharoah looking woman in your DP? Is it Maryamhub? 🤣
ignore these so called Pakistanis. most of them r followers of mirza ghulam qadiyani who claimed to be final prophet and died in latrine. here is the picture of their false prophet :D

mein ne bola thaa naa k teri hamesha jalti hi rahay gi InshaALLAH
But people like you like to blow themselves up here and there like street dogs
Tog meri kyun jale theoretically?
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Sure..... I don't get your point...

BANI Israel is the children of Israel... Ie. Modern day Israel.
The term used for Jews in Quran is vague. They are sometimes called Yehud, other times Bani Israel and Israelites. Do they have connection with modern day Israelis? Yes, and no. Sovereign nation state of Israel is made up of various ethnic groups such as Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouin and Circassians. Being citizens of Israel they are all considered Israelis but they are not all Israelites or Jews

The new PM of pakistan that most useless stupidest dumbest bunch of people of pakistan will elect.
The term used for Jews in Quran is vague. They are sometimes called Yehud, other times Bani Israel and Israelites. Do they have connection with modern day Israelis? Yes, and no. Sovereign nation state of Israel is made up of various ethnic groups such as Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouin and Circassians. Being citizens of Israel they are all considered Israelis but they are not all Israelites or Jews View attachment 792199

I'm pretty sure all races have diluted bloodlines including for the Jews over 3000 year history.

I'm sure the blood purity isn't a test for being Bani Israel of today... I'm sure god isn't a racist.

Same could be said of today's Arabs.... Mixed blood versus the Qurash... Doesn't diminish the authenticity of the Muslim creed.
I'm pretty sure all races have diluted bloodlines including for the Jews over 3000 year history.

I'm sure the blood purity isn't a test for being Bani Israel of today... I'm sure god isn't a racist.

Same could be said of today's Arabs.... Mixed blood versus the Qurash... Doesn't diminish the authenticity of the Muslim creed.
That's true. Majority of Israeli Jews today are not even White / European that founded the Jewish State of Israel. They are in fact Jews from Muslim countries
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